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Drag Racing Ring In Northern Suburbs Smashed


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Geeze Gen Y is so slow to pick up on what the point is aren't they?

"Hey atleast they had the decency to do it in an industrial estate and not out the front of your house, down the street infront of your local supermarket, or on a busy roadway. Atleast if anyone gets hurt its the people doing it - hence their own fault."

What don't you get about a public road?

Yeah sure we have all broken a road rule or 2.

But NOT have we attempted to do something so stupid and race on public roads with no bariers or ambulances on stand by or run off for mechanical failure or fire fighters on hand for a fire.

What about the place of work for these guys what if you run into a building or have the road closed off forcing people not able to get to work as the road is a crime scene. Poor Joe losses his job as the factory has to close down because of poor business and productivity.

What I trying to to say is think of others and stop thinking about yourselves and your shelfish intentions for a rush or thrill!

For me to even say something like that labels you a Hoon.

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That's a bullshit comment. I should be able to drive a GTR and not be a target for cops.

Car is fast/powerful > driver's drive car fast and use power irresponsibly > type of car gains reputation > type of car is openly targeted by police....

You guys are pretty simply huh...you don't see cops chasing down Porches and Ferrari's but then you don't see a lot of cock smoking knobs driving them either.

So skyline drivers (yourself included) are 'cock smoking knobs' ay? Considering thats who were talking about here right? Thats a real nice one.

'I should be able to drive a GTR and not be a target for cops.'

The operative word being should. Yes you should, we all should be able to, but its simply not the reality of the situation. Anyone who doesnt realise this is just plain ignorant. It never will be an ability that skyline drivers will have. To drive around and not be targetted. Its a simple nature of these cars.

So recognise the fact.

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The operative word being should. Yes you should, we all should be able to, but its simply not the reality of the situation. Anyone who doesnt realise this is just plain ignorant.

..ask urself the question "Why?"

And you'll find that the answer is because there are knobs out there with GTR's/Skylines that ruin the reputation for the rest.

In light of this fact, would it then not be logical to predict that a handfull of knobs displaying the SAU sticker could/will ruin the reputation of other SAU members for the rest?

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Most of you that are complaining would've and should've known what sort of rep our cars have before purchasing them. Knowing this, you still purchased the car so there is no use complaining now. End of the day, skylines/GTRs/silvias are always gonna be hoon cars in the eyes of the public and police. A skyline appearing on TT/ACA/7news in not gonna help the situation but realistically its not gonna change anything either.

As these cars slowly get cheaper and cheaper you will find that the situation is gonna deteriorate not get better. If you can't handle the heat then yes, you should sell ur car cause the heat is only gonna get worse

Edited by Taso84
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1: Some blatant double standards in this thread.

2: I doubt the general public will really identify the SAU sticker, to them, it is just another sticker.

That is all.

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As these cars slowly get cheaper and cheaper you will find that the situation is gonna deteriorate not get better. If you can't handle the heat then yes, you should sell ur car cause the heat is only gonna get worse

Stop been so pessimistic, maybe one day people will mature and we won't have so many issues on the street :D

Or, taking the extremely pessimistic view, the police will simply have little devices in your car that prevent you from doing a burnout or exceeding 100km/h, unless of course you are a police/ambulance/fire truck ! :(

Soooo anyway, where is this thread going? I think its lost its purpose :)

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Why are people so thick?

Skylines attract attention yes. But to say "you knew that it was going to happen when you bought it, if you don't like it buy a magna" is just pig ignorant, and shares the mindset of that muzza L-Plater who was listing of all the charges against him with pride like each one was was a military medal of honour.

You're correct, Imports are hoon cars in the eyes of the media. But they weren't always that way were they? It's drivers like this that gave them the reputation, and their continued pattern of behaviour remains to propogate the stereotype. But imagine, just for a second, that these idiots either a) realised what they are doing is illegal for a reason, or b) all died. What would happen to the 'hoon' stereotype with nobody to cultivate it?

I'm not saying that we should become a society of granny drivers, but if people realised that the place for drags and burnouts and other car related stunts was the track, not the streets, then there'd be little reason for skylines to be treated any differently by TMU from any other car.

It doesn't take much effort, just don't do dumb things and don't encourage it. Htial's example of leaving a meet when people started acting up was the best idea anyone's had in seven pages of debate.

What's the reason you don't play with yourself in the middle of fed square? Because it's stigmatised as 'socially inappropriate'. If these morons peers make them realise that what they are doing is wrong, then eventually they won't want to do it. And eventually, 'import driving hoons' have no substance behind them anymore, in the same way that nobody curses the russians as 'dirty commies' anymore.

And the we all get to drive our 6x10^8rwkw GTR's without any more heat from the police than we deserve.

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Adzmax - you don't see alot of Ferrari's and Porshce's full stop, and there's also this thing called...prestige.

thats probably because you live in melton dude. i'd be surprised if there is any prestige car registered there

I see R8's, lambo, porka, rarri, etc etc etc all the time, as in daily.

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why do people always make this topic so complicated it really isnt...

"hooning" and "hoons" is just part of our culture, always has been and always will be no doubts about that and people do grow out of it so the government need to realise that and i think they do but do they really want this problem gone??? i mean it does raise some revenue does it not? and to do something about it means they have to spend more money (like making places available for people to get it out of thier system) and revenue from this industry may drop and law inforcement officers might get abit bored..

so just to put things into context

*hoons = $

*solving the problem = less $ for mr. brumby to spend on pointless things

*the goverment care about nothing but $ so they're choosing $ over public safety and addressing the public's REAL needs

nuf said

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"you knew that it was going to happen when you bought it, if you don't like it buy a magna"

I bought my car well before all this "hoon" shit, when the illegal street racing car of choice was the vl and the like. heck even the coppas back then didn't even know what I was driving. good old days. Over the years those type of people are still doing what they do, now mainly in imports. I'd like to see the day that they all move onto euro cars, that would be a sight to see.

what I want to get across is I should have just as much right to drive what I want and not get targeted. If I'm doing something stupid pull me over, if i'm not leave me alone. Random breath test my ass, if it is then why do you need to look under my bonnet? Yep, not happy with it but it is the reality of today and it will continue with every generation.....until they move onto euro or hybrid cars..lol

edit: correcting myself ha, yeah hoonings been around forever, just unfortunate for me that the mainstream have moved onto imports.

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I bought my car well before all this "hoon" shit, when the illegal street racing car of choice was the vl and the like. heck even the coppas back then didn't even know what I was driving. good old days. Over the years those type of people are still doing what they do, now mainly in imports. I'd like to see the day that they all move onto euro cars, that would be a sight to see.

what I want to get across is I should have just as much right to drive what I want and not get targeted. If I'm doing something stupid pull me over, if i'm not leave me alone. Random breath test my ass, if it is then why do you need to look under my bonnet? Yep, not happy with it but it is the reality of today and it will continue with every generation.....until they move onto euro or hybrid cars..lol

edit: correcting myself ha, yeah hoonings been around forever, just unfortunate for me that the mainstream have moved onto imports.

my thoughts on the matter exactly

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thats probably because you live in melton dude. i'd be surprised if there is any prestige car registered there

Thats just a stupid thing to say, it really is!!

"Tis best to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool then to open it and remove all doubt"

Whats the difference in the place you live and be stereotyped and what type of car you drive and be stereotyped? Theres a little saying about a kettle being black isnt there????

I drive up and down the western hwy every day of the week and see all types of cars aswell, ferrari's, 911's, R8's, TVR's, maserati's and also skylines.

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Dude, the reason the imports cop a bum rap is exactly because of instances like these. You wouldn't be treated like a hoon by police if morons in the import segment didn't do stupid things like this, giving us all a bad name.

While i'm not a member of the SAUV executive, i'd be quite comfortable in guessing that they don't want to be associated with events like this either. So if you want to be an outlaw, go join the bandidos.

Just thought i'd bring this up (not sure if its been mentioned)

The reason the imports get so much unwanted attention is becuase the majority of them are defectable (all it takes is a rear cannon). i love how people complain when they get defected, maybe you should think twice before you start modifying your car.

Modified Vehicle Guidlines were not put in place becuase of hoons, they are there because modifications to your vehicle can create higher emissions therefore making your car illegal. When i was pulled up at a booze bus a couple of years ago i questioned the police officer on why he pulled me aside, he took a step back and looked at my car (as if to say look what your driving mate), when he returned to my window he stated that one of his fellow officers spotted my front mount meaning my car has been modified and therefore potentially illegal, and guess what, he wasn't wrong.

That's a bullshit comment. I should be able to drive a GTR and not be a target for cops.

Car is fast/powerful > driver's drive car fast and use power irresponsibly > type of car gains reputation > type of car is openly targeted by police....

You guys are pretty simply huh...you don't see cops chasing down Porches and Ferrari's but then you don't see a lot of cock smoking knobs driving them either.

I once asked a police officer, "Why do you target jap imports?" he told me plain and simple, "Any car that has a body kit or loud exhaust, basically if anything isn't standard on the vehicle then we are going to pull it over." Fair call imo. Keep it legal and you can avoid a lot of unwanted attention.

I realise that my car is heavily modified and does attract that unwanted attention but i don't have a cry when i get pulled over, i deal with it. As for the comment made by Ash about never seeing any SAU members on the hwy, LOL. For obvious reasons i won't mention names but i can count in my head easily over 10 SAU members that attend this weekly event on a regular basis.

As for the northern suburbs drag racing, take a look at the type of people that attend, that's all i will say.

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Just thought i'd bring this up (not sure if its been mentioned)

The reason the imports get so much unwanted attention is becuase the majority of them are defectable (all it takes is a rear cannon). i love how people complain when they get defected, maybe you should think twice before you start modifying your car.

Modified Vehicle Guidlines were not put in place becuase of hoons, they are there because modifications to your vehicle can create higher emissions therefore making your car illegal. When i was pulled up at a booze bus a couple of years ago i questioned the police officer on why he pulled me aside, he took a step back and looked at my car (as if to say look what your driving mate), when he returned to my window he stated that one of his fellow officers spotted my front mount meaning my car has been modified and therefore potentially illegal, and guess what, he wasn't wrong.

I once asked a police officer, "Why do you target jap imports?" he told me plain and simple, "Any car that has a body kit or loud exhaust, basically if anything isn't standard on the vehicle then we are going to pull it over." Fair call imo. Keep it legal and you can avoid a lot of unwanted attention.

I realise that my car is heavily modified and does attract that unwanted attention but i don't have a cry when i get pulled over, i deal with it. As for the comment made by Ash about never seeing any SAU members on the hwy, LOL. For obvious reasons i won't mention names but i can count in my head easily over 10 SAU members that attend this weekly event on a regular basis.

As for the northern suburbs drag racing, take a look at the type of people that attend, that's all i will say.

i agree 100%

most of the people that go are kents that just want to senslesly rip it up, drag etc

my mate goes every sunday night with his brothers

infact their going on as we speak.

he told me they go because theres nowhere else..

no racism intended here but the people who do attend are the wogs and lebs in their fully sick VL's

as soon as a cop rocks up, they pelt them with bottles etc

i reckon if they can organise it together with the cops somehow, it would be good

in the US, cops hold a public drag everymonth

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Just thought i'd bring this up (not sure if its been mentioned)

The reason the imports get so much unwanted attention is becuase the majority of them are defectable (all it takes is a rear cannon). i love how people complain when they get defected, maybe you should think twice before you start modifying your car.

A very valid point and one i hadn't thought of, but i'll stick to my guns here and maintain that what i said before is still a large factor in import targeting. You can't discount the power of public perception and media influence in governing a person's actions.

Just as the officer on the clip suggests the release of FNF4 as a contributing factor to a spike in street racing (the effect of the media on drivers), the fortnightly ACA/TT stories on 'irresponsible hoons' (who are the dodgy builders that make our kids fat and the neighbour from hell who won't do anything about it) and experiences from their peers within VicPol is going to affect the way the public (which police officers are a part of too) think when they look at a car (media power over the police).

If that perception was changed, then I think we would see a reduction in the amount of heat that imports attract. And i think that once pulled over, the way that the officer approaches the situation would be different too.

Edited by baron25
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Thats just a stupid thing to say, it really is!!

when the post i quoted said that "you dont see a lot of them", my point was not stupid at all, it was quite true actually.

Go back and read the quote, and the reply.

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think this needs to be closed.

everyone has there own point.

no one is agreeing with each other.

its going no where, people are starting to personally attack each other.

there is no evidence he was hooning, only tyre locked down cause of rego check to see outstanding fines.

its pretty easy to see here that people who hoon are ignorant, and wont take other's opinions on the idea aboared, so its just going around in a circle.

7pages long now of people trying to prove points, its plain and simple, one side hates hooning cause it brings the community ( SAU, and the public) into danger.

and the other side is finding excuses for why they hoon. you hoon on the streets, and thinks it ok.

my 2cents, hope it makes sense

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