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Had my first smash yesterday. Thankfully it was in my daily driver and not the Skyline.

Was cruising over to a mates place to return his camera and d'load the pics from the Portsea Drive day on Sat.

Drove the same route I take everytime I go over. The old story applies here. It was wet, an old car and I wasn't careful enough.

Despite thinking I was extra careful I rounded a right bend in the road and the back boots just let go. I over corrected and the treads got traction at the wrong moment for a split second and I spun. Did a full 180 degrees and got up close and personal with a roadside organic. The car bent itself around the tree and ended up jammed beween the road and tree on a dodgy angle. I hit my head on the door frame and pushed the drivers side door out when my shoulder hit it. The car hit the tree where the drivers door hinges so a foot or so back and I'd have been tasting bark.

The windscreen and window popped out and I got covered in glass but only got a few cuts. I rang the parents and my mate whom I was visting. He lived a 25 second walk from the scene so he came round. He found me still in car with glass all over me.

We got a few pics of me in the car and of it being towed away.

Considering everything, I'm damn lucky. Without the tree I'd have rolled the car and could have end up with nasty gashes or broken bones if the tree hit differently.

A towie came and hauled off the car. End of story. No insurance nightmare, we just write it off.

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shit man! hope you're not too bad. Things could have been much worse if there were other cars around. So lucky it sounds. But end of the daily is never a great thing.

rain weather sucks bigtime.. i also ran up the back of somebody yesterday too :);) I think it was the sort of day for those sorts of accidents.

Thank god mine wasn't the skyline and it was the old Falcon, but then again I'm pretty sure the skyline would have easily come to a complete stop well before the tank did.

Just at the peak of the rain yesterday, could hardly see shit, took my eyes off the road for just that one second and that was enough to kill my usual stopping distance. So locked it up and being the boat at it is, and the weight that it was, it wasn't stopping really fast. Ended up running up the back of this 70's or so Peugeot 404 :D Had mostly stopped by then, so the force wasn't too great.

Its so lucky that it was a nice old solid Peugeot, as it could have been a $1000-$2000 damage to a newer car. Think the damage was just a smashed taillight, and maybe it needs a new bumper. Just said i'd give him cash to fix it - and he said he knew a place for cheap parts, so doubt its more than $200 or so. So could have been a lot worse.

The falcon came off damage free, its a damn solid thing.. pity it can't stop for shit.

Jeez Ed!

Glad you OK. I think some consolory beers are in order. The poor little Corolla.

Perhaps it was an unlucky weekend to be the other car. Some idiot I know went out for a drive in his convertible 4WD on Saturday night. Drank lots. Did the responsible thing and left the car at the pub - came back on Sunday to find it full of water as this chump had left the roof down. Boy - I'd hate to be him...

Mr wardest!

At least your ok, i wouldnt know what the forums (oh, and us) would do without ya!

What were the tyres like? Bit average?

But yer. i flipped a calais late last year... it's nasty indeed!

but the best thing i think is to bounce back and start driving again. I did and it was the best thing.

Takes ya a few weeks to get back into it but then your fine.

Originally posted by R31Nismoid

What were the tyres like? Bit average?

You'd have thought so but they were new back in Feb and only had bout 500km on them.( I didn't drive it further than 5 kms from my house ever )

The car had heaps of grip in the dry, I'd chucked it round in humanly in the dry and it never even squeaked. But as soon as it rains, it would leap out sometimes taking a corner at as little as 30 km/h. The spot I lost it on was only a bend in the road.

hey wardy

thank god u are ok and was not hurt

wet roads are so dangerous

we were driving through the city on sat night

and this vn pulls outta maccas , the ass end just hangs out dragging the whole car with it comming so close to colliding with us

made the loudest screeching noise as it pulled out

thank god the bf was driving cause it scared the absolute shit outta me i would of definitely swerved so hard probably right into the next lane which god knows if id be here today if that had of happened

the roads were so busy with traffic

it scares me that morons drive so stupidly

he continues driving off like a dikhead all over the road

while i couldnt stop shaking by the fright that it gave me

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