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Terry could fark you up, fix you up then fark you up again all before you even noticed you were naked.

Mmm the red or blue pill?

Little wonder the man talks in riddles half the time.

Pot calls the kettle 'black'!

You and .::GimpS-R34::... take the cake; take the mickey; take little kids ice creams hehe

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lol, end of the day he's just some guy who has authority to talk on the news, if he keeps gettin emails dissing him he'll just get even more pissed off.

not that i dont condone sticking it to ignorant assholes, but there are other ways to deal with them.

*note to self: find out where he lives and go do burnouts on his lawn, that will show him in not a hoon.

lol, end of the day he's just some guy who has authority to talk on the news, if he keeps gettin emails dissing him he'll just get even more pissed off.

not that i dont condone sticking it to ignorant assholes, but there are other ways to deal with them.

*note to self: find out where he lives and go do burnouts on his lawn, that will show him in not a hoon.

A quote from Fight Club comes to mind though completely the wrong direction for the topic and path taken:

"Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... f**k with us."

Maybe someone should invite a TT or ACA reporter on a cruise to see what the good car enthusiasts are like and see what they do for charitey etc help give them and insight to our "World"...

Might be a good idea ?

Today Tonight were at the final meetpoint of the WA victorian bushfire cruise, think they interviewed a few people? Still hasn't been on air yet (well over 2 months ago), probably because they know theres nothing wrong with what we do and they wont get any ratings if they stop pointing the hoon label finger.

Any updates in regards to peoples emails?

No Cameron,

I haven't received any reply from Mr Archer and so I feel very HURT!

Cruizer got a reply and I DIDN'T!

I therefore do not think I did very well in my "HOW TO COPE WITH REJECTION"course! :D

haven't read every single post but amazed by the naivete about what modern media is and the lack of objectivity on both sides of issue

modern media is like fast food outlets, the public want a quick serve and if its got some footage or piccies that excite shock or revile (within ceratin standards) that is what the masses crave - there is no time nor probably any inclination in todays' news media for detailed factual analysis - this is the domain of Insight, 4 Corners and the like, not the nightly news

you will never change that - but if you want to beat your heads against the wall thats your call

and who the f**k does not think any car crash in a suburban street at 150 kph for example that leaves several dead and others requiring maybe 1-2 years or more and probably multiple millions of dollars in hospital and rehab costs (at you the taxpayers expense - and which could have funded a track instead ? ) is not going to get lots of coverage not all strictly factual or even well researched, and probably done by persons who travel mostly by taxi and airplane and more interested in cafe latte than ultra 98?

and don't you think that peeps with families and kids etc are't really concerned they or their own kids will get wiped out by some bozo doing 150 in a 60 zone - YOU BET THEY ARE - and that is a perfectly normal reaction - and they will in every case support sanctions

look at a almost parallel universe - the bikies create mayhem , bashings killings etc - mass media coverage - bikies convinced they are above law and society so still carry on bashings killings - now new laws - now bikies now got VERY BIG PROBLEM as state has free mandate from public to fix em up

time for a reality pill - don't whinge do something - time for SAU to draft and publish a anti-hoon policy and disseminate it in media and get pro-active and a public profile demonstrating responsibility is our motto - has SAU got the balls to stop being the /victim/ here and take on our adversaries?

Answers welcome.

No gratuitous personal slanders please - just reply with the facts as you see it.

^^^ Something is in the pipeline already in SA. Will post more details soon :D


seems like step in right direction

for those on the SAU exec who have a clue about how public policy is formulated at highest government level my best advice to you is that you should be seeking direct representation on relevant premiers dept stakeholders committees or working groups or if they do not exist demanding their establishment so becoming part of the solution instead of the bogey man

its also much harder for media outlets to pick on a person or organisation that has highest level government access and credibility, esp if you have media handling skills

but it does require quite a lot of work......... doesn't everything though - been there done that myself actually but not saying which state and on what side of the fence so don't ask

im sure today tonight will find a hoon story out of the bushfire cruise in WA since a commi slammed into the back of a R34 =\

if that happened would be complete bs as that commonwhore wasnt apart of the cruise, just some idiot woman who booted it around a cnr then locked her brakes..

im a fan of the email thing... fax looping is fun too.. or does inter-office sheningans make me an irresponsible, death dealing hoon?? maybe i should lay off the cars and big nights in the garage and hit the pubs and drugs instead.. maybe i should stop driving my pride and joy and get high on ice and beat someone up in front of their family for no reason.

Ok, this was an idea that came to mind so I can see the flamming coming but hey some honest opinions wouldnt go astray.

Why dont they just introduce a law along the lines of the current gun laws. For example, anyone owning a performance vehicle needs to be registered with an active enthusiast car club and be an active member, meaning they need to attend one event a year or so on. The vehicles number plate would be able to be refered to the car club the driver associates with. This would make the hoons easily identifiable to the members of that car club and would give police a referance to use to find the actual offenders.

Now there would be alot more to it than what I have stated above obviously but I guess the picture that needs to be painted doesnt need to be painted so much by the media as it does by the "hoons" fellow ethusiasts. Most of the dickheads out there acting and driving like morons need to realise that the vast majority of car ethusiasts think there a bunch of cock knockers.

I guess overall what im trying to say is something needs to be done to remove the cliche term of a "hoon" away from enthusiasts and towards the particular people that are infact hoons. By owners being associated with car clubs this may bring more attention towards the good things the car clubs are doing and seperate the hoons from the enthusiats or atleast making the hoons vulnerable to being pointed out. Majority of key offender are not car enthusiasts they are morons driving cars they beleive to be performance cars and or have purchased a performance car not out of respect for what the car is but to show off and dance around going look how f**king cool Iam. Eradicate those people from being allowed to drive or put them in a position where other enthusiasts can tell them there a wanker and have the ability to report them and I believe it will take effect in due course. THIS will give US the chance to take action and make a good name for ourselves.

If you label one driver and his stupidity in place of labelling a majority and giving the public false impressions, its going to go a long way to solving the issue, as appose to what TT are doing and just making every non offending enthusiast pissed off and suffer conciquences both verbally and legally that they did not deserve to begin with.

Good thread, all these emails are a good start to perhaps repairing our badly tarnished public image. I tend to agree with KV2R34GT as well. If we want to change something, the power is somewhat in our hands (although certainly not completely).

How so? I know I don't like being refered to as a "hoon" but then again a cop did say once to me "have a good night I thought you one of those young hoons"

I have had a couple of coppers, after having seen my age on my license and I guess general maturity level say similar things to me... I thought you were a hoon, how boring, have a good night... sort of thing. In fact, I think joeyjoejoe may have had exactly that said to him.

Pretty amusing at the time.

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