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Drag Racing Ring In Northern Suburbs Smashed


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so let he who is free from sin blow the first blowtorch

*ignites blowtorch*

If you stand next to someone committing murder is it ok to be there 'just to watch'? Being there to watch is just as bad, as it gives credibility and support to these spanners. And due to his/her SAU membership, and displaying our sticker on his car, and by extension today/tonight it gives the impression that SAU endorses illegal street races, and tars all SAU members with the 'hoon' brush.

and i'll pass on blowing a blowtorch, sounds kinda pornographic, i'll just use one instead. :huh:

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Yous all love it and ur know it so let he who is free from sin blow the first blowtorch

As usual - how silly and well… rather dumb your view is.

An official car club is the same as any other organisation/group/club or otherwise.

You officially wear their colours, display their logo, whatever - you are representing the interests and views of the club and its members.

To then be stupid whilst representing the club and then tarnishing its name and members as a whole, is not a very smart thing to do.

If just once this year you can think before you post your typically ill informed dribble - it would be nice.

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I havent checked; but is there some sort of SAU membership clause in regards to such incidences?

...if not maybe thats something to look at?

I suppose you wouldnt want the SAU sticker becoming a big shining homing beacon for the po po


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Anyone here actually used to go Calder park every week to watch and go do drags?

I say every week because thats what most of these people actually did when it was open.

To say there are track days winton sandown blah blah blah is no argument. They dont compare to weekly drags.

Are they on every week track days on every week at a club? NO.

Do you need membership to drag at Calder? NO.

Do you need to pay 170 to do a run at Calder? NO.

Its simple to see people that visit Calder Park weekly have moved elsewhere. Its the same crowd.

If you guys' local LAN Cafe was shut down youd be cut too, and move elsewhere at any expense to get those CS hours in.

Im not saying what these people do isnt illegal and sometimes stupid, but seriously, who cares. Let them.

Most people on here need to harden the f**k up, instead of sooking when a SAU sticker is seen on TV etc. Whether or not a cop recognises the sticker on the side of your car youre still going to be treated unfairly.

You all would be surprised to see the amount of SAU stickers on Princes highway on a Friday night doing stupid shit. 50% of the people out there drive sklyines. SAU members arent angels thats for sure.

This isnt 'SAU - Anti-hoon Vic' its a club that anyone can join and do whatever they want, so its expected you get some idiots.

If you dont like seeing SAU stickers on TV with people doing the wrong thing, stop whining and take the sticker off your car! Leave the club! Buy a family car. Pretty simple.

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wow, so i read in the paper that after that bikie shot the backpacker in the CBD the rest of the Hells Angels caught up with him and burnt off his angels tatt with a blowtorch for bringing the club into disrepute.

Sounds like someone's warming up the blowtorch here......

Blowtorch the stickers off.....

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Whether or not a cop recognises the sticker on the side of your car youre still going to be treated unfairly.

Dude, the reason the imports cop a bum rap is exactly because of instances like these. You wouldn't be treated like a hoon by police if morons in the import segment didn't do stupid things like this, giving us all a bad name.

While i'm not a member of the SAUV executive, i'd be quite comfortable in guessing that they don't want to be associated with events like this either. So if you want to be an outlaw, go join the bandidos.

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Dude, the reason the imports cop a bum rap is exactly because of instances like these. You wouldn't be treated like a hoon by police if morons in the import segment didn't do stupid things like this, giving us all a bad name.

While i'm not a member of the SAUV executive, i'd be quite comfortable in guessing that they don't want to be associated with events like this either. So if you want to be an outlaw, go join the bandidos.

Then buy a family car if you cant hack it.

The fact of the matter is that things like this will always be happening, it will never stop. If you buy a commodore, same thing. So go the family 'segment'.

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Im not saying what these people do isnt illegal and sometimes stupid, but seriously, who cares. Let them.

Most people on here need to harden the f**k up, instead of sooking when a SAU sticker is seen on TV etc. Whether or not a cop recognises the sticker on the side of your car youre still going to be treated unfairly.

You all would be surprised to see the amount of SAU stickers on Princes highway on a Friday night doing stupid shit. 50% of the people out there drive sklyines. SAU members arent angels thats for sure.

This isnt 'SAU - Anti-hoon Vic' its a club that anyone can join and do whatever they want, so its expected you get some idiots.

If you dont like seeing SAU stickers on TV with people doing the wrong thing, stop whining and take the sticker off your car! Leave the club! Buy a family car. Pretty simple.

Like I said - you represent the club when wearing its 'colours'. Just like any other club, organisation, recognised group and so on.

Does a company take people misbehaving (whilst wearing their logos and association)? No.

Do sporting clubs approve/condone people misbehaving whilst displaying their colours? No.

Why then should a registered and organised car club, SAU-Vic, be any different?

It’s very immature to come out with "harden the f**k up'. What are we, 15?

I tell you right now - this isnt a club where people can just join and do whatever they want.

You cant just join the club, slap on our stickers and then go and do burnouts on the street and say "I can do whatever I want"

It will not be tolerated.

And as a side note - I live on Princes Hwy, drive it at all hours of the day/night, never seen a SAU-Vic sticker'd car once in 4 years misbehaving.

If you dont like seeing SAU stickers on TV with people doing the wrong thing, stop whining and take the sticker off your car! Leave the club! Buy a family car. Pretty simple.

Actually you couldn’t be more wrong. The people doing this behaviour should

1. Take the stickers off their car

2. Leave the club

That’s the simple part of it all.

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Well it seems alot of people whinge about these kinda things more often than not. So hardening up would be the operative as opose to crying about it. Its not about being mature or not.

"You cant just join the club, slap on our stickers and then go and do burnouts on the street and say "I can do whatever I want""

But you can join the club and do whatever you want. Just dont get caught if youre stupid enough to do it. When I became a member I signed up and put the stickers on my car. Im not saying I do burnouts regularly but I could of done it with members of the public watching and degrading our club. How do you police it Ash?

One guy who gets caught on TV...fair enough find out who he is and take his membership away from him.

My point is that hes not the only one...and yes SAUs do cruise/drag Princes, it happens WAYYY further out from where you live though. Ive seen SAUs doing stupid shit driving home at 5pm in peak hour. You cant stop it, just have to live with it.

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Gotta agree with Nismoid with regards to the wearing of club colours/displaying club logo's. The club doesn't condone the behaviour, it's in it's best interests to distance itself from the behaviour, and so can and should do everything in it's power to prevent the bad behaviour. However it can. I don't want that SAU sticker to translate to "pull me over", I want it to translate to "this guys in a car club, perhaps he should be given the benefit of the doubt as an enthusiast". It's a bit of a Utopian dream, but I got to have something.

Femno, you do make a good point that the WEEKLY drags at Calder have been sorely missed, and that the crew playing up are most likely the guys that were at Calder religiously every week. They don't really have anywhere to go now for their weekly thrash sessions. Of course they can go to Sandown or Winton, etc, but do they have the same frequency and format as Calder? Nope.

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When i say i drive Princes Hwy - im talking down the other end, not the city end ie, well past clayton. Either way thats not the point here.

What people do in thier own time, is thier own business. I couldnt care less what anyone does in thier own time/privacy.

However if you wear club stickers, club merchandise and so on, you need to have a good long hard think before you do anything stupid as it could cost you your membership.

Mark my words, if you misbehave and end up on the 6pm news, the Committee isnt going to be very impressed... however the bigger issue is your fellow members/peers and that is the essence of what people are saying here. They dont want to be associated.

Members do not want the club they are a part of to be dragged into a poor setting with the community.

I think this is more than reasonable. A key aim of this club if you will.

You really need to pull your head in to be honest, to tell your peers to "to get over it, to harden the f**k up" really is not a fair argument or point of discussion on something that concerns each and every member that takes pride in wearing the club gear.

People join the club by choice - to distance themselves from the fools you see going around in circles @ intersections.

People join the club to be a part of the community. Attend cruises, events and so on that have like minded people, people that behave at so they can enjoy thier cars without having to worry about the idiots of the world and the attention that goes with it.

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A lot of time and effort was put into setting up a reasonably respectable car club. Personally I find it annoying how many forum users love to get on the high horse and bang on about this and that but seeing an SAU sticker on a show like ACA REALLY gives me the royal shits.

Yes members are not angels, yes people love speed and love to give it a squirt but seeing it on prime time TV is a different story. The more you see this the more you associate that sticker and what it represents with idiots.

You can't stop members from doing stupid things, you're correct. The only course of action is to simply ban them from being an SAU Vic member full stop - whether or not they care we won’t know but at least we're seen not to condone that sort of activity.

It’s as simple as that.

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Video is going up now guys... ...Sorry about the delay...

I have only one comment on that video..

Why doesn't SAU arrange strippers before cruises, like the football club does before a match?


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you guys do realise that the SAU member's car was only there as a spectator in the bust, and he was only done for unpaid fines... this includes parking fines, citylink fines etc. The car is immobilised until he pays off the fines. Its the sheriff's dept that does that, not TMU.

Basically they just wanted to get everyone for as much shit as possible, regardless of whether you had a roadworthy car, were involved in illegal activity etc.

I bet any amount of money that if the Sheriff's dept looked into it 1/2 the SAU VIC members would have unpaid fines. hell half of melb probably has unpaid fines.

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you guys do realise that the SAU member's car was only there as a spectator in the bust, and he was only done for unpaid fines... this includes parking fines, citylink fines etc. The car is immobilised until he pays off the fines. Its the sheriff's dept that does that, not TMU.

Basically they just wanted to get everyone for as much shit as possible, regardless of whether you had a roadworthy car, were involved in illegal activity etc.

I bet any amount of money that if the Sheriff's dept looked into it 1/2 the SAU VIC members would have unpaid fines. hell half of melb probably has unpaid fines.


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Good point funky, but my argument remains - if you watch a murder, but don't take part does that make it okay?

If there wasn't a large spectator base, do you think that this would be as much of a problem? Sure, there are people who will do it regardless, but having a crowd to show off to increases the problem markedly.

Look at it this way, of all the burnouts/street drifting that happens, i'd bet an infinitesimally small percentage of it is performed in areas with no-one around, with nobody else in the car. Chuck a few mates in, and suddenly there seems to be more point in doing it.

Spectatorship is silent support for what is still a stupid and dangerous idea, which adds weight to the import driving hoon stereotype, and as a result we all end up under police scrutiny, for what a small segment of the import population are responsible for.

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Nismoid, I think you're taking alot of what femno has said the wrong way. He's not saying SAU shouldn't do anything about members who behave like this, just that there isn't much you can do. There really is nothing to stop someone from joining this club, stickering up their car and doing stupid shit. You can take away their membership and they can still go to illegal drags with the stickers on their cars. This club may not tolerate this kind of thing, but that doesn't mean SAU can police it. You will only police what you can see. If you think this kid caught on a Seven News camera is the only SAU member going around doing stupid things, then you're just ignorant. Also willing to bet that the demerit point average of everyone in this club is somewhat higher than that of the average Victorian driver. I'm not saying apathise on the issue...but don't act like there's something more that you'll do about it than take away someone's membership because they gave some idiots an audience.

To all you people complaining about it giving the club a bad image...yes, it does. But this is inevitable. Every car club, and I challenge you to find me one that doesn't, has it's share of idiots. You all just find it easier to excuse the assumptions/generalisations of law enforcement who would pull you over or point the finger at you for having an SAU sticker. If you're worried about police attention, THAT is the simple thing. Drive a roadworthy car and don't do stupid shit yourself. If you get fined or canaried for something, you can't blame that on the guy on Seven News who was wearing an SAU sticker. That's your fault. The police don't write down on the infringement notice "wearing an SAU sticker like the guy on Seven News". You screwed up. Deal with it. If you think the fine/canary was unjust, take it to court. People love not taking responsibility for their own actions. Police attention goes hand in hand with driving a sports car...they will see your car whether you have an SAU sticker or not. If you didn't know that before you bought your car then you're somewhat of an imbecile who should be driving a family car.

Kudos to you femno for having the guts to take on an opinion that alot of people don't want to hear. It's good to see there are people who visit both sides of the story before delivering their unquestionable "logic". I don't at all condone the behaviour of these groups either, but I've long held the view that giving them a place to legally do it is the best way to keep them off the street. Any suggestions about going to race tracks hundreds of kilometres away for hundreds of dollars are just stupid. These people aren't setting up cones and chicanes around the streets to engage in a circuit race...they are doing burnouts and drags. They need a large piece of bitumen in the middle of some rural farm land to do their thing and leave the rest of society out of it. Where's the incentive though? Nowhere. It would cost the State Government money to lose money.

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