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Check the streets around Mainwaring Rich street (Elvire/Flora) but DONT stop and DONT get out of ur car. And if someone starts following you make sure you dont lead them home...can be a bad place around there. Also keep an eye out around Weston Creek area. I can probably say with 90% certainty it was the same people who stole my car if the supra was around Palmerson and my car was recovered in Weston Creek. Far as in conserned the only reason cars keep getting stolen is because they know we wont do anything as a community.

Like Slaughter said, screw the apf...they fail me when my car got stolen and was recovered WITH the drivers and 2 passanger inside it half unconcious due to the fact they were stupid children who couldnt drive a car for spent Bic biros....they all got off, not even a fine cause the police couldnt be bothered... If we worked as a community on this they will soon discover they are out numbers quite considerably...and they know this as it isnt a wide spread organised crime system, its a bunch of guys who think they own Canberra... I'm sick of it... These people go around raping our women, stealing our cars, robbing our homes, and bashing our friends up for not letting them 'have their way' with their girlfriend. Not so long ago my girlfriend got called a 's.l.u.t' for NOT getting into a certain yellow skyline...and im thinking, hey F*wit...doesnt it make her not a s.l.u.t by not getting into ur car...considering you have a different girl in there everyway day...

Both generation X and the generation before it are comming to its end, and the professional work industry is becomming an aging society. And with people like this influencing generation Y, our generation (most of us), its going to be a really F'd up place to live in 40 years time. It's up to us to decide what type of world we want our children to grow up in and their children to grow up in, and if we want our daughters to have to fear going out at night because there is a 1 in 10 chance they WILL get raped, im moving to Finland, cause atleast there it isnt looked down upon if a community decided to kill someone because they are trying to screw up their way of life.

There is 340 000 people in Canberra alone, but we a bullied by a small 100 or so individuals because the law protects them in all the wrong ways... Trust me on this...ANY court will find it impossible to charge and sentence even 1000 people who stand up and decide we dont want this scum in our world, we are getting rid of it. And what if 100,000 people decided on the same thing? We live in a community were we dont even know who lived 4 doors up from us, yet we wave at them every morning.

Ask yourself this, if you say a girl being raped in a back alley, screaming in terror...would you help her? Now everyday there is serveral girls crying out for help, but behind closed doors. We can help them but everyone says 'How can i, I'm just one person.' All i can say is one drop might seem like nothing, but 1000 drops makes a storm.

I'm sorry if I come across in a rather psycotic manner, but when i hear how bullies are not bringing knives and guns to school, rather then harsh language...im thinking who the F are these parents and what the F is this world comming to..

But i will do my part and look out for this supra, and refuse it fuel if it come into my servo.

Hope you find it.

Edited by Helious

Bloody well said!!!!! We need to stick together to drive these scum out!!! I tell you what if i heard a chick getting raped i would be in to help, wouldnt care if i got my head beat in, at least i would be able to sleep at night, knowing i tried, cos if i didnt i wouldnt be able to sleep at all.

How can a minority run our town?? It cant but we let it!!!!!

Power comes with numbers, i can see why motor bike gangs are so popular, they get protection a sense of community, a sense of belonging and most of all respect.

Also, if I see it parked somewhere public (Gungahlin Market place) I'll figure out some way of making sure it stays where i found it (remove fuses from engine bay, let down tyres etc. The way things usually go is that someone finds it and by the time the owner is able to pick it up its gone. Is it under insurance as I'll also ring the insurance agency and tell them to get it towed.

From what Slaughter said, there is power with numbers, considerable power. The general public will not hear the rants and raves of a single voice, but a blockage of cars driving around Parliament House may be dismissed with the thought 'just a bunch of people having a cry' to the i-dont-really-care type of people but atleast people will hear us. We need numbers and alot of numbers. We need to talk with our friends, bothers and cousins..and they need to talk to their friends, brothers and counsins.

Each and every day my girlfriend gets filthy looks by guys because she is a girl. The common view is that this behaviour is acceptable. But that would all change if each time those guys thought they could have a perv they got a verbal splash regarding how their attention is not only un-wanted, but is sickening. If you want to look at a girl, and as a guy i also look, keep it to how it us suppost to be and that is appreciation of their natural attractiveness and beauty. We arent cave men anymore, although with some people that is questionable, so looking at a girl as sex on legs or as a possible 'conquest' isn't comming of us as a race. A appoligise in advance if anyone does get offended by what I say, but to look at a women and think 'that would be a good root' not only degrades women to pretty much a sex toy, but brings forth the reasons why women cannot go out wearing what they want without fear some 'guy' decides it's a personal invitation for them to forcely have sex with them, by whatever means possible. Women are such a beautiful and amazing aspect of our world, yet people only see them for means to get their end off. They dont see they are a human being just like us, that they think, they feel and they love just like guys do.

Also do not think I am forgetting about the topic on hand, it is just the people who steal our property and cars are also the same people who would brutalise and rape our women, married or not, willing or not. They dont care about age either as the laws are a joke. Here is it 20 years maximum for raping someone and most of the time they are only given 5 years...5 years and then some poor women will most probably get a visit from the same guy who caused her so much paid and suffering. In America its a maximum of life or death. I believe that rape is just the same as murder as you might not kill them, but you have killed what made them unique. Rape can destroy peoples lives in such the same way as murder. It can make women hate 'ALL' men. Now to the males of this world, do you really want the scummy few giving us this image to people, that men are evil and treat women like crap?

Its for us to decide how we want the future generation to be in this world, and from what i see...teenagers walking around calling women bi%ch and S.L.U.T...it isnt looking good.

Edited by Helious

last night i went to weston creek to get some food as i was walking in to the shops there was to guys standing near the door leaning on the hand rail smoking and what not

i walked passed and one of them said what are you looking at C**T i just kept walking

on my way out "what the f.u.c.k you looking at you C**t" i hate that word its offensive and rude its discrinitave etc.

i just said wat ever mate and kept walking but why the f.u.c.k do these people think they can just bully there way through life

amen to helious for your words of wisdom

On to the topic i will keep my eyes on the lookout

last night i went to weston creek to get some food as i was walking in to the shops there was to guys standing near the door leaning on the hand rail smoking and what not

i walked passed and one of them said what are you looking at C**T i just kept walking

on my way out "what the f.u.c.k you looking at you C**t" i hate that word its offensive and rude its discrinitave etc.

i just said wat ever mate and kept walking but why the f.u.c.k do these people think they can just bully there way through life

amen to helious for your words of wisdom

On to the topic i will keep my eyes on the lookout

Send me a PM next time someone bullies you from there, I shall stick my 7.5" blade up there popo

I think this thread should be re-named "the sociopathic soap box thread"...

While I agree with some of the things said, I dont think that the world is such a terrible place for us. Spare a thought for the people suffering under corrupt governments in Nairobi (murder capital of the world), spare a thought for the people suffering from war in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Gaza strip etc.

We have it pretty good in Canberra, Australia.

P.S. I hope the Supra turns up unscathed.

Yes yes the world sucks, people are cruel and Bullet still loves the Frangipannis.....but the strong amongst us learn to live on in this dreary dreary world.

I'm kidding Mick, don't bench press me! =P

On second thought....please do......baby.....>_<

quote name='Helious' date='8 May 2009, 03:26 AM' post='4581314']

Check the streets around Mainwaring Rich street (Elvire/Flora) but DONT stop and DONT get out of ur car. And if someone starts following you make sure you dont lead them home...can be a bad place around there. Also keep an eye out around Weston Creek area. I can probably say with 90% certainty it was the same people who stole my car if the supra was around Palmerson and my car was recovered in Weston Creek. Far as in conserned the only reason cars keep getting stolen is because they know we wont do anything as a community.

Like Slaughter said, screw the apf...they fail me when my car got stolen and was recovered WITH the drivers and 2 passanger inside it half unconcious due to the fact they were stupid children who couldnt drive a car for spent Bic biros....they all got off, not even a fine cause the police couldnt be bothered... If we worked as a community on this they will soon discover they are out numbers quite considerably...and they know this as it isnt a wide spread organised crime system, its a bunch of guys who think they own Canberra... I'm sick of it... These people go around raping our women, stealing our cars, robbing our homes, and bashing our friends up for not letting them 'have their way' with their girlfriend. Not so long ago my girlfriend got called a 's.l.u.t' for NOT getting into a certain yellow skyline...and im thinking, hey F*wit...doesnt it make her not a s.l.u.t by not getting into ur car...considering you have a different girl in there everyway day...

Both generation X and the generation before it are comming to its end, and the professional work industry is becomming an aging society. And with people like this influencing generation Y, our generation (most of us), its going to be a really F'd up place to live in 40 years time. It's up to us to decide what type of world we want our children to grow up in and their children to grow up in, and if we want our daughters to have to fear going out at night because there is a 1 in 10 chance they WILL get raped, im moving to Finland, cause atleast there it isnt looked down upon if a community decided to kill someone because they are trying to screw up their way of life.

There is 340 000 people in Canberra alone, but we a bullied by a small 100 or so individuals because the law protects them in all the wrong ways... Trust me on this...ANY court will find it impossible to charge and sentence even 1000 people who stand up and decide we dont want this scum in our world, we are getting rid of it. And what if 100,000 people decided on the same thing? We live in a community were we dont even know who lived 4 doors up from us, yet we wave at them every morning.

Ask yourself this, if you say a girl being raped in a back alley, screaming in terror...would you help her? Now everyday there is serveral girls crying out for help, but behind closed doors. We can help them but everyone says 'How can i, I'm just one person.' All i can say is one drop might seem like nothing, but 1000 drops makes a storm.

I'm sorry if I come across in a rather psycotic manner, but when i hear how bullies are not bringing knives and guns to school, rather then harsh language...im thinking who the F are these parents and what the F is this world comming to..

But i will do my part and look out for this supra, and refuse it fuel if it come into my servo.

Hope you find it.

Hey budd, My name is Dave and I am the guy who poseted this on the supra forums, thank you for bringing this across here to this site. The car is owned by good mate, I am his mechanic.beater/painter. It is white real low 18s on it. I will get some photos up here The wheels that are on the blue one are now on the white one!!!!!! Current rego YFM 60K white plates with black letters. There is now damage on the driver door in the middle and the left rear quater pod the front indicators on the bar are clear.post-62589-1241777405_thumb.jpg


Thanks again

Edited by Venom8.0
Yes yes the world sucks, people are cruel and Bullet still loves the Frangipannis.....but the strong amongst us learn to live on in this dreary dreary world.

I'm kidding Mick, don't bench press me! =P

On second thought....please do......baby.....:D

Youre a very strange man... But at the same time Im strangely aroused ;)

this is my weekly drunken post.

did about 45 min 'patrol' of the area

came home, empty house, wnet to random party that had no males??? got really smashed on absolute vokea with raspberry.

i so driunk.

but the car will likely be stripped, ore re-painted, or left to hibernaet

but the best thing is to get it interstate, like melb or syd (more likely melb)

will be a good idea to notify the melb crew, post up a reward to incite some motivation.

ok i better finish... geez a smashed individueal here right now.... blah, blah rant and rave... this deadmau5 fella rips some frantic beatz yo...

good night

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