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P Plater Laws And Power To Weight?


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I've been hearing alot of rumours lately from people saying that they are scrapping the whole red and green P plater thing they have going on as the whole trial thing isnt working. i havent seen or heard of any facts about this but ive heard they plan to scrap it in july.

when i heard it i thought it was a load of crap.. has anyone heard anything similiar?

another thing was that they were changing it back to power to weight but that i cant believe..

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There is no way they will scrap a scheme they have spend a small fortune on promoting/advertising/setting up... AND because it most certainly works better than the old one

I agree, even if it was proven to be the worst thing ever they would not scrap it because the government would then have to admit that they wasted tax payers money on some thing that didnt work.

Edited by W0rp3D
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Can't say ive heard anything.

Not that it affects me that much being on green P's.

But somehow i doubt they would go back to the power to weight ratio - as ash said think of all that wasted money.

And if they went back to that, it gives the possibility for us to potentially drive some turbocharged cars etc, i wouldnt think they would give us that back.

And also they would be admitting that they were wrong haha, so fat chance.

Still, it would be good if its true...

But has anyone heard how they have been talking about trying to make the drinking age 21? Stupid..

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if they scrap the turbo o plater thing when they finally realise its pointless because ANY P PLATER CAN GO 100 IN A 60 ZONE in an na car.. same shit...

so yeah if that happens i will probably be doing somersaults down edgars and throwing shit at VL's.. ohh and start looking for a turbo car

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yeah, thanks. i still do think its all a load of crap as i did think that their current system is working a bit better than what it use to be. just heard from a ridicilous amount of people about it. just thought id see if anyone had heard anything similiar.

ta for replies

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Ive heard a few things aswell..being a red p plater, personally would love for them to allow p platers to drive turbo's.

Found these and am waiting to see what happens...



:) But I wouldnt hold my breath......

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Those changes would make sense, purely for the fact that like the article states, a growing number of makes (namely germans) are building low output, high efficiency turbos.

But i think it's something that they'd look long and hard at, as it's potentially giving the opportunity for new drivers to boost up the cars into dangerous levels. I know some will think 'how much could it possibly be', but if you could screw another 50-60kw (not unthinkable either, exhaust, filter, and some more boost would get you close) out of it, then you'd be approaching the magical 150kw mark, which is acknowledged as the limit for FWD's like VW's. Give that to someone who doesn't quite understand things like torque steer etc, and it'd be dangerous.

Really it's a reversal of the loophole that existed in NSW for awhile, which said "No turbo/supercharged vehicles" - which just made p-platers switch over to RX-8, 350Z and S2000's.

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i found this on another car forum..

P-platers can drive greener turbo cars

THE Victorian Government has lifted a ban on P-platers driving certain turbocharged and supercharged vehicles, citing environmental reasons.

In a statement released yesterday, Roads and Ports Minister Tim Pallas said the rule changes were designed to recognise "moderately powered, greener, lower-performance cars" that used turbocharging to improve fuel consumption.

But Mr Pallas made an embarrassing gaffe in announcing the new regulations, holding up a powerful and relatively thirsty turbo four-wheel-drive as an example of an environmentally friendly vehicle.

His statement said: "This is a commonsense approach, meaning young drivers won't be able to drive the sports-type, six-cylinder supercharged Holden Monaro, but would be able to apply for exemptions to drive the family fuel-efficient Mazda CX-7."

In fact, the CX-7 is more powerful than a Monaro and is one of the thirstier compact 4WDs on the market, using more fuel than a Holden Commodore wagon. A spokesman for the minister said he had made a mistake in the drafting of the statement and the new rules would single out only fuel-efficient turbocharged vehicles.

Turbocharged vehicles will now be banned or exempt based on their power-to-weight ratio, with drivers able to gain exemptions if their vehicle produces less than 125 kW of power per tonne. But the revised rules still leave loopholes for powerful six-cylinder vehicles, which still escape the P-plate ban. The Toyota Aurion and RAV4 V6 offroader both produce more power per tonne than the rules allow but are still deemed suitable for P-platers.

The spokesman confirmed those vehicles would remain unaffected by the new power-to-weight rules, which apply only to turbocharged vehicles.

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Well nomatter what happens...

We'll never be allowed to drive the nice ones :down:

No R33 turbo's....

No S15's......


Personally couldnt care less if i could or couldnt drive a cx7...


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Yer If they do change it to you can drive a turbo, its only 100kw per tone they are changing it to, not 125kw (rough guess) when i was on my p's like 5 months ago.

So that does eliminate the good turbo cars :down:, a 34gt-t is 130-40 kw per tone i think not 100%

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only thing that ive heard is that they might be planning on changing that rule of one passaeger for red p's, doesnt bother me since i got greens.

Worst. Law. Ever.

Seriously. So much for the designated driver. Unless he/she feels like doing 4 trips.

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so preety much if youre driving a car thats 1500kg your aloud to have 187kw car?

would i be able to drive a stock r33 skyline gtst around now?

Did you read the whole article?

"the new rules would single out only fuel-efficient turbocharged vehicles."

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im totaly confused can i just get a straight out answer for the folowing. . .

will i be able to drive the folowing on P's

Skyline R33 GTSt

Stagea RS4 (RB25DET)

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