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my 1st encounter with the police in my skyline

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Originally posted by dan_the_man

hahahahah did u let him cop a feel?

I think he copped more than just that.

I remember an article somewhere how alot of new gay people joined the police force in the last few years. I guess akeenan knows this first hand now. :bahaha:

I remember an article somewhere how alot of new gay people joined the police force in the last few years. I guess akeenan knows this first hand now.

those lonely nights in cairns with only country hillbillies is starting to go to you eh :rofl: just fight it you'll get through :(

ive had an unsuccessful run in with them at knox. im never going there again on a friday night. 100 bucks for power to weight and being on P plates, making it sound like theyre doin me a favour by not taking any points, plus they wouldnt let me drive it. i hear all the time about friendly cop encounters. ive yet to have one...

Originally posted by pushead

i guess it wasnt the 'TOG' units then otherwise surely they would of questioned you. Good experience and what were you doing at the beach soo late at nite anyway? :D

what do you think they were doing so late at night in a beach car park?...... BONGS man.... They were smoking BONGS, so a better question would be where did you hide you bong and weed when you got sprung....?

man u guys r lucky i got pulled up about 3 times a week not all of them bad but i must have had a traking device on my car hehe as most of the time i got canaried, i onced got canaried when i was trying to get tea and trust me if u thing togs know everything bout our cars they dont i have an intercooler which takes up bout 3qtrs of the front of my car and they thought it was a radiator, they have tried to get me for the 2 powerful thing but i had an argument with a coppa bout it once and they left me alone afta that. dont get me wrong though some coppas r realy good bout our cars.

yes thanks phantom. inasnt is starting to scare me with all his gay antics, bags not going on a cruise once his car is finally ready, finally being the operative word :D , :):D oh and gay but i didnt mention that hang on yes i did GAY ! :);)

TOGs just look like all the other fat ****s...

I got done in Sorrento by two TOG's from Corio... they were "checking" up on the area... driving a red 'SS' and tailgating me trying to push me.

My next door neighbour is head of the rosebud station and he just said that they are a pack of wankers, that no one in the force likes them, and they are the ones that book police officers and ambulance officers for speeding with lights on etc if they reckon it wasnt 100% necessary.

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