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actually the committee did mention a few times that the Beasts from the East photoshoot was an unofficial event. From memory ash even encouraged people to attend them because they were organised by SAU VIC members anyways.

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actually the committee did mention a few times that the Beasts from the East photoshoot was an unofficial event. From memory ash even encouraged people to attend them because they were organised by SAU VIC members anyways.

Give him credit for that one though

Hoodies look great, good job on designing them, mine will get a lot of use.

And in saying that, I don't even own a drivable Nissan anymore at all, I'm currently driving in a AU Fairlane...

The way I see it, it's supporting your club, and how many of you like GTR's? Hell, I don't own an MP4-24 yet I'll happily wear all my McLaren gear around.

Hoodies look great, good job on designing them, mine will get a lot of use.

And in saying that, I don't even own a drivable Nissan anymore at all, I'm currently driving in a AU Fairlane...

The way I see it, it's supporting your club, and how many of you like GTR's? Hell, I don't own an MP4-24 yet I'll happily wear all my McLaren gear around.

Yeah same. I drive an S15, and i like the hoodie..i like GTRs... suits me. I'll still wear it, just like i'll wear my adidas hoodie...but don't actually own any adidas sporting goods.

Can never please everyone though..thats just a fact of life.

The hoodies are quite nice and I congratulate the volunteers who put in the countless hours in setting up the whole project.

Perhaps if the hoodie had a GT logo on the other side along with the GTR logo, then it would appeal to pretty much all the skyline owners (except N/A's with their blue sheild :))

Whats done is done. Cant change anything now.

Perhaps in the future display a couple of design options for the club to vote as afterall it is a hoodie for the members of the club?


edit; in regards to the above people saying they are fine with the GTR logo, as you all have stated you do not own a skyline so its quite a different mindset. The club is skylinesaustralia and thought it would at least address the majority of the cars with a design suitable for all skylines and not just GTR's. (im sure there are more GTST's representing the club than GTR's)

I hope you understand where Im coming from. :)

Agreed Rekin.^

Also, to the people claiming they are happy to wear a GTR hoodie driving another car, perhaps you wouldn't feel the same if you were driving a GTS-T? There is a certain "try hard" stigma attached to sporting any GTR merchandise be it hoodies or badges, that you can't know because you don't drive a GTS-T. I would happily wear a GTR hoodie if I drove a 180sx. But I drive a GTS-T, and have no intentions of making it look like I aspire to one day drive a GTR or think of my car as so.

pfft im still waiting for the club hoodie, cause all i can see is a GTR hoodie.

May as well slap on some GTR badges on my GTST as im stepping out with this GTR hoodie cause I dont see any difference between the two.

Why not go with the universal GT badge or the lights or even the word skyline?

Im sorry to say but myself and others arent keen on prancing around with GTR plastered on us when we are happy with our GTS/t

Also, whats the deal with copying the "beach to burger cruise" which Kris and I planned? (and AP to post details under his event org status)

Didnt know it automatically becomes sau-vic property with no credit or even a mention to us about a second one being planned with same name and venue.

Very poor form Sau-Vic

Your very quick to come back to your keyboard aren't you? Did you even raise this at the meeting? Comment on it?

No. Not one person said a thing,

I ask everyone, every meeting, are there any issues people wish to raise.

Sometimes people bring things up, sometimes they don’t. That’s the purpose in many ways of a General Meeting

Reason why Im arching up like this is because the first beach to burger cruise Kris and I hosted, the club passed it off as a past event at the sauvic meeting. Although that was a bit annoying, I let it slide. Now that its popping up again, especially as an unpcoming event, I get the feeling whats the point of going to the effort in actually setting up cruises without the help of sauvic yet they take the credit?

Not only that, you also declared the Beasts From The East photoshoot a past sauvic

That is not what I said at all, I very clearly it was not an official event. I clearly states the event was organised by forum members, some of which happened to be members and I encouraged EVERYONE to go along to further events as they are good for the community.

On one hand you complain about members not getting enough input, and then you complain about us giving members credit for events they organise themselves.

Please get your facts straight before posting incorrect information about what came out of my very own mouth.

I do not appreciate it at all and only serves to confuse other members who might not have been there… like the following bandwagoner...

They dont give us executive roles as events co-ordinators but are all good to steal our cruises and ideas... lovely...

A clear display of your maturity level once again. You don’t even know the facts yet you are willing to shoot your mouth off once again.

If you sit back and think - its probably the main reason why you are not on committee even though you expressed interested.

So in short - grow up.

thats coz you guys don't own a gtr and arent elitists who drive expensive cars which you don't actually own

i've noticed this from the club also, clear segrigations of groups, a club shouldnt be like this.

i recon there should be more input from the members, when decisions are made.

100% agree with pat and kris

As i said - i always ask for input. Every single meeting.

Alternatively members can always email the club with ideas/input or otherwise.

Hell, people can even PM me for my number and ring me… people have done this in the past and I have no problem with it at all.

To any member thinking about having a whinge I have but one question for you.

Have you actually emailed, PM’d, spoken to me about your ideas?

I already know the answer, and it’s a NO. Simply because I have not seen ONE email, ONE person come talk to me that is complaing here in this thread which I don’t find suprising at all to be honest.

Therefore if you are not willing to put forward ideas, decisions are made for you.

SAU-Vic is here for the members, simple as that. However, if the members don’t give any input, then they must live with the decision that Committee makes that we believe is in the best interests.

We cannot please everyone, we give our time for FREE for the love and passion of this club. I must spend at least 2 full days a week doing SAU-Vic/Forum related stuff…

I don’t complain, I don’t ask for thanks, I don’t want any glory. All I want is a successful club and happy members.

To come onto the forum after a meeting behind your keyboards and complain is nothing more than a slap in the face of the volunteers who give this time to better the club.

What i find most amusing about the whole situation is the lack of contenders for executive position elections on the committee as little as 4 months ago.

IF my memory Serves me correctly the number of candidates were as follows

Pres = 2

Vice = 1

Treasurer = 1

Secretary = 1

If you want to change the club because you don't like the way it is being run, put YOURSELF up for nomination.

Its pretty simple really.

I guess its a lot easier being behind a keyboard than being in front of a club with well well over 200 members

I have no issues with the club. The committe is doing a fine job and the ideas are gereat. The hoodies are fantastic, I will be buying one when more arrive.

:) for you time and effort to make the club function. :)

Spread the love people :O

yea kris, pat, an myself put together '' beach to burger '' an kris an i '' beats from the east ''

who really cares about credit.. at the end of the day its about what we like doing

trust me.. being an exec is not as easy as you think

I'm with Ash on this one, its quite annoying see the effort that the committee puts into this club,

to then see that people would resort straight to complaining about the topic, without speaking to a member of the committee first.

Especially if you are not going to bring it up in person, and sit there on your computer and have a cry.

Also agree with Ross RE committee nominations.

It's great to see that some of you have your own ideas about how the club should be run,

but yet no one nominated themselves towards any committee rolls...

You say that the members should have more input,

members nominate themselves for committee positions.

then members vote for the people they want to see in the job.

Which also adds to Ross's comment, not only was their a lack of numbers putting them self forward for the club,

there was also a lack of people voting for who they wanted to run the club.

So there is definitely enough chance for anyone in the club to make a difference...

On top of that, speak to one of us, tell us your ideas...

Don't just sit at home having a winge on the forums about it afterwards...

Wouldnt hurt to involve the people who actually created this event the first time to contribute to the second instead of it being claimed as an "Sau-vic event." When its not.
They stole my beasts from the east cruise and photoshoot too? Lol keeps getting better hahahahaha

Can I also point about in reference to these comments

Good work to you guys in organising cruises, you look like you do a great job.

But keep in mind, you are posting your events on the Skylines Australia / Victoria forum

Therefore, they are all technically SAUVic Unofficial events...

Also have you ever been on an Offcial SAUVic crusie...

and then at a later date organised with your mates to go for that same cruise?

Have you then stolen that cruise off SAUVic?

/end my 2c

Well hang on, what is wrong with bringing up issues on the forum? This seems to me the more appropriate place given more people will read this and have a chance to share their say on the matter than at the meeting itself. The only reason I didn't bring up the hoodie issue at the meeting was because you guys had no problem selling them and I thought (given my short time on these forums) that there had already been some sort of community consensus regarding what the hoodie should look like. I thought I was the only one who felt that way about them and kept my mouth shut save for spoiling a good meet. Also given alot of us at the meeting were new members, you can't expect people to go throwing their opinions about at their first meeting, particularly on topics that were started long before they arrive on the scene. Be more than happy to meet or speak with someone regarding another batch of SAU branded hoodies, however, this might not be well received by people who have already purchased a GTR one?

And the "I give up my time for you people" line is so damn tired. It's even worse than peoples lack of appreciation for your time. I swear some people volunteer for roles in anticipation of one day being able to say that. In all my roles and times as a volunteer administrator, moderator or leader in a number of different contexts...I have never used that line...because it is I who have chosen to take on the role and everything that goes with it, including but not limited to complaints. No one has a gun to your head. And volunteering for something doesn't give you the right to fulfill that role without question or criticism.

Nothing is wrong with bringing up issues via the forum. However I do have an issue with - ‘the how’.

No more longer than 2hrs after the meeting people are having a crack at the Committee in a very derogatory way.

If you’d spent over 20-30hrs of your time for the benefit of the community, out of your own hip pocket

Would you honestly appreciate and be welcoming to someone telling you what you' done was "poor form"?. I doubt it.

I know you are knew around here, which is perfectly fine, you are a paying member - by all means have an opinion.

Wether you’ve been around for 5mins or 5 years I treat no-one differently.

Anyone that has been on committee knows I forward suggestions/feedback through immediately and they are discussed.

You are not going to spoil something by having an opinion mate :)

However if you attack myself, the club, committee - then don’t expect me give you a rosy red response.

Yes - we take on the role voluntarily - but at that same time we also take on the legal responsibility.

Im sorry but its not the same as giving an hour a month to hand out soup to the homeless.

This is a financial organisation that is a registered and accountable club. This organisation answers to the laws of this state/country for registered organisations and so on.

It is more than just being a volunteer, the responsibility its rather large for someone just being a volunteer. We also answer to paying members, your money.

No-one has said Committee has been forced to be here.

However before launching into attacks/complaints - a little bit of respect and appreciation for what goes certianly would not go astray.

Also ensuring the facts of your complaint are actually correct wouldn’t hurt either - considering half the points of complaint so far are based on a lie… but you get that.

There is nothing wrong with bringing up issues on the forum at all.

It is, like you say, a perfect place to do so.

What was brought up in this thread was not addressed as an issue...

I was quite simply an attack on the SAUVic committee made after the fact....

basically it has been put forward that the committee has done a shit job...

and to take a page out of your book..

No one has a gun to your head forcing you to buy one of these hoodies...

I also do not own a GTR or for a matter of fact I am NOT a big fan of them.

I also have not purchased one of the hoodies for that reason.

There is a whole range of other SAU vic merchandise available for you to choose from.

Remember also in your comments about letting the members decide..

You are never going to have a product that a few hundred members are ALL going to agree on...

Everyone will always have their own opinions on what should be done

^^ Saves me having to type anymore. Mat has said much of my next post already

No-one is forcing you to buy this item.

The same as any other item we have ever produced.

Committee can't please everyone as much as we try too do so.

I call the hoodies a great sucess for the club - even if others don't agree.

My reasons are the fact we've already sold 30% of the ordered stock. Considering there wasnt even 30% of the membership base in attendance - this is an excellent result.

There will always be more merchandise. Those of you at the EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) where elections took place will know one of my focus points is more merchandise.

This is only the start, and there will be more items to come, next on the cards are hats and garage shirts


Your very quick to come back to your keyboard aren't you? Did you even raise this at the meeting? Comment on it?

No. Not one person said a thing,

I ask everyone, every meeting, are there any issues people wish to raise.

Sometimes people bring things up, sometimes they don’t. That’s the purpose in many ways of a General Meeting

From what I recall i remember someone actually asking where's the gtst version, which you followed on by saying no and just to accept the GTR version.

No mention as to the reason why not and/or why the comittee decided on that particulat design.

Now that was a friendly criticism/question raised during the meeting and what could I have possibly said during the meeting? The critisim was closed as quickly as it was raised...

And as i mentioned previously, after discussing with a couple of other members they all had similar thoughts.

Maybe i should have raised it in the meeting, but I dont see how its any different to raising it on the forums. Its the same audience and the club is based around the forum....

Maybe i should have just PM'd you privately, but then how would the majority of the club members know of any issues/comments/suggestions raised?

That is not what I said at all, I very clearly it was not an official event. I clearly states the event was organised by forum members, some of which happened to be members and I encouraged EVERYONE to go along to further events as they are good for the community.

On one hand you complain about members not getting enough input, and then you complain about us giving members credit for events they organise themselves.

Please get your facts straight before posting incorrect information about what came out of my very own mouth.

I do not appreciate it at all and only serves to confuse other members who might not have been there… like the following bandwagoner...

The issue here is the undefined meaning to 'unofficial sauvic event'. From my understanding the committee which have sauvic event organiser status plans cruises open to public and sauvic members (eg; Bez's pizza cruise) now this I would define an unnofficial sauvic event as it has been organised by one of the committees as a public cruise/event.

By calling any other cruise/event which is posted in victorian section an unofficial sauvic event, I dont see how its different from one created by the event organisers? (public cruise/event)

This is where it gets messy.

As i said - i always ask for input. Every single meeting.

Alternatively members can always email the club with ideas/input or otherwise.

Hell, people can even PM me for my number and ring me… people have done this in the past and I have no problem with it at all.

As mentioned above, as the club is based around the forum i dont see how issues cannot be raised within the forum itself.

I wouldnt have bothered to make this issue public if there weren't other people who thought the same (and even asked during meeting itself)

What i find most amusing about the whole situation is the lack of contenders for executive position elections on the committee as little as 4 months ago.

IF my memory Serves me correctly the number of candidates were as follows

Pres = 2

Vice = 1

Treasurer = 1

Secretary = 1

If you want to change the club because you don't like the way it is being run, put YOURSELF up for nomination.

Its pretty simple really.

I guess its a lot easier being behind a keyboard than being in front of a club with well well over 200 members

I'm with Ash on this one, its quite annoying see the effort that the committee puts into this club,

to then see that people would resort straight to complaining about the topic, without speaking to a member of the committee first.

Especially if you are not going to bring it up in person, and sit there on your computer and have a cry.

Also agree with Ross RE committee nominations.

It's great to see that some of you have your own ideas about how the club should be run,

but yet no one nominated themselves towards any committee rolls...

You say that the members should have more input,

members nominate themselves for committee positions.

then members vote for the people they want to see in the job.

Which also adds to Ross's comment, not only was their a lack of numbers putting them self forward for the club,

there was also a lack of people voting for who they wanted to run the club.

So there is definitely enough chance for anyone in the club to make a difference...

On top of that, speak to one of us, tell us your ideas...

Don't just sit at home having a winge on the forums about it afterwards...

Look, im not critizing the amount of work the committee has put into this club and how many hours they have put into the hoodie etc

Im merely raising an issue about the design which was chosen without the consultation of the club members itself.

The club should be run as a team which includes all members and executives.

I dont understand why there needs to be some form of hierarchical structure between executives and members. Afterall we are all members, and we are blessed with a select few who are motivated and happy to make the club successful (known as the executives)

Why should we be one of the executives to be able to raise issue or change the current status? We should move away from this mentality of president etc and treat it as a uniform group of members. I've already got enough stress with my boss at work :)

Look I admit i may have come off a bit aggresive and perhaps should have raised it during the meeting. Ive learnt know and hopefully we will be able to talk in the future ;)

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