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Defects And Whats Legal


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Hi all....

I got a yellow at this arvo from a "rookie looking copa" bkoz he mistook my flutter for a bov.I showed him i have no bov and it is compressor surge but he shook his head and gave me the "its too bad story".Now im not really sure on the legalities on this issue but do i have any rights or do i just pay the pit charge to pass and then take it off and save my breathe or do i have a leg to stand on ?????? :down:

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Dude, cops can sticker you for anything. They will pull you over and sticker you often cos u drive an import.

People got stickered for having a glove box that doesn't close, another guy for having a stock fan shroud which was factory. They can sticker you for bald tyres and oil leaks even if ur car doesn't have them. Cos you can't prove that they were like that when they pulled you over.

Flutter is loud, it can cause air to pass back out of ur pod. The air will collect oil from the turbo. So either make ur pod oily or if just blow that air back out. If that air doesn't go out your exhaust (read catlytic convertor) and is burned it is considered an illegal emmision.

That why u can't have atmo BOV's. Best bet is to have a bov that is plumb back if you don't want to get stickered.

If your flutter is too loud it can be considered excessive noise. Thats what they wrote on my gtr bov that was atmo.

Anyway, good luck getting your sticker off. I spent the last 2 weeks getting mine off.

Edited by reNEGaDe88
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I got an un-due excessive noise fine, becuase i took off fast, and the cop thought i was "chirping" my wheels when it was the flutter... Tried to explain, but oh well.

Got very very lucky i believe.....

Berny is right, they can sticker you for absolutly anything they want. The leather on your steering wheel peeling off, if your ash tray is full... anything at all.

Best thing to do is "yes officer... no officer, i understand officer, thank you"

As much as it sucks, being truthful, calm and in some cases, forcing yourself to agree with them can only help...

Good lcuk mate. Yellows lick testicles... not in the good way....

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At least they didnt smash your window.....

Take the car over the pits and cop the fine. I don't know why people insist on running no BOV anyway. You realise it ruins your turbo right? And as renegade mentions makes your pod oily and hence less efficient?

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Greg, I disagree with you there.

A proper oiled pod filter pulls more particles out of the air, hence they don't go into your engine. So its better. But an oily filter that is not ment to be will be less effective. I don't run a AFM so I have an oiled pod on my car.

I also had a R31 with a RB30E+T for 2 years. I ran a bov for 6 months. Then no bov when I got an FMIC, then ran a dose pipe for a year. Pulled the turbo off after that time and it exactly the same 'no shaftplay' that it had before. So from my personal experience compressor surge will not ruin your turbo. May be different with RB20 and RB25 stock ceramic turbo's.

Anyway, toughen up, go over the pits, spend the money to fix it, and then you will be ready to breeze over it again next time.

Good luck

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i got stickered in my 84 supra for no cat, told the cop car didnt need one because it wasnt produced with one, but he didnt listen.

took it over the pits, the 3 things he got me for (cat, pod filter, battery strap(which he damaged and ripped out)) all passed, as you dont need a permit for a pod, but he got me for other things.

:torn drivers seat trim (??? metal could come out and penetrate body, but itll do that if it wants to anyways, string aint gona save ya!)

No handbrake knob, i took if off coz dad was complaining that it was loose

Self canceling indicators need to self cancel

niteshade on lens

warped brake disc (fair enuff)

seatbelt having an off day( rear right, not always working, but good luck gettin sum1 in the bak seat!!

so they'll get you for anything they can, and its all because we drive 'Jap Crap' f$kin cops!

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I think we need to hardedn the fark up. You modify your car you get attention; expecting plods to have more than a rudimentary knowledge of cars is a mistake.

Quoted for teh truth

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Wow is it just me or is there a lot of skylines getting yellowed?

Don’t worry man i got yellowed also because he said my exhaust was too loud and he heard it up the street, then he told me to pop the bonnet and then i got yellowed for another half a dozen reasons.

It’s also an import man so you’re going to be standing out when you’re driving on the road.

There’s not much you can do because if you try to speak back to a cop or even try to teach him something even when they are wrong as they have the position of authority and power on there side they will just do you for more stuff on your car.

For the pits man just put a stock bov back on go over pits, pass pits then you can remove it off again or do what you please.

Good luck man


Edited by niran
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lol, it's not just "because you drive an import"

i've had 3 different modified imports over 5 years now, had one yellow sticker and that was over 4 years ago, and that was for tyres below the wear indicators, which is fine by me.

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I agree that its really how the car looks (which attracts attention). If your car is clean on the outside, meaning stock as it can be, I dont think you'll have much problem with the cops. Having said that, my car's is dead stock except for the rims which are legal and the exhaust which is very loud. If I'm ever gonna be done for, it'll be for the exhaust dB level. What I dont understand is, I've read somewhere and someone mention something about even the stock GTR exhaust have problem meeting the 90dB level. If its stock, why should it be a problem (considering nothings been mod)? Its the same as a harley having above 90dB at stock. From what I understand is that the 90dB for exhaust is only applicable for mods and if the car comes with 90dB then it shouldnt be a problem at all.

Sorry to hijack the thread but does anyone have any experience modding a a full titanium exhaust below 90dB?? :woot:

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Quoted for teh truth

Sorry to go off topic but....

WTF "mr keets"..is that a go mate (no pun intended)..im 28 going on 29 years old i dont hoon my car on the public roads and when in traffic never really take it above 3 grand.my car is visualy stock xcept 18" dished rims,lowered to legal limit and a 3.5" zorst.I never try to attract attention but still i get it.NOW u tell me why a V8 commodore or xr6 turbo'd falcon dumped with zorst dont get the heat like impoprts do yet u see them "hoon" on the roads all the time and not get caught but when a import drives legal and within limits we are hotter then stink on shit...???..i am fed up with the unwanted attention and its pi**ing me off as im sure it does to other import drivers.....

Anywayssssss i just passed the pits today and got my yellow off.i borrowed my brothers plumbak and fixed the flutter problem and apart from that nothing else on my car was questioned.AND to my delight the inspector said he is a v8 driver but he sees the police yellowing alot of imports (mainly bias reasons)for the smallest things but in the same instance will see a aussie made car on the roads in worse conditions but will note even stop it or what not...all i can say is WA will turn into a police state soon.

Edited by JZ6164
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Okey dokey JZ6164

I'm not having a go at you mate. Every few weeks I read of yet another defect drama. It's annoying but it's a reality like it or not. Guys like us, the honest hard working Import drivers take the pain for the 18yr old P plater who has watched Fast and Furious too many times then bought a cheap and relatively over powered sh!t box, thrown a wing and a camber kit in it then ploughed it into a stop sign after a gut full of bundy.

The media has a part play here. Magazine shows such as CA and Today tonight specialise in fear mongering advertorials. What is important is colour and movement and sensationalism; advertising revenue is king...eyes on screens mean big bucks. Now what would the average 50yr old family man and his wife watch? Some ferry sinking in Africa or a story about "drug fuelled mayhem and how it could come to your street" The story shows some file footage of a few lovely drifts, then they put it to the guberment out of "public interest". The poli's are either portrayed as not caring if they don't react. therefore they lose votes or make some knee jerk "strong on crime" remark and get votes. Then they follow it up with Grant Dorrington and his latest wacky scheme. When Channel 7 sticks a mike in front of politician and asks "what are you doing about hoons" what do you think the politician is going to say???

Offically police target badly moddified or poorly maintained vehicles. Imports are cheap and due to their age and the plethora of second hand and new parts easily moddified in the backyard. This leads to illegal and sometime dangerous mods. Who drives these cheap moddified cars? Young men who are statistically the largest demographic involved in fatal road incidents. Not too many kids can afford a 30K v8 ute...although some can; but there arent too many kids that can moddify a new XR8 in their back yard.

The pressure is on because we are an identifiable group and we do ourselves no favours, peeling out of City West or throwing hellis and nuts at a servo for the boys does nothing for our collective rep. We get what we get, perception or reality, manufactured or deserved

Each person has a different experience and mine is, I'm not targeted unfairly, maybe your is a different truth. I stand by my statement , "people need to harden the fark up if they want to play the game".

Good result on the canary mate


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I agree with this post. The Media is a very bad part and Politicians are doing silly stuff. Like Chaser's war on everything taking the piss of ACA and TT. Cos they are bogus. Its all about ratings, people watching adverts etc. The government should do something responisble. Like add more advanced driver training. Make it compulsory. And make getting your license harder. So less people die. not just lower the speed limit cos one guy fell asleep at the wheel on a long drive in the country. There is a limit to how much you can do to stop people dying on roads. Speed camera's are just revenue rasing.

They should organise and build a track/area for people to enjoy their cars safely. Like a 1km square piece of tarmac with huge sand pit barriers before you get close to tyres and wall. So you don't kill yourself or damage your car. Or just a track like Collie, closer to perth and cheaper than Barbs.

So that we have an easy alternative to "street fun". But cos they are not doing what they should, people go and do it on the street anyway. Hence causing danger in some cases. Hence they get targeted.

Poly problem example: One guy used to do bathurst racing a decade ago. He is now a Poly and wanted to ban space saver spare tyres. WTF. Cos they were too dangerous to drive on fast and for a long while. Well DUH!. They are ment to get you to a tyre shop so your other tyre gets fixed. Not todrive on for months and at 110km/h. So he wants full size spares in your boot = less space for shopping, bags, or golf clubs. STUPID

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They should organise and build a track/area for people to enjoy their cars safely. Like a 1km square piece of tarmac with huge sand pit barriers before you get close to tyres and wall. So you don't kill yourself or damage your car. Or just a track like Collie, closer to perth and cheaper than Barbs.

So that we have an easy alternative to "street fun". But cos they are not doing what they should, people go and do it on the street anyway. Hence causing danger in some cases. Hence they get targeted.

Closer to Perth & cheaper than Barbs? You don't want much do you? The WASCC (ie Wanneroo ie Barbagallo) are currently busting their guts getting money out of the government in order to lengthen & improve the circuit. Collie are doing the same. There are other facilities out near the airport (Speed dome, AHG driving centre) plus the motorplex at Kwinana. Frankly if you cant find something worth going to this week you are not trying.

Look I need to preface the rest of this post by saying I am not having a go at any one person.

People don't have "street fun" because there is no easy alternative. There are a vast array of alternatives. They do it because they are:

A: Are too stupid to realise the consequences.

B: Are too lazy to do anything properly.

C: Are too ignorant to be competitive in any organised events.

Like Keets said these threads pop up every week or so. As often as not it starts because some muppet didn't have all his lights working or attracted attention by bad driving or similar. Then got pinged because his tyres were bald & his bov was atmo. Frankly I look at these threads & think that the yellow was entirely deserved.

If you want to modify & drive your car in ways that are not legal & do so simply to attract attention then why get all upset when you get the attention you are so desperately seeking? :)

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While I agree with a lot of points, I disagree that there is ample places/events to take your car for some fun.

No Limits etc up at Barbagallo's is $_$ with limited spots.

Collie is too far away and you need a large group to book the track.

Speed Dome? only organised sprint events that I know of..

AHG is good if you've got a group together but you can't just rock up and drop some skids.

Some people don't have the time or money to commit to "competing" and the non-competitive events don't happen regularly and require a fair amount of forethough. Not like the Friday night "lets chuck some skids" sort of thing, which is very much part of being Australian!

There needs to be a place which is open every day until late, you can rock up and pay a nominal fee (say $20 or so) and have the skidpan for 15mins or so. Chuck your skids in an environment that is safer than some back street in an industrial area and leave without fear of being persecuted because you like a good burnout.

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While I agree with a lot of points, I disagree that there is ample places/events to take your car for some fun.

No Limits etc up at Barbagallo's is $_$ with limited spots.

Collie is too far away and you need a large group to book the track.

Speed Dome? only organised sprint events that I know of..

AHG is good if you've got a group together but you can't just rock up and drop some skids.

Some people don't have the time or money to commit to "competing" and the non-competitive events don't happen regularly and require a fair amount of forethough. Not like the Friday night "lets chuck some skids" sort of thing, which is very much part of being Australian!

There needs to be a place which is open every day until late, you can rock up and pay a nominal fee (say $20 or so) and have the skidpan for 15mins or so. Chuck your skids in an environment that is safer than some back street in an industrial area and leave without fear of being persecuted because you like a good burnout.

I am sorry but I completely fail to understand where you are coming from.

Barbagallo have test & tune days, the speed events series runs there plus all manner of other clubs (eg HSV club, Porsche club etc). A day out is competitive as you want it to be.

Collie may be too far away for you, but not everyone lives in Perth. Wanneroo is a 3 hour drive for me but I still can find the time. YOu don't need to book the track there are plenty of groups who you can join.

AHG have regular competition, training days & the like.

If people don't have the time/money/motivation to do things properly then they shouldn't be bitching about a lack of facilities.

If you want an analogy it is this: I want to go paint balling but I can't be bothered nor can I afford to go to a proper facility. So why cant me & my mates just run up & down random streets in suburbia shooting at each other? The reason is simple: Because it will sh!t the local residents to tears.

There is an industrial area a few kms from where I live. But I still can hear spankers in commodores doing single pegger burnouts late at night. Not everyone enjoys your preferred outpourings of, err, patriotism.

Love to all, etc.... :)

Edited by djr81
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There needs to be a place which is open every day until late, you can rock up and pay a nominal fee (say $20 or so) and have the skidpan for 15mins or so. Chuck your skids in an environment that is safer than some back street in an industrial area and leave without fear of being persecuted because you like a good burnout.

*cough* Unless you don't have a different set to do this have completely shagged the tyres doing it *cough*

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