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hey, sorry if iv been over posting

few days ago my car was making a strange squeking noise. not loud just so u can hear it at idle, didnt think much off it must of been a belt or suem...

then my car started to leak water not alot thoe ,

but yea i thought was air con or the wiper blade resivour thing coz i was out for a bust :S again i didnt think much off it..

i got my car back yesterday coz it was impounded ..... and on the free way it alomost over heated i let the car cool down and i toped it up and i got home sweet.. then temp neddle didnt rise past half way.....but im loosing water constanlty.

i had a look from "under" the car and its commin from the pump,. right behind the pulley theres a little hole and its just pouring out of there every time i top up, is it as simple as the wash plug fell out or som thing serios .ie internal seals or the pump it self is gone??

iv done 180 000km

and advice would be aprriciated :(


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Usually when the little hole in the water pump shaft starts to leak, it's time for a new water pump.

The seal is stuffed and as a result the bearing is shot and that will be where the squeak is coming from.

Usually when the little hole in the water pump shaft starts to leak, it's time for a new water pump.

The seal is stuffed and as a result the bearing is shot and that will be where the squeak is coming from.


i had another look, filled up the radiator again and blocked that hole, ur right the seal is gone :P

this all happend at the impound place so hopfully they pay for a new one

take care

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