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Ok thanks Stao.

When you say cut under battery tray it's just the 1 standard hole saw cut through the chassis across as you would in an r33 (that has the battery in boot).

How much was the PWR intercooler. Was trying to find that page when you started reviewing them etc.

Can't wait to get the new high flow

if you are using JJR's piping kit, their pipe diameter is 2.5 inches, so size of the hole is usually cut in 2.75 inches.

The PWR cooler is around $1150, size is in 600x300x81mm, you will need to order that through PWR.

FYP brah! Nice meeting you mate :)

new Mick_O 4" stainless intake, tigged up back purged porn dose pipe lol

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Geez. Yeah.

Ok re. PWR intercooler that's pricey.

Looking at other options as I would like to make close to the 300rwkw and would be annoyed if the return flow was a bit of a limit. I would hate to have to fit twice

I can get a HDi GT2 non return kit for about $600 that is 600x300x80 or a blitz (non return) standard edition for about $450 that Core Size - 620 x 266 x 76mm or the trusty old cooling pro.

I'm assuming that the above are all preferred compared to return flow?? But anyone got a view on the best kit for $350-$650 range?

Keen for easy fit, minimal restriction and hopefully ok cooling capability.


Don't buy a kit? Buy a intercooler new or 2nd hand, measure out with cheap pvc piping what you need, buy stainless bends/pieces to suit, mark it all up and get a shop to weld it? Or get a mobile welder to come and do it at your place, should be max 2 hrs work

Where do you live? If close to Gold Coast I'll weld it for you

Edited by Gcjosh

Hybrid, HDi cores aren't that good, IATs gwt pretty high on a 13s squirt on the dyno. I would invest in something a little better, I'm replacing my China Racing FMIC soon.


You tried this bar and plates style Tao, this is the 600x300x100 china cooler you usually see on big power cars....the internal passage fins are all straight aswell,like your pwr not all bent up like the ones

you posted pics off which are absolutely shithouse. Be good to see if they are any better. Used on so many 10, 9, 8 sec rb30s.



Edited by jet_r31

I'm making 289 on a Blitz return too but it wouldn't make more than 18psi at best - Tao reckons its the return flow but I'm yet to test. Will eventually get a Plazmaman kit or PWR

i was making 510rwhp fine with a 7yr old china cooler from ebay , still have it on car actually.

and what were your intake temps?

a core may allow you to make the power you make on a dyno because it's placed right in front of a massive blower but on the track or real world it's a different story.

havent used an intake temp sensor since day one haha.

car goes to powerplay twice a year, plus test n tunes , has been like this for over 5yrs so the intake temps must not be 2 bad :)

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