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Can You Help My Gf?


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my gf is doing an assignment for uni and she has chosen the "Anti-Hooning Laws". She basically wants 2 know what you guys think should/could b done to stop import/performance cars being targeted under these laws?

she has already interviewed several ppl from various age groups/occupations/etc. and she would like the opinions (serious opinions) from the fine ppl of this forum (no ranting/bullshit) that are in the form of recommendations so that they could (but wont) be forwarded to the real police about what actually happens.



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get the elderly....aka 70yrs+ to drive performance and import cars

the downforce of a bodykit will help with their understeering and the high HP and KW will mean less road rage as they wont be driving slow causing 100 car pile ups.

otherwise simply make all cars fall under the hoon category so it is the stupid drivers that get pulled over.

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get the elderly....aka 70yrs+ to drive performance and import cars

the downforce of a bodykit will help with their understeering and the high HP and KW will mean less road rage as they wont be driving slow causing 100 car pile ups.

otherwise simply make all cars fall under the hoon category so it is the stupid drivers that get pulled over.

he's asking for serious answers man.

but if i take that idea and modify it a bit, maybe a day where the decision makers (government/police) can attend a skidpan/track day and go for a ride in people's cars. might get them to see why we modify and its in a completely legal setting.

another is to work towards cheap, safe outlets for the idiotic burnout crowd. a piece of concrete somewhere isolated, with free/cheap entry. a couple of these scattered round melbourne would ease the pressure greatly

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thanks for the reply basti... genuine suggestions and comments are apprecitated and will be forwarded.

if u want to be smart ass gts r33 then find another outlet...

Yeah, Don't think he's being silly mate.

If everyone was classed as a "hoon", then it would be fair an equitable.... Only the guilty offenders would be pullled over.

My 2c.

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he's asking for serious answers man.

but if i take that idea and modify it a bit, maybe a day where the decision makers (government/police) can attend a skidpan/track day and go for a ride in people's cars. might get them to see why we modify and its in a completely legal setting.

another is to work towards cheap, safe outlets for the idiotic burnout crowd. a piece of concrete somewhere isolated, with free/cheap entry. a couple of these scattered round melbourne would ease the pressure greatly

I agree with that one..The government think that us as car enthusiasts only do it coz we wanna"go fast" or do burnouts, when it actually is a culture. Same way a person who is really into the hip hop culture and dresses accordingly can be mistaken for being a gang member or something. Skyline owners in my opinion mod their cars to improve how they feel about their investment. Its more about enjyoying the actual ride than just dropping the clutch and destroying it. I personally know a few people who are over the age of 40 and love Jap cars and appreciate them for what they are.

In regards to them goverment people branding anyone with a jap import a suspected hoon, that is nowhere near true, though there are many d*ckheads out there who ruin the image for everyone thus, putting all of us Skyline owners in the wrong category.

Basti is right to say there should just be areas separated to go do the odd burnout or skids or whatever but, there needs to be control over such places. I think that some may feel that taking their car to the track or drag strip to do it legally may feel its a waste of money or dont feel excited enough by doing it safely.

I do understand though, why p platers would be targeted more, simply coz they can be immature and some can be influenced by friends to have a bit of fun. Maybe its not a good idea but I think L platers should also have power restrictions on the cars they drive with their parents..yes, i know they need to make up the hours, but I think putting a kid behind the wheel of an ss will only make him/her wanna go faster when they get their own car and the freedoms with it.

Anyways, sorry for the mini essay lol..jus my 2 or 20c

Cheers and good luck

Edited by Benzino33
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I believe a number of venues need to be created around the area to allow off street drag racing, even skid pan drifting and skids.

Southside, Goldcoast and Northside would be a good start.

Sponsorship and an entry fee(low) would help pay for track staff. Police can be welcomed for d!ckhead enforcement and zero alcohol policy.

Type 2 offences for illegal modifications needs to be abolished.

Perhaps H Plates for Hoon offenders so the d!ckheads are easily identified and distinguished from other road users.

Imtorqing :)

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Its not the government that are branding import drivers as hoons its the stupid media trying to got there ratings up by raiding youtube for overseas videos to use in their anti-hooning parts which then makes joe citizen believe that this is happening here and they show skylines etc... at social meets then portray it like they are going out to go racing when they could just as well be there to meet up for movies....

It's all the public perception which is guided by the media which makes police target certain types of cars cause if good ol joe citizen drives past and they have a modified car pulled over it like they are doing more than say if they had an 40yr old driving his new bmw who may have been speeding but the important pulled over creates more visual impact to people driving past further worseing the public opinion.....

Just my opinion

If there was a law passed where the media must declare their sources and that they had to show the full story and weren't allowed to edit clips.. And have to say when they get videos of the internet from overseas etc.... I think you would see alot less Hooning segements therefore greatly decreasing joe bloggs interest in the matter, therefore the government doesn't have to come up with stupid laws to make it look like they are doing something to stop something that isn't even as prevenlent as it is made out to be....

Edited by redevil
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my gf is doing an assignment for uni and she has chosen the "Anti-Hooning Laws". She basically wants 2 know what you guys think should/could b done to stop import/performance cars being targeted under these laws?

she has already interviewed several ppl from various age groups/occupations/etc. and she would like the opinions (serious opinions) from the fine ppl of this forum (no ranting/bullshit) that are in the form of recommendations so that they could (but wont) be forwarded to the real police about what actually happens.



High Adam,

Since I bought my R32 GTST in October 2006 I've have only ever been pulled over three times.

First time I didn't have a front number plate on - so wasn't unfairly targeted due to driving an import/performance car. (I was awaiting my slimline plate from Queensland Transport. Had letter from QLD Transport in the glove box so all was good)

Second time I was speeding quite a bit etc - so again wasn't unfairly targeted due to driving an import/performance car.

Third time I was pulled over on a Thursday night for a "random license check and breath test".

So over a period of more than two and a half years I've only been targeted once (I assuming due to the car). So yeah - really not that bad.

In my opinion its the fact that they call anything speed related these days "Hooning" which is ridiculous. Not to mention the punishment if you get caught "Hooning":

1st time = 48hr impound

2nd time = 7 day impound

3rd time = car is crushed/sold/something(?)

Kind regards,

Redland Shire Hoon

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The hooning laws of 3rd offense = car confiscation doesn't meet the criteria of the punishment fitting the crime. It is therefore not a sensible law - I'd be better off stealing.

If these laws are enforced they will greatly increase retaliation to police and the government. Not to mention creating a criminal, who may decide to then increase their criminal activity, out of a hoon. The people creating and advocating these laws seemed to consider this behavior as "part of life" when they were young yet the fatality rate was several times higher. the double standard baffles the mind.

Edited by simpletool
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The laws are just, it's only the people who place themselves outside of the law that have issues with it.

Some people seem to think they have been individually targeted...No...The rules apply to all road users.

Remove thumb from mouth, accept the law for what it is: THE LAW.

Nobody is being persecuted, some people are just too stupid to accept things for how they are. They appear to not have the capacity to play within the rules.

Get over it, get on with it!


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my gf is doing an assignment for uni and she has chosen the "Anti-Hooning Laws". She basically wants 2 know what you guys think should/could b done to stop import/performance cars being targeted under these laws?


My 2 comments follow:


SERIOUSLY, you must have either wrongly stated what the assignment is about or its a nonsense project - Read carefully what you have written - what you are saying is that import/ performance cars ( moreso the drivers of such cars) that are involved in hooning should not be targeted/penalised at all. If the assigment is based on that premise its just plain stupid.

I THINK IT UNLIKELY that is the actual subject of her assignment. It is more likely that the assigment is aimed at proving that such cars ( again, actually the drivers of such cars) are being unfairly discriminated against / more severely penalised as compared to drivers of other classes of cars also caught hooning. Or maybe its an assignment seeking to identify diversionary measures that may reduce the level of illegal hooning (e.g. provide safe legal outlets, education campaigns etc).

If its about unfair discrimination she should be attempting to establish the facts of whether there is discrimination, its extent, what form it takes, why it exists and what may be done to ensure it is eradicated. She will need solid empirical data to prove her case and it unlikely you will get that on this site.

Maybe you can now clarify exactly what the assignment is - now that would be a serious starting point- lol.


<br />The laws are just, it's only the people who place themselves outside of the law that have issues with it.<br /><br />Some people seem to think they have been individually targeted...No...The rules apply to all road users.<br /><br />Remove thumb from mouth, accept the law for what it is: THE LAW.<br /><br />Nobody is being persecuted, some people are just too stupid to accept things for how they are. They appear to not have the capacity to play within the rules.<br /><br />Get over it, get on with it!<br /> <br />A.Hoon<br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

+1 -

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thanks for the replys guys... keep them coming...


i thought the question that i was asked to ask was fairly straight forward. - what do you guys think about import/performance cars being "unfailry" targeted and what could be done to stop this?

Nowhere did she say that these drivers should NOT be penalised, but that most are repeatedly targeted predominantly due to the cars they drive. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 'unfairly targeted' and 'unfairly discriminated against' pretty much the same thing? If everyone was treated equally and pulled over for legitamate reasons, not just because 'they drive an import' all would be fine and fair, and there wouldn't be a problem.

the reason i think shes chosen this is because of an incident that happened to us a few months ago. driving late at night with no1 else around and i was chased down by a cop (i wasnt speeding or doing anything stupid) and then the officer decided to go over my car with a fine tooth comb and whatnot.

even when shes driven my car to uni and work and so forth shes mentioned to me afterwards that shes gotten stares from police and i know that she doesnt drive like a maniac because i know for a fact shes intimidated by the thing.


the law IS the law and we/she understands that and we all have to obey them. even the 1s we dont agree with


she agrees that the media are a huge influence of peoples ideas and thoughts about import vehicles. "if you see 1 dickhead on TT or ACA doing a burnout then they must all be hoons." if the media painted a positive image on imported vehicles then perhaps things might b a little different


thanks for the reply. i understand what you mean. i have also been pulled over a few times for things that i admit doing. cracked front bar, sped up to go thru a yellow light (ran it red) and speeding. however i have been pulled over several times for no apparent reason. but only in my skyline. never in my proton or magna. just unlucky i guess.

anyways no1 should take any criticism personally and that this is simply a request for opinions and you are all entitled to one

so please, keep the discussion going



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I believe a number of venues need to be created around the area to allow off street drag racing, even skid pan drifting and skids.

Southside, Goldcoast and Northside would be a good start.

Sponsorship and an entry fee(low) would help pay for track staff. Police can be welcomed for d!ckhead enforcement and zero alcohol policy.


I've started doing motokhana this year. I've had 3 goes at it so far. 3 times in 5 months.

Apart from going all the way out to willowbank, and only on competition days, there is really nowhere where i can just go to practice/muck around and have fun etc.

Heck, even if carparks or something be used as venues for low speed motorsport (noone parks in them late at night after all), it'd be a great start. But oh no, it'd just be "hoons congregating and hooning". People need to realise that its actually quite fun.

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thanks for the replys guys... keep them coming...


i thought the question that i was asked to ask was fairly straight forward. - what do you guys think about import/performance cars being "unfailry" targeted and what could be done to stop this?


the reason i think shes chosen this is because of an incident that happened to us a few months ago. driving late at night with no1 else around and i was chased down by a cop (i wasnt speeding or doing anything stupid) and then the officer decided to go over my car with a fine tooth comb and whatnot.

even when shes driven my car to uni and work and so forth shes mentioned to me afterwards that shes gotten stares from police and i know that she doesnt drive like a maniac because i know for a fact shes intimidated by the thing.

LOTS OF PRESUMPTIONS - seriously YOU BOTH NEED TO CHILL OUT A BIT, OR MAYBE A LOT - there are many entirely non-discriminatory possibilities, maybe a member of the public had reported a car like yours as involved in a burglary that nite, maybe she looks too sophisticated to be driving a Skyline ( should be in a Roller-lol) or maybe she's just very attractive................or maybe she's so insecure driving the Skyline (you say she's intimidated by the thing) and maybe that does show up in her driving - lol - ..............really......seriously...............have you taken the time to think of all the possibilities......

time to just chill for a while.......

Some members of the public who have had more exciting times with the police might have a reason to be paranoid but what you've mentioned seems entirely tame and really totally unremarkable - welcome to the real world.......its not that bad!


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i thought the question that i was asked to ask was fairly straight forward. - what do you guys think about import/performance cars being "unfailry" targeted and what could be done to stop this?


the reason i think shes chosen this is because of an incident that happened to us a few months ago. driving late at night with no1 else around and i was chased down by a cop (i wasnt speeding or doing anything stupid) and then the officer decided to go over my car with a fine tooth comb and whatnot.

even when shes driven my car to uni and work and so forth shes mentioned to me afterwards that shes gotten stares from police and i know that she doesnt drive like a maniac because i know for a fact shes intimidated by the thing.

LOTS OF PRESUMPTIONS - seriously YOU BOTH NEED TO CHILL OUT A BIT, OR MAYBE A LOT - there are many entirely non-discriminatory possibilities, maybe a member of the public had reported a car like yours as involved in a burglary that nite, maybe she looks too sophisticated to be driving a Skyline ( should be in a Roller-lol) or maybe she's just very attractive................or maybe she's so insecure driving the Skyline (you say she's intimidated by the thing) and maybe that does show up in her driving - lol - ..............really......seriously...............have you taken the time to think of all the possibilities......

time to just chill for a while.......

Some members of the public who have had more exciting times with the police might have a reason to be paranoid but what you've mentioned seems entirely tame and really totally unremarkable - welcome to the real world.......its not that bad!


Wow, from that post you have just shown the whole community your intelligence, or lack of it. Mate he isn't asking whether or not YOU have been targeted hes asking about YOUR views on police targeting imports and high performance cars more so then other cars. If you cannot understand that then please don't post again.

Stop giving reasons WHY he might be getting targeted, he never said HE was or SHE was, The question was " My gf is doing an assignment and she would like to know everyone's opionion on imports and High Performance cars being unfairly targeted". Did he need to insert the word UNFAIRLY for you to fully understand the question? Do you have ANY common sense? Seems not, you sir are a wanker.

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this is my opinion you can take it or leave it

i havnt read any other stuff written already so i apologise if it has already been said.

i think police should look at EVERY driver equally - no matter what type of car you have!

EVERY car can speed, EVERY person can speed!

personally i HATE being scared to drive my own car around

do they think pulling skyline owners etc over that its going to prevent any accidents? why do they pull us over?

when you look at the figures of how many imports crash and how many regular cars crash im pretty sure i know which one would be higher!

maybe the police, government and so on should try and work WITH the car community and work out some compromises? make more places for car enthusiasts to hang out.. open more tracks, more often, create a meeting place on a weekend? they should work with us not against us they arent doing anyone any favors and are making it worse for everyone

instead of wasteing our tax money on brand new evo's as their undercover police cars - they could use the money to build a race track?

i would be more than happy to take the chief of police for a few laps around QR!

in the end - there will always be imports, there will always be the odd hero trying to show off to the girls next to them! there will always be many many car enthusiasts so instead of fighting it - work with it!

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