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I have recently bought an R33 series 2, its in perfect original condition but of course I want to mod it. I need to know who does the best suspension packages, what brand/type of exhaust gives the best performance and what type of boost controller to run. Any other info on what mods you'd go for if you had a nice fresh R33 in the driveway, would be much appreciated.

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if you want a full package, suspension wise, you cant go past a Whiteline "Works" package. That should cover every aspect of the cars suspension and give you an awesome improvement. Their kits are track tested and proven and havent heard a bad thing about them.

I think exhaust type and brand are irrelevant. Stainless or mild steel in the same diameter (usually go a full 3inch system) will just differ slightly in sound. As for mufflers, there are some cheap but good stuff around such as 3A racing that look good and flow well. Bottom line, start with a good dump and down pipe, highflow cat and free flowing muffler. You can pick up nice Jap systems complete bolt up jobs 2nd hand. Most jap imports or parts places offer these.

Boost controllers, many to choose, ranging from a simple Electronic Boost controllers to Super-doopa EBC's that do all sorts of sh*t. Blitz spec-S EBC are apparently great for ease of use great boost control. You wont go wrong with any brand name jap EBC.

Running 10-12psi you should have at least a healthy 160rwkw. That was enough to kill my std clutch. But it should be fine depending how you drive. Upgrade that when it goes and then get an FMIC, then an ECU like an Apexi power FC. With an upgrade fuel pump youll have 200+rwkw and be moving along pretty quick!

Get used to the power each new mod brings rather than do it all at once, that way youll probably enjoy it more and get to know the car! Good luck and have fun!

Sly covered pretty much everything, but if you want a rough idea of what order to do it in, maybe something along the lines of the following:


ECU (whether full replacement or piggyback, depending on budget)

Electronic boost controller (or you can opt for a cheap bleed valve, in which case put this 1st or 2nd on the list)

Front-mount intercooler

Fuel pump/injectors/Turbo (all depends on the state of your fuel system)

Im in the same boat my gtst is almost factory stock.

Those mods u listed what are the approx costs and rwkw gains from each of them?

I'd like to mod but can't justify spending like $10k. Spending that much means I'm nearing the costs needed for a R33 GTR (dream car of course). So need to find a balance.

rear wheel kw of each mod....! ok lets see. Im tired and should be in bed, But uni is on strike tomorrow so ill take time to answer :D haha

boner -yes i forgot about the ol air intake! i guess they are often present on 90% of skylines anyway! And good point about the partition. Its been suggested that putting a pod filter with no partition is a waste of time.

OK zymotic lets go..... as im tired dont take my power figures to be spot on, may be a bit general but should give you an idea.

Stock 33 manual, i dunno 130-40rwkw??!! With a 3inch turbo back exhaust and bleed valve (and some sort of pod filter!) as mentioned above will give you ~160rwkw .

The exhaust you can get second hand for prob around a grand for a nice stainless jap system. The bleed valve will only cost you a hundred bucks (bit more if you want a fancy looking gated one maybe), fitting is simple, but if you cant do it it wont cost much to get done. Air filter and adapter: apparently the cheap simota filters are not bad, with adapter $200ish at a guess? And they are prob your best bang for buck mods id say. (+20/25rwkw)

so what have we: grand exhaust, 100 bleed, 200 filter etc.

say for under $1500 for 160rwkw maybe a bit more power, depending on what dump you get. Mine made 160rwkw with the factory cast dump.

if your VERY budget conscious, dont bother with an aftermarket blow off this early on. STD one is fine.

160rwkw doesnt sound like much nowadays with all these 300rwkw beasts around, but its enough to have fun and you can drive it real hard without getting into too much trouble! I would guestimate easy 0-100's in the sub 6 second zone, so your doing ok!

Two schools of thought for next mods. Some workshops would go your cooler. I got my hybrid 600x300x90 fitted for $1700 with polished stainless piping. which yielded around 175rwkw (+15rwkw). So already your spending more, to get less of an increase, but thats how it goes!

Others would say go straight for the power FC and get high 180'sat the wheels. FC fitted and tuned (varies tuner to tuner obviously) if say like me 2nd hand with controller for 1400, 500 for tuning, $1900 to go from 160 to 180+rwkw. I suppose thats the best bang for buck for stage 2, but im personally not keen on the idea of my engine breathing all that hot air due to the std cooler! PLus it will shorten turbo life coz it has to work harder with the restrictive std cooler.

Your fuel pump will be about at its reliable limit now, get a bosch motorsports or similar one (i think my 044 was around 400-500? cant rememebr, then theres fitting, lets say for example only 600fitted), with your FC AND FMIC for the 200rwkw. You should be doing easy 0-100 in 5 seconds now.

OKAY: INITIAL MODS for 20/25rwkw increase ~$1500

from there: PFC+tune for 20/25rwkw increase ~$1900

OR if do FMIC first for ~15 "maybe" 20rwkw ~$1700

combine them together with your fuel Pump for thw 200rwkw, If going from the exh/filter/bleed stage your paying ~4grand for 40rwkw's. (ie 160-200)

i think thats about right, im F'in tired now! Theres heaps of variables like BRAND, LABOUR costs etc, and then theres sh*t liike cam gears and light flywheels if you want to get into it.

if any of the above is wrong ill try correct it when im more awake!

hope that helps coz it took me like 20 mins to write!! ;):D

cheers guys.

Originally posted by NickR33

I have recently bought an R33 series 2, its in perfect original condition but of course I want to mod it. I need to know who does the best suspension packages, what brand/type of exhaust gives the best performance and what type of boost controller to run. Any other info on what mods you'd go for if you had a nice fresh R33 in the driveway, would be much appreciated.

Chocolate Titties u finially joined!

I already told you what you have to do to your car you fat shit :D

Originally posted by SLY33

jeez NickR33, INASNT is your mate?! you make me waste my time when you could just phone him up !!!! :D

Well i hope it his coz the nick i know just got a series 2 and he lives in melbourne!

And Chocolate titties (as we all call him) u r a dickhead, coz i told you all of this stuff last week!!! :shake: :)

Sorry guys no chocolate titties here...and I only have one mate with an R33 and his came modded up already, so neither of us are really sure we know what were doing.

Thanks for the info though...going to just do the 3inch all the way first, and maybe a bleed valve.

You'll definately hear from me again though, I'm more of a driver than a mechanic (and I've never driven anything that can touch a skyline for all around performance...I'm in love!)

...trying not to look completely ignorant so as I don't end up getting the wrong part or even worse paying too much for it!

Originally posted by NickR33

Sorry guys no chocolate titties here...and I only have one mate with an R33 and his came modded up already, so neither of us are really sure we know what were doing.

Thanks for the info though...going to just do the 3inch all the way first, and maybe a bleed valve.

You'll definately hear from me again though, I'm more of a driver than a mechanic (and I've never driven anything that can touch a skyline for all around performance...I'm in love!)

...trying not to look completely ignorant so as I don't end up getting the wrong part or even worse paying too much for it!


I thought it must be the same guy as the similiarities are the same

Don't worry SLY33 all is not lost. I read your post (had a spare 10 mins lol) and thought that it was all good.

So standard R33 around 160 rwkw.

Mine with turbosmart at 11 psi and full 3 inch system etc and K&N panel bout 180rwkw or maybe little more.

I did reset the ecu but I think the peformance may have dropped. IE I drove it pretty nicely when it was relearning. Maybe I should reset it on a dry day and give it a good fang. Must admit my fuel economy is great (although i was driving a VL Commondore)

When I got my car it only had 150rwkw @11psi. S-AFC tune took it up to 166rwkw (it's now around 215rwkw @14psi and leaning out if anyone cares). It depends on the dyno, but I think it'd be a very friendly one to give a totally stock Skyline 160rwkw. Most are around 140-150.

I'm just letting you know this in case you do some light mods and only end up with around 160rwkw. It can be perfectly normal to have less than this when stock, is all I'm saying.

go for a hks super drag way full exhust skylines love it, i put one on mine sounds beatiful n the car loves it :) power fc is a good computer i put one in mine advan fitted n installed it but i chose not to dis close pricing informations as mates rates came in to play :D far as boost controls go pay more get something better, bleed valves will be come annoyng if its under bonnet what you gonna do when u pull up next to some pesant **** in a commo or rexxie? jump out pop bonnet then go alrght **** lexrol its on ? loll acvr is a good option.. if u willin to pay that much :) i currently got 195 at the wheels through fton mount ecu ugrade boost n exhuast plus min mods like filter n lil shit... remove the cat see a better result ;)

oh i c basically reduce what i said by 20kw

Ah well guess itll still go pretty good... so I'm doing about 145 and thatll take me to bout 165.

I'd really like to get to 200 well more importantly break into the mid 13's instead of 14's and under 6 secs. So long as i can beat some yuppie mid-life crisis spanker in his new wrx thinking he owns the road...

Saw a totally black new HSV on the weekend with no. plate low 11 tended to believe to the way it sounded and accelerated - very aggresive. Think i'll need to save my pennys for a GTR to compete with a beast like that.. hey but at the end of the day its still a suped up taxi

3" to 3.5" turbo back exaust with hi-flow cat 12-15 rwkw

Boost contoller 15-20 rwkw

Panel filter 4-6 rwkw

FMIC 10-15 rwkw

Fuel pump 0 rwkw

Power FC 15-20 rwkw

206 rwkw

This is the order recommended by Sydneykid

Take it as you will!

By the way stock R33 Gtst

187KW - 52 KW ( LOSSES ) = 130 RWKW

Depending on the car, the S-AFC can give you up to 60rwkw. Someone in these forums got that much out of it anyway*. A more usual amount is 20-30rwkw (I got +15 on my first tune, and +30 later after some more mods myself).

A PowerFC should be good for a few ponies more, although I think the bigger advantages of the PowerFC are giving you a smoother power curve with more power earlier, and the other advantages that a replacement ECU gives (temp compensation, better idle, better handling of bigger injectors, etc). They are the main reasons I'm upgrading anyway, rather than for outright extra power.

I would leave the PowerFC last on the above list, but put the S-AFC first or second. Then when you get up to the PowerFC on your list, sell the S-AFC :D

* - That's an indication of how bad his power was before the tune, not some magical double power increase over everyone else with the same mods after tuning.

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