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Drag Racing Ring In Northern Suburbs Smashed


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So does that mean every car being fined, pulled over or even hoon towed displaying an sau sticker owner deserves to be excluded?

One persons form does not represent that of all. I'm tipping those already displaying an sau sticker are fully aware they are classed as a target by police prior to one members noted activity. Does it reflect poorly on the club as a whole, I honestly dont think so. Now should it have been an sau meet up at the scene, then maybe thats something to bang on about. But a showing of imports with or without club stickers would be comonplace at any of these street events, perhaps in this instance the 5 0 could be the decider, not the interwebs. If this vehicle concerned was caught behaving badly...im sure they would be suitably bent over by the popo.

I feel a little sorry for all those busted...many years ago dandy rd was cut off on regular basis by races and illegal drags...its no different now, just a couple of generations on, only now you lose your car, and are judged by the whole internet community. >_<

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To the person who used the example of watching a murder, if you watch a drag race is it the same as you been in the drag race ? I don't think so...

I've been to a few in my time to watch and the vibe i got was you are the crowd wanting to see something and so they give you something to see. If there was no crowd to egg em on they wouldn't do half the crazy shit that they are doing, they would just simply be drag racing. It's like when your at school and there's a fight about to happen and your all eggin' one guy to hit the other and he actually does..lol..not as extreme as murder though.

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lol... we quantum leap'd

i had a little geeky lol, im doing a paper on quantum computing atm >_<

in regards to the topic, im on the fence.

On one hand we have a bloke with our logo on his car caught by a cop on tv- regardless if its an unpaid parking fine, its still going to look bad against the club, as people see a cop, a wheel lock, and a skyline with a SAU sticker - given i had to watch twice to catch it because i thought it was pretty bloody small...

but he may have just been watching and at the wrong place at the wrong time and now he may loose membership to SAU, before theres an explanation Im not going to judge.... is there no chance he was coming home from one of the factories in the area and got caught ?? im probably just being naive... but theres always 2 sides to a story...

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I agree. I was at the Noble Park riots going back a few years ago. Was I there watching burnouts? Yes. Did I take part in the damage to police cars, taxis, etc.? Absolutely not. When that started happening I had no way of safely leaving without having my car damaged because I was parked in the middle of it.

I think banning him from the club for being in the vicinity at the time (we'll assume he was spectating) is a little harsh. I doubt anyone watching including the police took notice of the little sticker. Up until a couple a few years ago I can say that I did spectate at things like this, but the majority of people grow out of that phase (myself included.) He made a mistake and is copping a fine for it. You would hope this was a learning experience for him.

Very well said

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I would completely disagree with any kind of membership cancellation or suspension, everyone does stupid stuff, he wasn't even doing anything illegal, simply watching an illegal act.

yeah i think i may have jumped the gun a bit in calling for cancellation. parking fines is more reasonable than hooning (god i hate that word)

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Quite a while ago I was at an "event" and ran into a few other SAU members... ...I'm sorry I don't remember the members... ...and it was quite a big mixed gathering near Dandenong... ...And at sometime during the night some tool in a ford or holden started doing a burnout... ...And then another... ...and another... ...And with that I turned to the other SAU members and thanked them for the chat and I'm off home... ...Someone questioned me as to why I was off so early and I just said that I didn't want to let people see the SAU stickers and associate the current behavior with OUR club... ...And with that they also hopped into their cars and followed me off...

It wasn't until about a month or two later when I ran into a guy that I went to high school with that's from another car club ("RollaBoys" I think) and they told me that it was quite impressive to see a dozen Skylines from the same club all move out at once... ...and pressed me on why we left so early... ...I told him that we (SAU members that were there) didn't like our club to be associated with that behavior... ...He told me he wished he was with a club that felt that way...

I felt quite chuffed...

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To everyone jumping up and down about the incident - who said anything about cancelling memberships?

Getting your car clamped is hardly grounds for a membership cancellation...

All most posts have been in general reference (ie, if you DO get on the news going around in circles, or at a club event - expect something to happen) or to specific comments.

Otherwise - whoever had thier car clamped - sucks to be them and thats about it.

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Cheers Birds for seeing the argument the way im trying to tell it and elaborating further, youre spot on, you summed up the arguments well.

Im just telling it how it is...if its too harsh, too strong or unfair then bad luck. Lifes unfair sometimes. Its really how it is. Its not unreasonable. Sometimes you need to be cold and harsh to show reality to those who are ignorant and fail to see the big picture.

Anyway like Birds said 'driving a sports car goes hand in hand with police attention', so at the end of the day whether our club is shown on the news in a bad way or not, being unfairly treated by the police is inevitable, and I just think people on here should stop complaining about imports 'being given a bad name' due to a minority thats all. Its something we have to live with. Get used to it.

I dont want to see the club turn to shit, its a great club, we wouldnt be on here if it wasnt, yes it is worth arguing about lol, and I do understand youre trying to make an example of how members of this club should and shouldnt act, Ash.

Yes most of us do our best to behave as well as we can, so hopefully people can see us as an enthusiast club, not a hoon drivers club, and we can enjoy cruises and trackdays in future without being down upon by the community.

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Some of you guys have to wake up and listen to yourselves - who do you think you are? You remind me of the old ladys that stare in disbelieve when you drive a car down the road with the exhaust ? What is it with SAU? Is every thread some sort of Brownie scoreing mission - its like you guys are fighting to see how mature and justifiable you are. Its a car forum not a exclusive high paying member club with benifits.

Every week I attended various meeets, including princess and see not one, but tens of SAU stickered skylines doing burnouts, drifting, drag racing.

I love how Nismoid says "And as a side note - I live on Princes Hwy, drive it at all hours of the day/night, never seen a SAU-Vic sticker'd car once in 4 years misbehaving"

Ive got vids of not a few, but whole PACKS of SAU stickered Skylines down princes hwy on a Friday night.

I suppose tho, you spend most of your time behind a computer screen than out in the real world so you wouldnt know.

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Starion - What Ash says/think are his own views but personaly no one has ever said this doesn't happen and I'd never for a second think it does not but when this sort of stuff is shown on TV then all of the sudden it's a different story. If your videos were shown on ACA I'd ban every one of them too. Mate, I'd ban every member untill there was just me if I had to rather than be associsate with idiots like them.

Personally I think most people miss the whole banning point. If I were president I would have the member banned, lucky for most I'm not huh. If there is no repercussion then I'm very, very disappointed...

You know, the member could just be shown being there and I'd still have them banned. Fact is the logo has been shown during a broadcast on public television about anti-social and illegal behaviour - I'm sorry but if you can't understand how this sort of thing brings a club into disrepute then your judgment is obviously pretty clouded.

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Why attend a illegal driving event on our streets in club colours?

Why draw attention to yourself in your pride and joy at such an event?

Why egg on smack tards who really have no regard for other people on our roads?

Why undo all the great work the committe has been doing to bridge the gap with TMU?

This type of behvaiour has undone alot of work with working alongside the Police and having a general understanding of what SAU is about.

As a paying member of the club I for one say you are guilty by association in stupidity to put yourself into that position in the first place. A warning should be recorded against said member and a stern talking to. That would be it.

But if anyone caught in the public arena and generating publicity for breaking serious traffic laws, in club colours should be instantly KFC'd never to return.

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Some of you guys have to wake up and listen to yourselves - who do you think you are? You remind me of the old ladys that stare in disbelieve when you drive a car down the road with the exhaust ? What is it with SAU? Is every thread some sort of Brownie scoreing mission - its like you guys are fighting to see how mature and justifiable you are. Its a car forum not a exclusive high paying member club with benifits.

Every week I attended various meeets, including princess and see not one, but tens of SAU stickered skylines doing burnouts, drifting, drag racing.

I love how Nismoid says "And as a side note - I live on Princes Hwy, drive it at all hours of the day/night, never seen a SAU-Vic sticker'd car once in 4 years misbehaving"

Ive got vids of not a few, but whole PACKS of SAU stickered Skylines down princes hwy on a Friday night.

I suppose tho, you spend most of your time behind a computer screen than out in the real world so you wouldnt know.

Thank you very much, you are spot on my friend.

Never has a truer post been written

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Yes it is a car forum, and as such we have every right to post distane at people who break the law with burnouts etc and put other people at risk in an uncontrolled environment.

There is no justification for such actions and no defence to it. You can all try and justify why you do it or why your mates do it. But at the end of the day as the next generation of import owners you will wear the consequences.

Hey if we want any of our skylines after 25 years of age to get on CH plates then you are all going about the right way to make sure it never happens.

There is big difference between an enthusiast and a hoon. Yes I agree there are many members who walk a fine line and will be caught and will deal with the issues when it arrives. But illegal street racing, burn outs etc.. on public roads is asking for trouble and you will be getting no support from anyone on this forum to justify such behaviour.

Remember these are public forums and Police etc.. read it and gauge our attitudes and reactions to such things. To see if we are all tard with the one brush.

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Look, i dont condone that sort of behaviour, I just hate it when ppl get on their high horse and start ripping into some guy when most probably, he was only there watching. I also hate the fact that these same ppl are hypocrites and have also probably done more stupid things but are just lucky enough to have never been caught

Maybe you view the watching the hoons as encouraging that sort of behaviour but realistically 1) its still gonna happen whether ppl are watching or not and 2) its not a crime to do so.

Lets cut this guy a break, I think having ur car on 6pm news is punishment enough

Edited by Taso84
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Some of you guys have to wake up and listen to yourselves - who do you think you are? You remind me of the old ladys that stare in disbelieve when you drive a car down the road with the exhaust ? What is it with SAU? Is every thread some sort of Brownie scoreing mission - its like you guys are fighting to see how mature and justifiable you are.

lol i was just thinking that..

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"1) its still gonna happen whether ppl are watching or not and"

True but then how far will acts go if no one was there to watch? How much publicity will be there or Police presence will be there if it is say just 5 cars?

"2) its not a crime to do so. "

True and you won't be covered by TAC if you are injured. People bring more people, then you end up with a mass of people, who is responsible for the peoples safety or if something happens who will stick around? Would you want someone close to you in that situation?

"Look, i dont condone that sort of behaviour, I just hate it when ppl get on their high horse and start ripping into some guy when most probably, he was only there watching. I also hate the fact that these same ppl are hypocrites and have also probably done more stupid things but are just lucky enough to have never been caught"

I agree in part to what you are saying hence why I haven't pushed or indicated he is removed from the club. I am suggesting a warning from the club only. I believe said members leason will be re-enforced after this has occured. BTW never is a long time and we will all get caught eventually, one way or another.

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I think if u are injured attending one of these hoon event you still would be covered by TAC since it is on a public road, as long as all parties have rego. Don't see why you wouldn't be

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For all the money they spent on that police operation here is an idea for VicPol and the state Govt:

Why don't you close off a industrial estate to the public every say Sat or Sun night, (one that is not being used during those hours) and have supervised hooning. Charge ppl $10 entry and make them sign a disclaimer so the supervisors are not held responsible for their actions.

Ok, overall it might run at a loss, however you would need prob max 2 marked cop cars to supervise and it would be a hell of alot cheaper than launching these huge bust operations with 50 cops and 25 cars + helicopters needed. Since it is a public road, all entrants must have rego and a licence. TAC and normal insurance would still apply.

Hooning is not a new phenomenon. This country has had a love affair with cars and burning runner for over 50 years now. The culture is not going to change, Police need to accept this and find alternative strategies to continually busting up meets only for new ones to appear a month later, because in all honesty, that is what happens. What I am proposing is one such alternative strategy. I'm sure with all of the talent they've got working for VicPol atm they might find an even better solution.

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