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I think these days they do, although 5 or 10 years ago I think it was a different story. I dont see too many older Toyota's compared with the older Falcons and Commodores.

doesnt mean what you see is what is really out there...

and besides.... Toyota is the worlds largest manufacturer exceeding GM all together

Toyota = 9,497,754 million

GM = 9,349,818

and dont forget GM consists of: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Hummer, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, Vauxhall and Wuling

Edited by eeiko321
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Haha no way RE Izuzu motor dude, I know of 4 guys who own em, one had a head crack = $2k of repairs, another had the throttle body stuff up, sensors etc, and for some reason parts for those motors seem to be really hard to source!

I'd love to be able to tell you some stories about Holden quality, unfortunately I can't because I bound by confidentiality agreements.

Anyone who says Jap is crap clearly has no clue, they ARE leaders in manufacturing technologies and processes.

On a similar level I always find it amusing when guitar players tell me how good Gretsch guitars are and that they're built in the USA so they must be good..... then the look on their face when I tell them that Gretsch guitars are now and have been built in Japan for a long long time.

doesnt mean what you see is what is really out there...

and besides.... Toyota is the worlds largest manufacturer exceeding GM all together

Toyota = 9,497,754 million

GM = 9,349,818

and dont forget GM consists of: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Hummer, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn, Vauxhall and Wuling

Toyota definetly rules the roost today, a decade or so ago i'm not so sure I cant find much info on it. So the number of Toyota's vs Ford or Holden on the road today would be guess work. As far as new cars go Toyota is creaming the lot of them in Febuary this year it stood like this:

Sales For The Month Of Febuary 2009

Holden 9,029

Ford 7,396

Toyota 14,274

Toyota definetly rules the roost today, a decade or so ago i'm not so sure I cant find much info on it. So the number of Toyota's vs Ford or Holden on the road today would be guess work. As far as new cars go Toyota is creaming the lot of them in Febuary this year it stood like this:

Sales For The Month Of Febuary 2009

Holden 9,029

Ford 7,396

Toyota 14,274

shit aye...

as a car maker, Toyota is GOD!

thats just australia...should see the sales worldwide.

A lot of problems are purely the result of poor maintenance, a good example is the silly whore next door.

She brought a new turbo diesel 4x4 last year and has already seized the engine from lack of oil.

Had the first service done, then just kept driving and driving without once checking oil or water...ran out of oil, bang.

Ask her why and she'll says because it was new she didn't think it should need oil ect or checking until it's next service.

Warning lights ect?? who knows.

These people also think the way to warm up a stone cold engine is to rev the crap out of it and always crank with your foot to the floor so it roars to life.

I've owned 40+ cars in my life, 3 atm and none regardless of make have been unreliable, I accept that mechanical components wear out, never had anything go boom without good reason. BMW I had was probably the most work, those old mechanical injection set-ups could be trying. Holden, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Jaguar, Bmw all good if looked after and used within their limitations.

Rarely does a car start it's life as a crap car, they have to meet a crap owner for that kind of magic to happen.

A lot of the time these guys who pay out on imports say that theyve had one themselves. The thing you dont realise is that they have probably picked one up cheap somewhere thats had its ass raped by the previous owner or it has been poorly maintained.

Most of these v8 bogans are completely narrow minded and don't have much mechanical or car knowledge except for what Damo, Ricko, Davo or Marko have said, if you know what I mean.

As people have mentioned before; most jap cars are ultra reliable and if its stock and you maintain it you won't have a problem.

f**k, my old RB20DET had close to 350ks on the clock and it ran perfectly. It used to be in a drift car that saw a lot of track days before I owned it and was running a larger turbo too. Even when it was mine I had wound the boost up on it the stock turbo and thrashed the shit out of it. I only rebuilt it because it was using a bit too much oil for my liking in the end!

So in summary; don't buy a lemon!!!!

Oh yeah and the resale value off holdens and the like is terrible!

Answer: HIllbilly Redneck Bogans????! LOL

Well thats the thing tezza... you see alot on you tube... some imports do actually f**k v8s up the arse...

and what do the REdneck inbreds have to say? "its crap...its got 100 turbos on it with 1000psi dude!~!"

they really do get jelous... i see alot more tuned cars actually f**king up thier domestics..

even in the New Fast and Furious movie... the scene where Paul walker drives past in his R34 GT-R..... a HIllbilly ocker bogan says to him... "Muscle wins over imports ...eevverrryyy Taiiimee........"

mate........look at his cow boy hat.....and that will tell you the conclusion of the story....

id bet they put that scene in to stereotype Rednecks... probably because the Director is actually an asian dude...


Major stereotype but it's so true.

I've had 2X GT-Rs - both Japanese imports - both purchased off importers - yes with scrutiny - a mechanic on my left - a panelbeater on my right.

R33 GT-R 2001-2003 Other than services, the only repair was a tailshaft which cost me $150 from Powerplay + $40 instal.

R34 GT-R 2006-20... Other than services, the only repair has been an oil pump.

Moral:- Whenever people are jealous, they can only think up extreme situations.

Quote by Jim Richards in 1992, "You're a pack of a%s-holes" Can you guess who he was referring to?

Quote by Clint Eastwood 1990s "You're a legend in your own mind" Can you guess who I'm referring to?

Hint: The answer is the same to both Qs


Bahahaha so true... Answer is so TRUE haha


The majority od commonwhore and failcon owners are aged 18-25 the majority of these people are just rev head hoons who are only worried about how good there stockies work for burnouts.

The majority of commodore and falcon owners are over 25 and use then for work cars supplied by their boss. Why those cars do u ask? Cos there cheap.

Im not a hater for the commodore and ford population, infact i respect them wene i see a well kept car and not trying to cut me off or swerve at me, but nearly everytime i c an oldish commodore like a vp or something, there just trying to be pricks.

The people who told u r this population, why? Because they lift boxes for a living and cant offord to love anything decent (no offence to the box lifters)

But serously, how many of the great australian cars do u c youngens looking after properly, cleaned and not lying down on the driving seat with there cap pointing up for the sake of looking tough.

My dad loves holdens, he rebuilds old holdens, he loves all the hq hr eh etc, and he agrees the new holdens and espevially the fords are buckets right down to the rippled thin metal under the door handles.

did you see that scene yet?

he looked like he was straight outa Texas or something


Yeah man, I saw that scene (well not the actual movie, just snippets of the film on the making of it and that scene was in it).

So typical too and yeah straight outa Texas for sure.

Let me guess the "Tuner" won the race... Hah!

Actually Clutch, I've seen many Commodores/Falcons of all models in pristine condition with tasteful mods and sane drivers. And not all the younger drivers (I'm betting you're in the under 30 bracket as well), are moronic hoons.

FYI with R33 prices as they are ATM, a lot more of the 'box lifters' are getting into imports due to them becoming cheap.

You'd probably also find that a good percentage of the Aussie made car sales go towards families, and especially those with a long term brand loyalty, as well as the whole 'Australian Made' concept. It's also handy for a lot of people to buy something that can be serviced or fixed by any old mechanic, with a widespread dealer network as well.

I personally find the old model Holdens and Fords to be over-rated, prehistoric junk, with artificially high resale values based on nostalgic memories from middle aged men who thought that the HQ 253 was 'the ducks guts', and who have a collective hard on over cars which compared to anything else in the world at the time were at best mediocre. Whilst I can appreciate the work that people put into restoring them, keeping them maintained etc, I don't drool over them. I've also seen just as many problems with these cars as any other Aussie made ride. Carburettors are shit.

I'm sick of people saying that old Holdens/Fords are better made than the new ones. What a crock. It's those same people who claim that new cars are not as safe as the old junkers because they crumple on impact. Or that the GT-R's were 'farkin cheatin carnts' at Bathurst in the early 90's, and that Jap cars are made from 'butter steel', no replacement for displacement, etc etc. If anything there has been constant improvment over the years.

That said, I believe that if it wasnt for the government artificially keeping the domestic car manufacturers afloat, they'd go bust (with the possible exception of Holden due to it's export program).

I do see a lot of young Falcondore owners being tools, but I've also seen middle aged men in HK Monaro's, VK Group A's, VH Group 3's etc being tools, as well as the 'box lifters' who now own Skylines or WRX's. These days the lines are a lot more blurred, you can't just say that someone is likely to be a hoon due to the type of car they drive.

You'd probably also find that a good percentage of the Aussie made car sales go towards families

Lets not forget Fleet/Government/Lease

I'm sick of people saying that old Holdens/Fords are better made than the new ones. What a crock. It's those same people who claim that new cars are not as safe as the old junkers because they crumple on impact. Or that the GT-R's were 'farkin cheatin carnts' at Bathurst in the early 90's, and that Jap cars are made from 'butter steel', no replacement for displacement, etc etc. If anything there has been constant improvment over the years.

True, older ones are no better it's just that they were heavier and less powerful but not what one would call safe. Crumple zones are a inherent safety design.

(with the possible exception of Holden due to it's export program).

Their pretty much non existent export program?

just thought id relate my holden experience

i had a 93 VP HSV Senator had about 100,000-150,000 on it and in two years i put about another 100,000+ more on it. 80k to work and 80k home every day. I should mention it did alot of k's well above the speed limit in out of the way country QLD.

the motor didnt break *gasp* but very thing else did.

2x auto trannys

engine seals

cracked 17" standard rim (just cracked by itself)

Aircon lost gas

Steering rack & steering pump


terrible front tyre wear

multiple batteries

fuel pump

ignition dramas- cheap leads and plugs previous owner.

so i guess what im saying is i punished this car and found the ancillerary systems were bad but the motor and its managment seemed pretty solid although 165kw out of a 5L V8 is not a highly stressed engine. also i did keep oil and water fresh.

Yeah man, I saw that scene (well not the actual movie, just snippets of the film on the making of it and that scene was in it).

So typical too and yeah straight outa Texas for sure.

Let me guess the "Tuner" won the race... Hah!

dunno, havent seen that movie yet

apparently it got a shit arse rating 1.5 out of 5 stars....

i read the review and it got totally ass f**ked by the editor.. shafted from the acting all the way to the story plot and to the action scenes...

so im just gonna wait till its on DVD


i had a 93 VP HSV Senator had about 100,000-150,000 on it and in two years i put about another 100,000+ more on it. pretty solid although 165kw out of a 5L V8 is not a highly stressed engine. also i did keep oil and water fresh.

i personally think that car is horribly tuned.... holden was way behind in technology back then.

theyve improved a fair bit now days

in 1994 or 1994 the HSV senator was running around 187KW...

at the same year there were GT-R and supras 216 - 230kw with a TT 6cyl...

i personally think that car is horribly tuned.... holden was way behind in technology back then.

theyve improved a fair bit now days

in 1994 or 1994 the HSV senator was running around 187KW...

at the same year there were GT-R and supras 216 - 230kw with a TT 6cyl...

Yes I agree with you on that one..But think back even further to how pathetic the 5litre VL was. 122 Kw at the engine ?...very weak considering there are 1.6 litre NA 4 cylinders making that kind of power


Even worse VH Commodore

4.2 litre V8 = 100kw @4200 rpm

Truly pathetic considering a corolla sx makes that power standard

IIRC one of the later model Kingswood's had 88kw from the 253, and the Honda Civic of that year was faster according to Wheels magazine (1989 I think). I was also under the assumption that Holden were still exporting to the middle east?

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