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they are two completely different situations :down:

some people would argue that the gts actually gives a better driving experience because it's rwd :P

from this thread i've come to the conclusion that eeiko321 is a total knob jockey

i agree with the comment for sports cars and auto's - sometimes doesn't make sense because if it did then you would see Auto GTR's, S2000's, STi and EVO's etc.

and as to why people don't buy GTR's instead of the cheaper versions of the Skyline


what do you mean DOESNT MAKE SENSE?!

of course automatic is boring to drive for some people..

but with alot of the new technology.....some of the autos are MUCH More efficient than manual............

you think about it......read into it dude.....the whole worlds car manufactuers are turning towards sports shift auto.......

every manufactuer has their own technology...

And tell me why did NISSAN make the R34 GT-R Sports Shift AUTO ONLY?! cause it doesnt make SENSE?! (why dont you write a letter to NISSAN japan and give them your 2 cents)

why are Mitsubishi bringing out EVOX with sports shift auto?! Cause it doesnt make sense as well?!

and In Porsche 911 (997) Turbo.....the Tiptronic S model has faster acceleration over manual counterpart.

and this doesnt make sense does it?!

before you call other people a knob jockey, you should look record yourself on the micophone and listen to yourself before hand..

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i stand by my comment that you're a knob jockey

i'm not going to turn this into an argument so i'll just make one more comment and let you be

imagine all the cars i mentioned in auto - would you still consider them TRUE sports cars?

i would answer no, and i'm sure the majority of SAU and even the general public would agree, it's the minority of people that you belong to that would disagree


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i stand by my comment that you're a knob jockey

i'm not going to turn this into an argument so i'll just make one more comment and let you be

imagine all the cars i mentioned in auto - would you still consider them TRUE sports cars?

i would answer no, and i'm sure the majority of SAU and even the general public would agree, it's the minority of people that you belong to that would disagree


if im a knob jockey ...

then you should tell Nissan Japan that you are one of the hillbilly Bogans in australia that dislike auto sports cars and dont accept their new technology....

"true sports car"............

well .......like i said, the R35 GT-R is one of the best sports cars ever to be invented by MAN........and they have only made it a sports shift. 11.3 sec quater mile and an absoloute TIME son of rajab on the track......

and your saying its not a "true........sports..........car........... " ?

how old are you dude?! :blink:

many european cars have 7 speed or 8 speed automatics....to aid efficiency to the sports shift.

yes i personally wouldnt really want to own a Tiptronic version of anything.....

but my point is......you shouldnt knock a car off just because its auto..... alot of the full drag cars are sequential auto to improve efficiency & minimise time loss with swapping cogs......

Edited by eeiko321
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Theres nothing wrong with a AT GTT.

If you plan to track the car alot and spend tens of thousands getting maximum power from the car then manual would make more sense.

But for a daily driver/cruiser, why not? If you live in Sydney, it actually makes more sense with the stupid amount of traffic on the roads now.

Its really up to you, there's nothing wrong with MT either if you do prefer manual, its your car so buy something you're comfortable driving with and enjoy.

People who instantly condemn a car based on its transmission are just acting like 12 year olds. Seriously who the f**k cares? Congratulations you have a manual car, but it doesn't mean you're instantly better than everyone else. Grow up, a transmission doesn't make a car what it is, both transmissions have their pros/cons so just leave it at that.

Edited by JI34GT
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lol eeiko321:

i never said i disliked auto cars

i never said i don't accept Nissan's new technology

i sure as hell never said that the R35 GTR is 'not a true sports car'

and i never knock off cars just because they're auto

i'm twenty mate and i know what i'm talking about

all i said was; - (and you actually quoted this in the first post on this page)

'i agree with the comment for sports cars and auto's - sometimes doesn't make sense because if it did then you would see Auto GTR's, S2000's, STi and EVO's etc.'

and i know that yeah drag cars sometimes have auto boxes for this reason and that reason and yeah Nissan made the R35 GTR auto for a reason okay

but do you think drag cars are 'true sports cars'? i don't think so (because my definition of a true sports car would be one that you could actually drive on the street, but hey, that's my own personal definition)

as for the new GTR, of course it's a true sports car, improving with technology, and yeah everyone is starting to manufacture more and more auto cars for this and that reason

but there's one problem, you still haven't made an answer to my question, asking you - 'imagine all the cars i mentioned in auto - would you still consider them TRUE sports cars?' - i'm talking about the S2000, STi, EVO and the older GTR's?

it's funny, you blabber on about all this sh*t that i never even said, i think you should go back to school and learn how to read and analyze because your english skills suck, you talk too much sh*t and i never said anything 'bad' about auto cars, i just expressed my opinions on them in regards to being used in conjunction with 'sports cars' - all of those i mentioned were japanese as well

anyway, i never disproved Vincent in regards to his suggestion to buy an auto R34, i even said in the last post on the last page;

'as for Vincent, i strongly suggest you just go and test drive an auto GTT, manual GTT and a GTR R33'

so you sir, are not only a knob jockey, you're a tool and a complete idiot

i know i said i wouldn't respond but what you said kind of infuriated me, i'm assuming that you're much older yet you seem to be a narrow minded idiot


Edited by hoony
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lol eeiko321:

i never said i disliked auto cars

i never said i don't accept Nissan's new technology

i sure as hell never said that the R35 GTR is 'not a true sports car'

and i never knock off cars just because they're auto

i'm twenty mate and i know what i'm talking about

all i said was; - (and you actually quoted this in the first post on this page)

'i agree with the comment for sports cars and auto's - sometimes doesn't make sense because if it did then you would see Auto GTR's, S2000's, STi and EVO's etc.'

and i know that yeah drag cars sometimes have auto boxes for this reason and that reason and yeah Nissan made the R35 GTR auto for a reason okay

but do you think drag cars are 'true sports cars'? i don't think so (because my definition of a true sports car would be one that you could actually drive on the street, but hey, that's my own personal definition)

as for the new GTR, of course it's a true sports car, improving with technology, and yeah everyone is starting to manufacture more and more auto cars for this and that reason

but there's one problem, you still haven't made an answer to my question, asking you - 'imagine all the cars i mentioned in auto - would you still consider them TRUE sports cars?' - i'm talking about the S2000, STi, EVO and the older GTR's?

it's funny, you blabber on about all this sh*t that i never even said, i think you should go back to school and learn how to read and analyze because your english skills suck, you talk too much sh*t and i never said anything 'bad' about auto cars, i just expressed my opinions on them in regards to being used in conjunction with 'sports cars' - all of those i mentioned were japanese as well

anyway, i never disproved Vincent in regards to his suggestion to buy an auto R34, i even said in the last post on the last page;

'as for Vincent, i strongly suggest you just go and test drive an auto GTT, manual GTT and a GTR R33'

so you sir, are not only a knob jockey, you're a tool and a complete idiot

i know i said i wouldn't respond but what you said kind of infuriated me, i'm assuming that you're much older yet you seem to be a narrow minded idiot


if im talking shit.......what do you think your doing? Mr, Inbred, redneck bogan?

just cause "bro, i swear i dun laik auto cuz i cant do dowies bro........i cant pull secondzzzzz couz..."

doesnt mean they arent "true sports cars"

if im narrow minded.....then who was the one calling auto sport cars "not true sports cars"?!

read what you wrote you blind incest bogan......before you accuse other people.

once again retard.... theres f**kING NOTHING wRONG WITH f**kING AUTOMATIC sports cars.... are you thick?!

The latest exotic sports cars are paddle shift........ as well as the PREMIUM R35 GT-R......

calling people knob jockeys just shows how many generations of inbreeding you have been put through Mr. REdneck


end of story

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just read what you've just said, you've already lost the argument, everyone that has read this can stand by myself in what i've said and obviously you're a bit too upset to back up what you've said and have turned this into a personal attack

don't worry, you haven't hurt my feelings... you've just proved to SAU that you are truly an idiot, that still hasn't answered my questions

and in nearly every sentence you've written, you're trying to insult me

you are pathetic...

lol calling me a inbred redneck when you don't even know me

you sound too immature and uneducated to even have an online conversation/argument with me

i can't believe i even bothered wasting my time on you... you should be ashamed of yourself

and few more things;

if im narrow minded.....then who was the one calling auto sport cars "not true sports cars"?!

read what you wrote you blind incest bogan......before you accuse other people.

i never said auto sports cars are not true sports cars... i said if you had S2000's, STi's and EVO's in auto as well as the older GTR's automatic, would you still find them 'true sports cars'


once again retard.... theres f**kING NOTHING wRONG WITH f**kING AUTOMATIC sports cars.... are you thick?!

and i never said there's anything wrong with automatic sports cars

for the last time, can you please stop fooling yourself, start learning how to read and stop showing the whole forum that you're a pathetic individual that needs to take things less personally and learn to understand that when you're wrong, you're wrong

i don't know how old you are, but you must have missed out on some education earlier on... i suggest you make up for it when you have time because you obviously can't provide any useful input into this thread without making yourself look like an idiot

that's the end of story lol

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In my opinion it's useless comparing the 4sp auto from an R34 to the 6sp auto in the R35 - they are completely different beasts. And I'm not even going to get into the debate of automatic sports cars.

The original question about the R34 GTT Auto - they are not too bad, and have their pros and cons compared to a a proper manual. As far as an auto box goes, they're way better than what's in the equivalent year falcons or commodores. In tiptronic mode the torque converter locks up in every gear at around 3000rpm allowing you to rev it out to the red line without the rev flaring effect you get out of a typical auto, it'll also remain locked when you're off throttle too, enabling you to use the engine to slow down. The revs can flare on full throttle gear changes though and the gear ratios are not as nice as the 5sp manual.

Auto's will always be better in stop start traffic but the power loss from them is higher than a manual. I am certainly happy with the auto in my R34 however you'd have to be crazy to think it's better/quicker than the 5sp manual.

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for once an intelligent response from an intelligent member, i was never doubting how good they were and i should have stayed away from comparing other vehicles and their transmissions

as my first post suggest, i still think Vincent should take an R34 GTT AT/R34 GTT MT and an R33 GTR for a spin and let us know what he's decided!

you see, the roads here in Perth aren't as bad as the ones in Sydney, we don't have too much stop/start traffic here besides the typical peak hour on the Freeway

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for once an intelligent response from an intelligent member, i was never doubting how good they were and i should have stayed away from comparing other vehicles and their transmissions

as my first post suggest, i still think Vincent should take an R34 GTT AT/R34 GTT MT and an R33 GTR for a spin and let us know what he's decided!

you see, the roads here in Perth aren't as bad as the ones in Sydney, we don't have too much stop/start traffic here besides the typical peak hour on the Freeway

of course you would be a redneck inbred bogan..... withought knowing you ...

but for some incest person to say "knob jockey" is a sign of 2 generations already.


If you read up, the conversation between me and Mr.Ozio didnt even include you...... and for the first post you call me a "knob jockey"? i wasnt even talking to you if you didnt realise....


as for your STUPID "question"........

agree with the comment for sports cars and auto's - sometimes doesn't make sense because if it did then you would see Auto GTR's, S2000's, STi and EVO's etc

that really shows how stupid you really are doesnt it?.......

Firstly, YES..........if they came in AUTO.......i STILL would see them as a sports car.....

why?.... because if you hadnt noticed......the GT-R R35 is ONLY Sports shift auto and the Premium R35 GT-R is a paddle shift.

AND.....if you havent noticed..... EVO 10.....mitsubishi has bought out a Sports Auto version as well... (which previously ONLY came in manual)

its like you saying a Lamborghini Gallardo isnt a sports car because its a paddle shift sports auto..... but a Civic type -R ....IS..... because its a manual.....

so mr.inbred bogan.... who knows......STI might even come in auto sometime....

for a person to say it doesnt make sense for autos to be sports cars is as DUMB as someone saying "i dont see 4 door cars as sports cars because it doesnt have 2 doors"

its ok...stay in the sticks where you were raised........

ok you wanted me to calm down...well i have....because ive accepted the way you are. because after 2 generations of incest....the symptoms of stupidity flares up a bit.....but im sure in your next incest generation....it will calm down abit.


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lol forget it, keep to yourself, and what do you mean 'stay in the sticks'?

you say you don't know me but you're telling me to stay in the sticks, what the hell is that referring to?

i'm assuming it's 'PERTH' which isn't a big country town if that's what you're thinking but you've probably never been here because if you have you wouldn't refer to this place as such

who's the idiot now? haha

and just because you were talking with someone else in this thread doesn't mean i can't join in, it's called a public forum for a reason

just stick to the topic mate and get a life, i don't know why you get off on personal attacks but it isn't working, it's just f*cking frustrating as hell though that you're an idiot and all you do is waste time in this thread

P.S: stupid talk about the phrase 'knob jockey' being used, and i'm asian - i don't see how that would make me an inbred bogan, especially by using the phrase 'knob jockey'?

unintelligent, low-life fool

get over it, stop trying to defend yourself and stop whoring this thread... f*ck i never wanted to waste my time but i don't have a choice, the only way i thought to make you shut up was to humiliate you but it still isn't working

i'll sure someone from admin will shut you up sooner or later

i also apologise to other members having to witness this horrific display of narrow minded thinking in addition with me arguing back but i'm sure you all understand my frustration, thanks :blink:

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lol forget it, keep to yourself, and what do you mean 'stay in the sticks'?

you say you don't know me but you're telling me to stay in the sticks, what the hell is that referring to?

i'm assuming it's 'PERTH' which isn't a big country town if that's what you're thinking but you've probably never been here because if you have you wouldn't refer to this place as such

who's the idiot now? haha

and just because you were talking with someone else in this thread doesn't mean i can't join in, it's called a public forum for a reason

just stick to the topic mate and get a life, i don't know why you get off on personal attacks but it isn't working, it's just f*cking frustrating as hell though that you're an idiot and all you do is waste time in this thread

P.S: stupid talk about the phrase 'knob jockey' being used, and i'm asian - i don't see how that would make me an inbred bogan, especially by using the phrase 'knob jockey'?

unintelligent, low-life fool

get over it, stop trying to defend yourself and stop whoring this thread... f*ck i never wanted to waste my time but i don't have a choice, the only way i thought to make you shut up was to humiliate you but it still isn't working

i'll sure someone from admin will shut you up sooner or later

i also apologise to other members having to witness this horrific display of narrow minded thinking in addition with me arguing back but i'm sure you all understand my frustration, thanks :(

you keep saying im wasting your time and that you dont wana bother talking to me.....

well YOU STILL DO.............. shows how much of an inteligent one you are aye....

im a "unintelligent, low-life fool" well how smart can you be.....a typical 20 year old that lives at home living off his mum & dad thinking he knows it all and king shit.....nice one..... keep the inbreeding going..... your obviously the type of kid that will live with his parents till 30....i can guarrantee you that.

of course its a public forum ...i accept that.... but calling someone a "knob jockey" for no reason..... is wrong....

but i guess i can accept that too cause 2 generations of inbreeding....i feel sorry for you....... ;)

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you keep saying i'm wasting your time and that you don't want to bother talking to me.....

well YOU STILL DO.............. shows how much of an intelligent one you are aye....

i'm a "unintelligent, low-life fool" well how smart can you be.....a typical 20 year old that lives at home living off his mum & dad thinking he knows it all and king shit.....nice one..... keep the inbreeding going..... you're obviously the type of kid that will live with his parents till 30....i can guar?rantee you that.

of course it's a public forum ...i accept that.... but calling someone a "knob jockey" for no reason..... is wrong....

but i guess i can accept that too because of two generations of inbreeding....i feel sorry for you....... :devil:

i fixed up your spelling errors for you

taken to pm :)

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i fixed up your spelling errors for you

taken to pm :)

What a load of bullshit...

Put it this way, This is a forum...writting does not need to be formal.

and if you are so good at it. your own...grammar is up to shit

Firstly, When starting a sentace, begins with a capital letter/uppercase.

*Then your grammar structure is wrong... either i "have" fixed your spelling... or I "I've" fixed your spelling...

*Acronyms are ALWAYS written with uppercase letters also!

*Punctuation marks are missing..... a comma is missing as well a full stop

I have fixed you're spelling errors for you.

I've Taken this to PM.

Think, before you criticse other people.... Then, THINK..before you say shit. Obviously you have told the whole forum that you are discontinuing this conversation many times, due to this being a "waste of time" to you. But now you....yourself have taken it to PM.

Good one :devil:

Typical lame 20 year old Uni-student.... with the know it all attitude.

you are as usless as 2 bricks...

Keep yourself entertained whilst the inbreeding happening till your 30 my friend

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Okay, I'll try and drop a cent or two in between the volley of vulgarity, vendetta and plain nonsense gracing this topic.

My GTT is AT for the same reason as another member. Leg issues. And THAT is the only reason I bought the GTT, because within my budget it was pretty much the only decent sports car with the tiptronic option. I've driven the hell out of it for the past 30 000 kms and the box flares between 1st and 2nd on full throttle changes in tiptronic mode. That problem really showed up right after the typical early mods (exhaust, intake, fmic), and it seems to be recurring. Because of their design, auto boxes are naturally stronger than manual ones but nissan really should've gone to a 5 speed with the GTT. 4 ratios just isn't enough and even if you do consider getting one. Account for a valve body upgrade and a standalone transmission cooler so it shifts happily, kills the flaring problem and handles mods you possibly plan on throwing at it. Mechanically, the box should easily handle 400 rwhp with the above mods. Even so, if you can drive a manual then do it. That extra gear is worth every cent coz I really am not happy with 4 gears especially in twisty situations. Don't wanna have to shift to 1st gear because it's too damn twitchy and second just doesnt pull enough at that sort of speed. Don't get me wrong, it's still got balls and I've had lots of fun because I've learnt to make the most out of the box with my driving style but...

Manual is the way to go. And the icing on top is the improved fuel economy of the manual. I am also a full-on fan of 2WD...and by 2WD I am referring to RWD or else I'd be on a Honda forum, less weight, more skill required and therefore more involving (= fun). The Manual box allows to have that same, more mechanical feel/interaction between driver and car.

Traffic sux yes, but if you love driving, you won't let traffic con you into buying an auto car, unless it's a cruiser sort of car.. Any turbo skyline is best manual full-stop save maybe the R35 and even then...I'd sell the driveline rear of the engine and fit a RWD manual layout.

The tiptronic is decent for what it is, but it's got nothing to do with the split second shifting 5-6 speed sequential autos in the likes of the R35 and M3's etc...

I still think the R34 can easily look better than a R33 GTR with some simple but well thought out cosmetic touches but the GTR is obviously a fair cut above the GTT in terms of driving satisfaction....unless you break the bank for mods.

Anyway, other factors to take into account are potential levels of modification you intend to carry out. If your vision includes some extensive work, owning a GTR or non-GTR skyline will not make much difference. The only thing is early on, the GTR is f**king tough and very easy to get to 400+ HP because of the solidly built factory bits (driveline/diff/axles/engine internals etc...)

Last but not least, interior and look of the car. That's purely personal so I'll get personal and say I own 2 skylines, one's a R32 coupe and the other is the GTT. You can draw your own conclusions :P

if I could buy a auto GTR it'd be the R32 anyway simply because it is the lightest of the bunch and has as a result more potential for better chassis dynamics.

Sorry for the rant. Hope that helps :)

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To keep on topic and give a non violent answer to the origional question asked in this thread. I drive an auto r34 skyline and as far as drivability, it has its pros and cons in comparison to a manual gearbox. I guess all in all its asking the question of what you want the car for. If your not competing in time attack, track events id say the auto gearbox could very much suit waht you are after. As for power losses between the auto and manual transmission, this power loss is somehow made up (you dont need to come off boost to change gears) Theres alot of modifications that can be done to an automatic gearbox to strengthen and increase its peformance in the way of:

1. shiftkits and manual valve bodies

2. stall converters etc.

It is true some people liek to stick to the age old rule of only ever driving a manual sports car but I can also reassure you that the money you put into an auto gearbox and your ability to use it will never stop you from driving the car the way you want to. Go look at the numerous number of VL commadores that sit down at EFI performance week in and week out that are running auto gearbox with shift kits. These cars are making some serious numbers and there driveability is excellent.

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the GTS-t or GT-T is just a cheap version of a GT-R of a GT-R wanabe driver...

some people cant drive manual.............

ive known people who buy auto sports cars to let their family members drive it also whom cant drive a manual.

like you said...."dont care about driving the whole driving experience"

well having a GT-T isnt worth having because its NOTHING like a GT-R so either you should buy a REAL thing or buy nothing at all.......

see dude.......

theres nothing wrong with automatic some people even prefer it......

people can say the same about YOUR car dude.........................................

Gee I hope all GTR owners don't have an attitude like this. If so I don't ever want one.

Oh and GTT looks more aggressive than a 33 gtr IMO.

On subject though, I went manual simply because I just didn't want an auto turbo skyline. In saying that I don't live in the city and am rarely in a lot of traffic.

It just comes down to personal preference and what you want.

But if you get a GTR, make it a 32 (not 33 :() and don't turn into a non GTR hater will ya? lol

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