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Japanese Supermarkets?


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Hey everyone

Japan has some damn tasty foods on offer, as we'd all know.

Some of those teas from the vending machines are pretty addictive, but nothing got me addicted as bad as "Toppo" biscuits made by "Lotte" who i assume are like Japans answer to Arnotts.

Now, my question; Has anyone found a shop that carries these sort of products in Australia? In Sydney would be best, but am happy to work interstate on this

Quite often there's Indian grocery shops, or Chinese grocery shops - but i cant find a Japanese one!

Please help me feed this addiction, my stomach and taste buds thank you all in advance :happy:

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Dear God.

I guess you went through the 10 boxes you bought when you left here pretty quick huh. lol

And in response to your email im not bringing any back for you, i already traded that little suitcase up for another big one.

Forgot to take one with me to the container.

Bring on the 40,000 Yen excess baggage charge.

The semi-dark chocolate coated ones are better.

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Thanks everyone!

Ill try Northbridge first up as its closest and see how it goes.

If they're not in australia im happy to pay freight from japan for them :mad:

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Aus seems pretty tight when it comes to sending food there. I cant even use boxes with food written on them and have been knocked back when I went to use a fanta box cause it had pictures of oranges on it! WTF??

has anyone got away with mailing food to aus before? they dont seem to care if its processed or not, just seems to be a blanket no go.

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Streeter; I managed to bring back packets and packets through carry on, no idea why they'd give a shit if its mailed?!?! The packets i brought back were the normal toppo packets, so like your orange box its not hard at all to realise whats inside.

Munkeyboy: Im going to the tokyomart tomorrow, ill look for you. I tried to call them but the girl who answered didnt speak much english, she said "no have, no have" but i doubt she knew what i was asking for

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Dont bother going to tokyo mart. They didnt have either, i spent about 20mins looking

Bought some "Pocky" to see if they're the same, and, well, they fkn suck

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Streeter; I managed to bring back packets and packets through carry on, no idea why they'd give a shit if its mailed?!?! The packets i brought back were the normal toppo packets, so like your orange box its not hard at all to realise whats inside.

Munkeyboy: Im going to the tokyomart tomorrow, ill look for you. I tried to call them but the girl who answered didnt speak much english, she said "no have, no have" but i doubt she knew what i was asking for

yeah carry on is different as I think they have the custom agents there to ask you what the food is etc. with mail its no food, no boxes that are for food (even if there is no food in there) and even no boxes with pictures of food even if its fanta!!! so really really tight.

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lol @ no pics of food. it must be heaps tighter when you dont accompany the goods.

when i went through customs, i said chocolates and wood, they said, ok scan the bag and go. lol

hey steve, i found some lotte stuff today at a chinese supermarket, but it wasnt the one you mentioned. it was Lotte Choco Pie


i tried them anyway. pretty average

Edited by Munkyb0y
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This trip I brought wooden swords back, metal swords, Syrikins, Sy's, Japanese Ninja head guards and body guards, well over the legal amount of alcohol as well. What i got done on was Richards bloody smokes in carry on. 1 box allowed not 2. No big deal. Took attention away from $1000 worth of scotch in check in which did have locks on that were no longer there upon arrival in Aus. Lucky.

I also had Toppo's and Pocky in carry on. They never seem to mind.

They did check a couple of Snow Globes from Fuji a few times through the scanner and wanted to check the liquid inside. Could be water, could be a meth mix who knows. :)

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lol @ no pics of food. it must be heaps tighter when you dont accompany the goods.

when i went through customs, i said chocolates and wood, they said, ok scan the bag and go. lol

hey steve, i found some lotte stuff today at a chinese supermarket, but it wasnt the one you mentioned. it was Lotte Choco Pie


i tried them anyway. pretty average

Mmm they look pretty shit, so much of the jap biscuits/candies looked almost fake IMO.

Like going to maccas and asking for a big mac, then getting one that looks all glossy like the one in the pic on the menu :D

Next place to try is the place in Melbourne. Not sure when im driving there next though so may just have to get them mailed up (and ill have to get a few packets to make it worthwhile). You in for an order or your ones? You could pick them up from my place

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