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Hi guys, I am just after a bit of basic information here. Trying to learn as much as possible so feel free to rant if you feel like it.

Circled in red in the first picture, what is the black elbow hose that connects onto the back of the grey pipe?

The black pipe is broken at the point where it connects on, I have wrapped it very well with tape and used 2 clamps on it, my mechanic said that'll do for now, but I am curious how crucial this connection is/what it does etc. Would this leaky area make a high-pitched squealing noise on high boost? Or is this more to do with idle control?

What do I ask for if I go to a wreckers?

Also, circled in blue in the photos is a line that leads to/from the stock BOV. When I bought the car, this line had a t-piece installed with a cap over it. I've since replaced this with a single straight hose. I've attached a photo of the t-piece to show you. Can anyone tell me what use this would have had?

Again, thanks for any info anyone can give me. Bit new to this and keen to learn. Cheers.




Blue circled hose is hose that actuates BOV. It causes BOV to open and shut as required.

Red circled hose is feeds intake air to idle control valve. You guessed it, this controls idle.

Car manufacturers don't make a habit of installing hoses that are non-critical. They all have a purpose.

Your current mechanics suggestion would be fine :down: . This will allow the car to be driven around enough to find a better mechanic....

previous owner possibly took the boost gauge reading from the Tpiece? havent seen it run from there though. usually run from the thin hose coming off the back of the plenum that goes to a lil box type thing near the drivers side firewall

t- peice in bov line I am not sure?? T piece is not factory I think From memory its just a straight piece of hose.

All you need to think about is that both these lines run at boost pressure so any hose you use must be good for say 30- 40 psi for stock boost (factor of safety of about 3 to 4). So taped up hose is not good. It will leak if not instantly, eventually. It may squeal as you describe.

For the IAAC hose the issue is the 90 deg bend. You could use straight hose (must be oil rated so not garden hose etc) with a brass or steel elbow.

Yeah, already replaced that BOV hose with a straight-through one (second picture) and just wanted to know what the t piece could have been used for. And I'll replace the 90 degree hose as soon as I can. Thanks for the help guys.

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