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hey all, im thinking about picking up a 1991 300zx twin turbo, whats everyones oppinions on it? cons pros? i understand there rather heavy, the one im looking at is a 2 seater so its not AS heavy as the other. But is there anything i should know as far as reasons not to get it?


also does anyone know if their stock kw is more than an r33 stock kw?

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Hi Matt,

You're looking at buying one of the most impressive-looking cars of that era. It still looks like it's going at 100miles/hr standing still.

Unique Auto Sports here in Sydney specialises in this type of vehicle.

www.nismo.com.au or Tel: (02)9620-9000 and talk to John (Mngr) or one of the mechanics there.

Keep the above info as a Reference!

Hope this helps!


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cheers mate

i did alittle bit of research, i think that the issues with engine maintanance and turbos is going to be a problem, as it will be my every day car i want it to be easy, by the sounds of it, if i loose a turbo, im going to have to sell the car as i cant afford straight up turbo replacement from a mechanic.

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You should have a look at Aus300zx forum, they have som well maintained cars on there.

I personally love 300zx z32's they can look really mean done up and they prices these day are a dime a dozen.

If your worried about weight you can always remove few things... 1st thing i'd get rid of is those leadend electric seats!

Heres a couple for ya...






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there nice cars, plenty or torque from the 3litre engine

my brother inlaw just sold his 1992 300zx twin turbo, 2 seater, leather interior (very car) 5 speed

had first stage mods ie. boost, exhaust, front mount, clutch apexi safc and made 231 RWKW....stock turbos

so with minimal mods u can get a hell lot of power out of them,

just make sure you get one in good condition as alot have problems with the engines eg. turbo failures, cooling i think is an issue aswell....

overall a good car that handles bloody well

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When i was looking for a new car i was looking at 300's as well i read they had alot of cooling issues and where prone to engine failure as a result ,and due to the restricted engine bay room they where difficult to work on yourself for minor/basic engine maintenance such as oil changes i dont know how true that is but in my research thats what i found so that turned me off them and also having to double up on everything made modifying more expensive....but i have found they respond well to modification and if you make cooling a priority it should be ok.they look awesome though imo prolly better than skylines

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Yes the heat can also lead to annoying electrical faults with the old wiring. A mate imported one a few years ago, very quick from the factory even by today's standards. Great handling, interior is very high quality I guess they were a $100k+ back then though... Its a shame they still dont make cars like that these days.

Edited by MintR33
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I was thinking of buying one for a while and I even went and checked a nice twin turbo model out.But As soon as I lifted the bonnet I realised that it was going to be a total Fkn nightmare to do any work on this car I decided on the Skyline

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dammit, this engine sounds horrible

no, far from it. the engine is great. but when you look into the engine bay, and you see theres no more than an inch of space around the engine, you gotta figure repairs are going to be difficult and costly.

thats a stocker. they've used every bit of the engine bay to squeeze it all in.


Edited by Munkyb0y
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Was on a (non zed car) club run, but someone had bough their 300zx along. Long story short, it overheated and we ended up in a smallish country town. As we were standing around with its bonnet up, a local or someone came up from behind the car, said "hey, do you guys need any help... *finally got to the front*... Jesus Christ!"

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no, far from it. the engine is great. but when you look into the engine bay, and you see theres no more than an inch of space around the engine, you gotta figure repairs are going to be difficult and costly.

thats a stocker. they've used every bit of the engine bay to squeeze it all in.


yes well thats wat i mean lol

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I've had a couple of them... Great cars and the TwinTurbo ones are nuts with a bigger 'cooler, exhaust and boost. They are a bit tricky to work on, while you can remove the turbo's with the engine in it's not a good idea as it takes twice as long...

It's really a DIY maintenance sort of car, if you are happy to crack out the spanners and have a go the costs of fixing them are pretty good.

Check out www.aus300zx.com friendly bunch who will sort you out :P

Good buy

Was thinking about buying this one myself... I know this Zed, very clean

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IMHO, there's better platforms than the Z32



You can use UBER Data to tune it. "also used for honda''

Poss motor swaps: RB's, SB 350ci or BB 400ci


royal PITA to work on.

take's to much damn cash to make fast.

Even after being built, a beast honda or strong SR/KA S13 will roll on it.

Good luck finding one that isn't beat or owner wants first born for.

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thanks guys, hes having a new microtech computer going in it with a tune etc, done 130ks, and has a aluminuim racing radiator and FMIC so the cooling is stepped down a notch. seems in good nick as far as hes explained. still waiting to check it out in person lol

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