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Putting a diff back together under the car, slipping the crown gear and all back in, my mate was pushing and it slipped and jammed my hand against it and the diff housing full cutting open my palm lol.

This ones not in the shed...just out of it..( bout 5 meters away)..Back in the day when i doing my traineeship at Morphett vale wreckers, i had to get a exhaust system off of an old cressida...it just happened to be sitting on top of another car...i jacked it up with a scissor jack...braced the jack with wood, and just got a spanner onto the first nut when the jack slipped, taking the wood out, and the full weight of one side of the cressy landed on my arm...the sill panel crushing it againts the roof of the car it was sitting on....at the time, the other guys were loading the sims truck up the other end of the yard and couldnt hear my screams for help....there just happened to be a customer walking round the yard that heard me and managed to push the car up off my arm....i dont know how he did it as he was a weedy little old guy, and the cressy still had its motor and trans in it....fearing the worst, i pulled my arm out, in tears...and it wasnt broken....didnt even break the skin..though i have a small crush scar where it was.....

Can we include on the farm stories, my brother and i grew up in the country and i have so many stories from the farm.

Dale does that mean I tell the world about the incident involving a go Kart, a contour bank and stitches in an unusual place or the other story about how we lost all our clothes except our underwear and work boots or even how we broke the next door neighbours windows from 2 km away. I think I have at least 50 humorous stories. Seriously how we are still alive today I have no idea.

working on the magna, just let it down off the jackstands, was about to drive it back into the garage when the phone starts ringing, i was expected a fairly important phone call so i left the magna with the drivers door open and ran to the phone. 10 minutes into the phone call i hear something that sounds like tearing metal, so i walk out the garage, see that the magna wasnt where id left it, hmm, ask the person on the phone to hold on for a sec, put it down and go to look for the magna.

it had somehow managed to backwards over the wheel chock (it had collapsed), rolled down my driveway, torn the door off on my mailbox on the way down (and broken the solid brick mailbox in half), rolled over the road, and parked in the yard over the road.

went inside, picked up the phone;

"yeah... so im gonna have to cut this interview short."

"whys that?"

"funny story really, but basically my car just crashed itself."

"... ooooook."

never got a call back from that mob, lol.

should probably list the damage,

drivers door folded in half, front quarter panel torn off from the door to the wheel arch, front bar detached, where the hinges mount was pulled sideways about 2 inches.

Edited by scandyflick

rebuildig an l20b motor my mate and i who only worked on it at night with bellies full of coopers pale ale left the rocker cover off as i was doing tappet clearences and about to refit it to the engine.

my mate was connecting the fuel lines.

he cut one and the off cut sprung into the air and went down the block into the timing chain cover into the sump.

we looked at each other for a bit and he said

"you really want to get it out?"

"Will it matter?"

"yer probably"

looked down the gap at the front of the block to find not only the bit of rubber hose but a 6mm bolt stuck in the timing chain about to go under the crank with one more turn to get the next valve ready to gap.

hard to believe that this motor is still going 5 years later after daily abuse...

Was bored one night, so i decided to see what the inside of the intake plenum of my VS commodore looked like. Once i took the top off i started putting the screws back in, so i would loose them. I didnt do one screw up tight enough, so as i leaned off of the body to do something else, the car rose up which then somehow made the screw fall into the intake plenum and down one of the runners. I only knew that happened as i heard the "tink" as it fell down into the runner, luckily the mechanic around the corner knows me a bit, and was nice enough to lend me a tool to get it out.

If i couldn't have gotten it out, me and my mate where gonna pull the engine down....would have been fun, maybe.

This is a bit seady, but thought i would share it anyway....

Was working on my mates GTR XU1 Torana doing some wiring, cut my arm on something sharp, didn’t think much of it. Few days later arm started to swell a bit and was bit hard to bend it, went to gf place, see freaked out, (by this time it was about twice the normal size and red like it was fully sunburnt) and she said you anit getting any till you go to the doc, so went to the doc, he said I ended up with blood poisoning and there was a big chance that I would have not woken up the next day as it was spreading so fast, woops, so he gave me a shot and some pills, got the permanent maker out and drew around the edges of the red stuff and said if it goes past this point go straight to the hospital....

So as some of you are aware i bought a jetski a few weeks ago... driveways rather steep and garage at bottom.... stags in garage and i was cleaning ski on driveway with wheels chocked. decided i was done thought i pull it tohand up to the road up the driveway all was good about a meter before the apex where the driveway goes down to gutter level. f**ker got real heavy on me and started to loose traction on the ground and started sliding down driveway towards stag with jetski... mangaed to aim it into mums garden >_<

nearly spoilt two of my fav toys!

Hmm, the amount of times I had to kick the door to alert my (ex)wife to open it, because I'm using my hands to stop myself bleeding to death, is numerous. I'm surprised I've still got a right thumb after the amount of times an angle grinder has almost taken it off. I have pretty good reflexes, but its not good sometimes when you drop a running grinder and your reflex action is to catch it! >_< Scars all over it and it 'clicks' now :P

My mate burnt himself good and proper when I welded up a top mount manifold for my CA18DET with steampipe bends. I went to remove it from the jig (with welding gloves!) and my mate decided to grab it too to help. :( Boy did he cry like a little girl.

Yeah you gotta love instinctive reactions. I'm a windscreen fitter and in the early days I dropped my Olfa knife (like an extra long stanley knife) while getting out of the car I was working on.

My truly awesome, jedi-like reactions helped me catch the knife before it hit the ground. Lucky me. I didn't even have to open my fist before the guy I was working with gave me some inspiring kudos which were something along the lines of "you dickhead, that'll hurt soon". And it did.

Stanley knife blades are sharp enough to do real damage, yet somehow not hurt for the first few seconds, which gives you just enough time to think about how much blood you're about to lose.

This is a bit seady, but thought i would share it anyway....

Was working on my mates GTR XU1 Torana doing some wiring, cut my arm on something sharp, didn't think much of it. Few days later arm started to swell a bit and was bit hard to bend it, went to gf place, see freaked out, (by this time it was about twice the normal size and red like it was fully sunburnt) and she said you anit getting any till you go to the doc, so went to the doc, he said I ended up with blood poisoning and there was a big chance that I would have not woken up the next day as it was spreading so fast, woops, so he gave me a shot and some pills, got the permanent maker out and drew around the edges of the red stuff and said if it goes past this point go straight to the hospital....

thats some nasty shit... more scary than funny.. lucky you still alive

dont even get me started on knifes.....Working at Triumph Rover Spares in lonsdale, cutting a rear 1/4 panel off the body as they are glued on....everything is going sweet...the silicone spray is working really well....get near a corner that was hard to do and the knife slipped and hit me in the hand....it hurt.....i go to finish off the job to see blood pissing out of my finger......then i see the gash..kinda < shaped and almost deep enough to see the bone.....went to tell the boss who out gauze on it and then abused the shit out of me for being careless.....i then had to drive myself to hospital to be stitched up.....6 stitches later...all fixed.....have a spot on my finger that cant feel anything......damn Landrovers :closedeyes:

back at the old place my old mazda 929, without a shed, my smart fella of an old man, decided it would be fine to change both rears at the same time, by

jacking her up at the diff.......on soggy, thin gravel

jack sunk with no rear wheels on, my old man grabbed the rear bar trying to stop the car from hitting the ground, snapping the right side off.

rotors sunk into the gravel, and was one hell of a shit fight trying to jack it back up the get the wheels back on.

he fails sometimes.

Laughed my ass off at RubyRS4's story about the lawn mower... GOLD!!!!!

Ever seen a ride on mower wheelie? :blink:

My mate and I also fitted an XJ600 motor to a go kart. Started it up in the shed with no muffler ... porn!!! I never got to ride it tho. Mate and I had a falling out before it was finished (just needed muffler and controls sorted). Reckon he would have stacked that good and proper :D

Ever seen a ride on mower wheelie? :blink:

My mate and I also fitted an XJ600 motor to a go kart. Started it up in the shed with no muffler ... porn!!! I never got to ride it tho. Mate and I had a falling out before it was finished (just needed muffler and controls sorted). Reckon he would have stacked that good and proper :D

The sequence of events in popping a wheelie then cracking his head... oh s**t! I reckon I would have stroke from laughing too hard!

So as some of you are aware i bought a jetski a few weeks ago... driveways rather steep and garage at bottom.... stags in garage and i was cleaning ski on driveway with wheels chocked. decided i was done thought i pull it tohand up to the road up the driveway all was good about a meter before the apex where the driveway goes down to gutter level. f**ker got real heavy on me and started to loose traction on the ground and started sliding down driveway towards stag with jetski... mangaed to aim it into mums garden :P

nearly spoilt two of my fav toys!

Haha! I thought I was the only one lol!, I was trying to maneuver my jet ski the other week onto the grass just outside the shed, had a chock behind the wheel at one stage so I could turn it without it going down the driveway, but it somehow rolled over the chock, I tried to hold on but the b#*ch is heavy, dropped the front of the trailer on my ankle and watched it run backwards down the driveway towards the skyline!

Somehow It turned by itself at the last second and went into the bushes on the side of the driveway, missed the car by 10cm!

Ankle hurt for 2 weeks! lol funny now but.

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