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Hey Iain remember how i said 100% be there unless i am dead, well i think i jinxed myself cos i died last night....

ok well i didnt die but i caught teh fkn flu n its killing me, doing my best to recover by the weekend but should

still be good!

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what time do i be at your place to pickup your car?? :D

nah hope youre feeling better soon mate. this flu shit is going around. ive been waking up the last few days with a bad sore throat, and having it all day. i CANT afford to take more time off work. but i found an easy solution for the sore throat, before bed, gargle vodka. but dont spit it out, thats a waste, drink it! then youll fall asleep better :) it worked for me last night, i think ill keep doing it till im better hahah

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oh yeh i might try that, will have to raid the missus's vodka stash....yeh i havent had the flu in years and years and years so its a real c-unit when you get it....

still soldiering on though, havent had a sick day since 2005, and that was to have some of my intestines removed, so it kinda warranted it....

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what tha?? yeah i guess youd need time off for that lol

i rekon aircon makes you sick, and being stuck in an office full of sick people......

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Nickkkkkkkk do another update list....

Update what?

OK, just about everyone is coming, except maybe Scott due to ice hockey and/or his hearse-hating girlfriend.

Address: 1 Leeds St, Rhodes (Google Map HERE)

Time: 3pm onwards - no idea on finishing time as yet, we'll just go with the flow on that or wait until Jetwreck kicks us out...

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OK, does anyone, by chance, have a small portable BBQ that they can bring along? Seeing as we may be there for quite a while, it might be handy to have some food available as well as the coffee van/cart that we're hoping to obtain. The shopping centre is only 3mins away, so that is another (last resort) option, but if we can avoid a run to the shops it might make things easier for all.

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OK, does anyone, by chance, have a small portable BBQ that they can bring along? Seeing as we may be there for quite a while, it might be handy to have some food available as well as the coffee van/cart that we're hoping to obtain. The shopping centre is only 3mins away, so that is another (last resort) option, but if we can avoid a run to the shops it might make things easier for all.

Dang, didn't we invite the guy with the gas stove in the back of his stag? :laugh:

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OK, does anyone, by chance, have a small portable BBQ that they can bring along? Seeing as we may be there for quite a while, it might be handy to have some food available as well as the coffee van/cart that we're hoping to obtain. The shopping centre is only 3mins away, so that is another (last resort) option, but if we can avoid a run to the shops it might make things easier for all.

if your bringing anything like that let us know if you want me and the wife to bring anything down, might ask her if she wants to make a cake for our 1st meeting. but she will probably slap me, i know my place lol.

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if your bringing anything like that let us know if you want me and the wife to bring anything down, might ask her if she wants to make a cake for our 1st meeting. but she will probably slap me, i know my place lol.

I like how he just volunteers my services, don't you?? lol

We don't have a portable BBQ (PS: great idea though!!), but are happy to pick up something if we're having a bbq, etc.

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Oh well, if we can't get a BBQ there, we'll have to make sure we can order a coffee/snacks van so we can all ride on a caffeine and sugar fix.

An extra bonus of having this on this Sunday is that it's a long weekend! :)

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OK, does anyone, by chance, have a small portable BBQ that they can bring along?

Nick i do have a little portable bbq, it takes a little while (a long while) to heat up, and might not heat up evenly, but

at the end of the day it heats up, i can try bring that? It isnt very big though, it would still be alright to crank some

sausages on. Gas bottle would need to be supplied though....

might ask her if she wants to make a cake for our 1st meeting. but she will probably slap me, i know my place lol.

Tell her she has to make a cake in the shape of a stagea....and seeing as there are series 1 and series 2 c34's,

as well as m35's, that means she has to make at least 3 cakes....get on her case she only has a few days....

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