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Wrx Driver Kills Person Travelling In The Other Direction


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ignorance is bliss aye old chap?

you contradicted yourself, by making an error in judgement he was showing a lack of due care.... now as ive said before the wrx drivers where complete and utter twats for risking the life of themselves, there passengers, other road users and any possible pedestrians.

like you said yourself, this guy probly was having a chat to his passenger, late at night, almost home (there is a figure stating sumthing along the lines that most major road accidents happen within 15kms of there residence) so just looked up quickly saw lights down the road and went. so there for not propperly annalysing on coming traffic.

*** just as some people tend not to read things clearly on here let it be known im not making excuses for the wrx drivers, they need to have the book thrown at em. but merely pointing out the other possible side to a sad story

Rhys you know what, just for you when I go visit my friend maddy in hospital and after I give her a hug and say sorry for her loss I will ask her if while she was driving that she was talking to her boyfriend at the time.

Im close but I keep and open mind and yeah I agree everyone is free to express their oppinion which is the best thing about the internet :) So now having a street racer and an innocent die within 7wks hits hard.. please guys keep to empty roads if your going to do it so something like this doesnt happen again.. it hurts alot of people! Well done though to the WRX driver for turning himself in!

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all this shows lack of driver training IMO.

look at how easy it is to get your license here in aus!

what we need is mandatory defensive driving courses and driving skill tests, not just your average drive round the block with an inspector for 20 minutes - its no where near enough preparation for new drivers.

bottom line is, most people just don't know what it takes to crash a car.

i'm lucky in a way, i had a serious accident on the 2nd day of having my license, long story short, a drunk driver ran me off the road and the car rolled twice, i was fairly seriously injured. after that, i've known exactly what it takes to crash a car and i can drive accoridngly. Being a P plater myself, and all of us being car enthusiasts, unfortunately weve been tarred with the same brush as these wreckless drivers.

drive safe people.

RIP victim.

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late last night I found out it was my good mate in his bright green wrx.....

was absolutely speechless...and still am...

not saying anything more/ or saying details of what has to him happened..

but ye.... he is lucky to be here after seeing the photos..

just please think about shit before you do it!!! as another life has been lost... and condolences to all the family's involved :D

save it for the track, I couldn't be happier ive got a track car, and that its not on the streets and that's in a safe environment... its best way to go...



Edited by Benji
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Got a call tonight informing me that the girl in the car is a friend of mine, and at the moment im holding back tears telling you guys this.

I will pass on all your well wishes when I manage to go see her. The good news is that she only suffered a broken collar bone and bruising, but the girl will not be the same losing her boyfriend. I hope the other drivers get punished!!

Sorry to hear that man... Adelaide is such a small town and you've had friends involved in both accidents....

I know what Rhys' is arguing, that being the car was turning and bisecting a priority lane so technically he's correct but with one exception - its not a crime to misjudge (blame is used for compensation/insurance mostly). Legally speaking in this situation, it has no bearing: two cars at 60kph colliding is an accident and not a crime. However since the rex drivers were going stupidly fast, then one can't put any blame on the girl driving the toyota. As was mentioned earlier, when a car is going at 100kph and is heading directly to you, it can be hard to gauge the speed, especially if its much much more than 100 (which it obviously was). Also, the weather was pretty shitty that night, lots of rain and hindered visibility, so that again contributes.

And dont worry Mini, they will be punished. Both have been charged with multiple offences (1 each for death by dangerous driving (deceased) and 3 each for injury by dangerous driving (toyota driver, passengers of rex), and the guy who left is also charged with failure to render assistance and leaving the scene of an accident.

They're both going down but the guy who left is gonna get punished more. A custodial sentence is usually mandatory whenever there is a death involved, with extensions for the injuries. And thankfully, the survivors can sue for victims of crime compensation and hopefully get their lives back together a little easier.


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Sorry to hear that man... Adelaide is such a small town and you've had friends involved in both accidents....

I know what Rhys' is arguing, that being the car was turning and bisecting a priority lane so technically he's correct but with one exception - its not a crime to misjudge (blame is used for compensation/insurance mostly). Legally speaking in this situation, it has no bearing: two cars at 60kph colliding is an accident and not a crime. However since the rex drivers were going stupidly fast, then one can't put any blame on the girl driving the toyota. As was mentioned earlier, when a car is going at 100kph and is heading directly to you, it can be hard to gauge the speed, especially if its much much more than 100 (which it obviously was). Also, the weather was pretty shitty that night, lots of rain and hindered visibility, so that again contributes.

And dont worry Mini, they will be punished. Both have been charged with multiple offences (1 each for death by dangerous driving (deceased) and 3 each for injury by dangerous driving (toyota driver, passengers of rex), and the guy who left is also charged with failure to render assistance and leaving the scene of an accident.

They're both going down but the guy who left is gonna get punished more. A custodial sentence is usually mandatory whenever there is a death involved, with extensions for the injuries. And thankfully, the survivors can sue for victims of crime compensation and hopefully get their lives back together a little easier.


very well said

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they should let the kid who killed whoever walk free

just like the f**k stick who killed the motorcyclist n walked free coz "it was an accident"

they should ban all cars.

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To the people saying that the driver of the Toyota shouldn't have pulled out infront of the WRX, how well do you think that you can judge the speed of a car travelling directly at you from 200m away. I will put money on the fact that you aren't as good as you think you are.

Here's something you might be interested in;

60kph= 16.6 Meters per second

150kph = 41.6 Meters per second

So you look down the road and there's a car that is 200m down the road, you pull out and within 5 second there on you. where as if they were at 60kph it would be 12.5 seconds.

100% correct there mate.

Rhys, wake up to yourself, seriously. :P No ones' contradicted themselves ... you're just twisting words again as always and being so narrow minded. Its not a crime to misjudge a law-breaker's speed. It is not a issue of 'without due care' to misjudge the speed of some twats drag racing.

Minibats, so sorry to hear that you know/knew the people involved. Wishing your female friend all the strength and recovery ... I have personally been down that road and it will be hard on her. The death of a close friend pretty much destroyed a community of friends. :) And she was killed in very similar circumstances. We are all never the same after something like this. Its been some 8 years for me and I've never forgotten my close friend (and ex-girlfriend) Sonia. I still visit her grave every year without fail ... on the day of her death, and on her birthday.

RIP Sonia Judith Warne


Her 'killer' got off with only 7 months! Hence, I have no faith in the justice system. He was doing speeds of in excess of 100kph at the point of impact. God, knows how fast he was going prior to the collision ... in the wet! HE was on bail for murder, and committed no less than 5 traffic offences between being released on bail and up until the death of Sonia. The police could have stopped him 5 f**king times! But didn't and as a result and very close friend has been taken from me. And he only got 7 months! The Court basically gave him a freebie before being thrown away for 17 years for murder. I saw the crash scene. I saw the life support being turned off. I saw a life slip away. And I sat in the Court during the trial ... watching the Bailiffs surrounding us as the judge entered the room to give sentence ... knowing it wasn't going to be good for us, but an easy term for 'him'. It was disgusting!

So I feel the question is ... had these two WRX fools been serial hoons and drag racers? Could they have been stopped sooner? I support the hoon laws. Bring them in I say. The Court should throw the book at the lot of them. They took a life for their own personal amusement!

Yes, I'm still an angry man because of this. Friends like this are rare. The loss of one is most unfair.

Edited by RubyRS4
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we seriously need another terrorist attack... journalists have nothing to write about again

wow 2 people died on road because of street racing this year... what are they doing about other 47 old idiots that got killed because they were driving with their heads stuck up their arses?

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your right there champ, completely agree.

what shits me -moar- is when they show the you tube clip of street drifting in japland, and make it look

like its Adelaide.


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Ive just about had enough.

People read and praise the media like its their f**king god.

Have the stats increased in street racing ? People are acting like we are on the verge of a epidemic with street racing. I for one don't see f**k all racing. Its really pissing me off.

Im more of a crim than a low life dick stain breaking into my house just because I drive a Skyline.

I wrote on that stupid site. Some people have no Idea

Might relax with a beer now.

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Ive just about had enough.

People read and praise the media like its their f**king god.

Have the stats increased in street racing ? People are acting like we are on the verge of a epidemic with street racing. I for one don't see f**k all racing. Its really pissing me off.

Im more of a crim than a low life dick stain breaking into my house just because I drive a Skyline.

I wrote on that stupid site. Some people have no Idea

Might relax with a beer now.

Priess I also just wrote on the site and saw yours after I typed in my rant.. mine has still not shown up on the site... Driving a Stag I get left alone but if one person so much as hears the pod filter spool noise I get fingers pointed and verbal abuse. I can garauntee that not one of these people has seen anything other than whats on Yesterday Tonight (From Japan). What percentage of the road toll do 'WE' (I use 'we' as the finger is now firmly pointed at all of us) account for? Another thing that shits me is the RCK club, they get away with blue murder and then 'WE' get the blame for it. You hear "the driver if a high powered import" when clearly that car in pieces is a commonwhore, they wait a week and post a retraction for the comment. TOO LATE in my view, the damage is done. The media have a field day with us, were public enemy number one and idiots like the two WRX drivers have made that ten fold.

Condolences to all affected too, it makes me sick to think that the arrogance of one has caused the death of another.

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r.i.p to the victoms, and get wel soon to the ones recovering. :P

this is my opinion, floating in my head.

a dragstrip/race course wont stop street racers.. because street racing is always free, and you generate alot more adrenalin.

i think the fines should be raised abit, and drivers licenses shouldnt be given out to kids at the age of 16 *no shit teyll jump in a car and spin the wheels)common sense. theyre young and dont care.!!

i used to drive stupidly everywere and didnt give a shit, like alot of other here,

stopped that soon after getting a whopping fine that took a fair few weeks to pay off :)

i say fines should be increased. more cameras.

and if the cops stopped concentrating on defecting peoples cars, maybe theyll have enough time to catch dangerous drivers (no defecting people coming home from work))!!

but thats my opinion, nothing will get changed apart from the innocent sufering harder.

but thats life, aa wel.

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Priess I also just wrote on the site and saw yours after I typed in my rant.. mine has still not shown up on the site... Driving a Stag I get left alone but if one person so much as hears the pod filter spool noise I get fingers pointed and verbal abuse. I can garauntee that not one of these people has seen anything other than whats on Yesterday Tonight (From Japan). What percentage of the road toll do 'WE' (I use 'we' as the finger is now firmly pointed at all of us) account for? Another thing that shits me is the RCK club, they get away with blue murder and then 'WE' get the blame for it. You hear "the driver if a high powered import" when clearly that car in pieces is a commonwhore, they wait a week and post a retraction for the comment. TOO LATE in my view, the damage is done. The media have a field day with us, were public enemy number one and idiots like the two WRX drivers have made that ten fold.

Condolences to all affected too, it makes me sick to think that the arrogance of one has caused the death of another.

I just thought this also fitted the media hype surrounding the incident. Please don't let my views of the media detract from the seriousness of the incident for the people involved.

+1 to wannabeer's comment... and yes.. I'd love one.

Edited by Stagstock
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Opening a race track/drag strip will only decrease the road toll alittle. Drivers need education before they get there licence and make it harder to do so. Fines need to be bigger and loss of licences longer.

If your at the lights and wanna drag you will. You wont go to the other driver and say "hey lets drive for an hr and do it legal"

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