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As the topic says................

Im really over catching a train five days a week to work when i have a nice car to drive...and then on the two days i have off, being to drunk to drive for the other one and half days...i clock up 10kms a week.......and i pay full comp insurance...For what??

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im so over ppl in the city and their mobile phones


i was waiting for the bus home at like 6pm and some f**king chick was on the phone right

but not only that


like seriously walking up and down the footpath, walking in circles - WTF

stand stil u ugly lady

that shits me


i get on the bus

sit down, put ipod, and i can here someone on the phone,

this converstaion continued for 20 f**king minutes

im like f**k you i dont care what your having for dinner or that you didnt hang out the washing

...one day il say that to someone n get hit lol

but yeeh f**king annoying lol


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I'm over the sydney general public, I go down there for a nice evening and some arsebandit skinhead decides to sock me in the mouth for no reason, what-so-ever. Now, if I had been a smartarse, talked shit or generally acted like a raging knob, I'd be happy not to be pissed about it and say 'I'm the one who acted like a dickhead, therefore deserving massive gaping wounds in my inner cheek', but fkn no!

Play by play, I walk back from the toilet (at the greatest pub in the world, mind you; The Lowenbrau) happy as a pig in shit cause its the first time I've taken holidays in three years to fly down to see my mate. I walk past a dude asleep on a table, I turn to a random who is a good few metres away and remark 'How about this guys form? He's asleep, haha!' fkn toss-pot right hooks me. Now, I'm not the biggest guy on earth but I can take a decent punch. I'm standing there, blood all over me, dribbling blood like I've ingested drain-o and this arseclown goes 'That's my brother man, don't talk shit about my brother!'.

Ok, so after the devestating shock and awe that has just befallen my already average face has died down, I notice that this guy is around 6'1" and built like Mike Tyson, but whiter and already much much angrier.

Long story short, it turns out he didn't even know the guy asleep and mistook him for a mate of his.

So, let's just recap right now.

1) No reason

2) Wasn't even his brother and never was in the first place

3) Didn't know the guy

4) I'm now left with gaping wounds in my cheek and a very sore jaw.

THEN (fk) I was arrested in McDonalds about three hours later (for going upstairs to use the toilets. Toilets were closed and the security guard had little man syndrome and went and got the cops when I told him to 'bash it up his arse'), led outside and let go. Great. Pity they threw me near two of the wierdest drug dealers on earth both jostling to sell me weed, no worries, until the brazilian dude starts slapping the indian dude and all shit breaks loose. Cue me, in the middle of kings cross in the middle of some mini drug war between two ethnic nations, blood all over me and all I wanted to do in Maccas was get some water for my mouth.

Fkn hell, I'm cheering extra hard on wednesday night, considering I now can't drink beer on that night. You may be thinking 'It's only state of origin, there will be another' but it also happens to be my birthday, I was born on state of origin night 22 years ago, kind of a bit special to me.

Grargrhkldsjfhafjkhd [/end rant]

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I'm over the sydney general public, I go down there for a nice evening and some arsebandit skinhead decides to sock me in the mouth for no reason, what-so-ever. Now, if I had been a smartarse, talked shit or generally acted like a raging knob, I'd be happy not to be pissed about it and say 'I'm the one who acted like a dickhead, therefore deserving massive gaping wounds in my inner cheek', but fkn no!

Play by play, I walk back from the toilet (at the greatest pub in the world, mind you; The Lowenbrau) happy as a pig in shit cause its the first time I've taken holidays in three years to fly down to see my mate. I walk past a dude asleep on a table, I turn to a random who is a good few metres away and remark 'How about this guys form? He's asleep, haha!' fkn toss-pot right hooks me. Now, I'm not the biggest guy on earth but I can take a decent punch. I'm standing there, blood all over me, dribbling blood like I've ingested drain-o and this arseclown goes 'That's my brother man, don't talk shit about my brother!'.

Ok, so after the devestating shock and awe that has just befallen my already average face has died down, I notice that this guy is around 6'1" and built like Mike Tyson, but whiter and already much much angrier.

Long story short, it turns out he didn't even know the guy asleep and mistook him for a mate of his.

So, let's just recap right now.

1) No reason

2) Wasn't even his brother and never was in the first place

3) Didn't know the guy

4) I'm now left with gaping wounds in my cheek and a very sore jaw.

THEN (fk) I was arrested in McDonalds about three hours later (for going upstairs to use the toilets. Toilets were closed and the security guard had little man syndrome and went and got the cops when I told him to 'bash it up his arse'), led outside and let go. Great. Pity they threw me near two of the wierdest drug dealers on earth both jostling to sell me weed, no worries, until the brazilian dude starts slapping the indian dude and all shit breaks loose. Cue me, in the middle of kings cross in the middle of some mini drug war between two ethnic nations, blood all over me and all I wanted to do in Maccas was get some water for my mouth.

Fkn hell, I'm cheering extra hard on wednesday night, considering I now can't drink beer on that night. You may be thinking 'It's only state of origin, there will be another' but it also happens to be my birthday, I was born on state of origin night 22 years ago, kind of a bit special to me.

Grargrhkldsjfhafjkhd [/end rant]

Go to the gym so in future you can bury loosers that do shit like that to you.

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I'm over the little shits that went down my street with a size 8 sports shoe kicking car doors in and destroying mirrors on sat night.

my wagon copped a 5" deep dent in the drivers door and one totally destroyed JAP ONLY mirror. (I figure I can rebuild the mirror from local bits.)

that destroyed the inside switch mounts, all the guides and the reg. at least SOME of that is local.

neighbors VZ copped the same treatment with both doors kicked and the mirror ripped off.

seems to happen every couple of years at random.

both of us would love to show them what a size 11 boot could do to them!!

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Argh! What shits me is people on the highway who totally ignore others in trouble.

I blew a tire south of Tweed Heads on the way to Goldy today. Pulled over on the side of the road. Hazards going for 2hrs and only got blank stares by passers by. Damn it does it look like Ive just pulled over for everyone to gawk at!! Even had 2 R33's blast past letting their sick as BOV's go as they passed but did they stop to help, No ! And the one person that did stop decided that they'd rip a mad skid before I could make it back to the car and then Took off without helping ! Thanks to the NRMA dude who stopped to help out.

Sigh...had to get that off my chest. Lesson learnt the hard way though

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Argh! What shits me is people on the highway who totally ignore others in trouble.

I blew a tire south of Tweed Heads on the way to Goldy today. Pulled over on the side of the road. Hazards going for 2hrs and only got blank stares by passers by. Damn it does it look like Ive just pulled over for everyone to gawk at!! Even had 2 R33's blast past letting their sick as BOV's go as they passed but did they stop to help, No ! And the one person that did stop decided that they'd rip a mad skid before I could make it back to the car and then Took off without helping ! Thanks to the NRMA dude who stopped to help out.

Sigh...had to get that off my chest. Lesson learnt the hard way though

Yeah that really grinds my gears. Were you missing your jack or something? I always help out other import drivers if i see them broken down.

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Yeah, I only bought the skyline a week earlier and hadn't checked the gear in the back. Had a spare and the jack but no jack handle or wheel brace to get the nuts off. Really just annoyed me about the attitude of others. They could clearly see I'd blown a tire but still wouldnt help.

All good now though. Got a jack handle and wheel brace and a new tire to replace the blown one.

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sneaky, dishonest Labor Govts that wait until they get elected on a promise of no new taxes.... then wipe the 8cents per litre fuel subsidy.

onya Anna, you're a piece of work..!! sucked in Qld voters.

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