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hey guys. just think bout this. you dont have to own a gtr to own a sau/gtr hoodie, i see people that have hsv jackets or FPV GT jackets and probably 40% of them dont own one, but seriously i know where u guys are coming from as i too only have a gtst but come on, ash and the committee have done a great job designing the hoodies and im sure that next time they go and say we are thinking bout making some other type of clothing then people could stand up and say their opinions on what logo they would like. cheers to you ash and the committee on a great job.

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Nothing is wrong with bringing up issues via the forum. However I do have an issue with - ‘the how’.

No more longer than 2hrs after the meeting people are having a crack at the Committee in a very derogatory way.

If you’d spent over 20-30hrs of your time for the benefit of the community, out of your own hip pocket

Would you honestly appreciate and be welcoming to someone telling you what you' done was "poor form"?. I doubt it.

My initial use of paragraphs may have caused my original post to be read the wrong way. The comment 'poor form' was directed towards my disagreement of re-using an event which I had previously put together.

I have an idea of what the sauvic execs feel as it did take Kris and I a while to plan the route, dates and book accomodation at the restaurant and it was annoying to hear it just being all taken without any credit...

The same feeling that Ash has expressed by someone undermining sauvic executives' work. (Although mine wasnt as big of a task as sauvic's)

But you can see what fueled that initial post, and I apologize to the committee for my harsh attitude.

I stress again, the club executives put a lot of effort in the hoodie and it is very nice hoodie. If i owned a GTR i would have bought 10 by now and been smiling from ear to ear :)

Just myself and others felt it didnt truly represent the club as a whole... and my personal issue with the unofficial events have skewed the initial issue.


Im merely raising an issue about the design which was chosen without the consultation of the club members itself.

The club should be run as a team which includes all members and executives.

I dont understand why there needs to be some form of hierarchical structure between executives and members. Afterall we are all members, and we are blessed with a select few who are motivated and happy to make the club successful (known as the executives)

Why should we be one of the executives to be able to raise issue or change the current status? We should move away from this mentality of president etc and treat it as a uniform group of members. I've already got enough stress with my boss at work :)

This is otherwise known as Communism.

Everyone is equal and has equal rights

It seems like a great way do do things in theory, but never works in practice...

Some people always end up being MORE equal than the others...

Your views are all important and will always be looked at in whateva is being undertaken at the club

But in reality, a democratic system is a much better way to go...

My initial use of paragraphs may have caused my original post to be read the wrong way. The comment 'poor form' was directed towards my disagreement of re-using an event which I had previously put together.

I have an idea of what the sauvic execs feel as it did take Kris and I a while to plan the route, dates and book accomodation at the restaurant and it was annoying to hear it just being all taken without any credit...

The same feeling that Ash has expressed by someone undermining sauvic executives' work. (Although mine wasnt as big of a task as sauvic's)

But you can see what fueled that initial post, and I apologize to the committee for my harsh attitude.

Like I said before, good on you guys for organising stuff and running cruises...

Not long ago there were no members taking it apon themselves to run cruises, as such, they were no so common.

Its great to see people organising events and getting together based around the club.

I'm sure you would have received a heap of credit for your cruise when it was run last time, either on the day/night or on the fourms afterwards.

And i'm not doubting the amount of work taken to organise somthing like you did.

But in the end... it was just a simple idea, and what is really the problem with someone else picking it up and running it again?

I don't really see the problem with that myself...

I think what needs to be taken away from all this is with future merchandise, it may be wise to post up the design and options for the members to vote on or give their opinions on prior to being sent off to be made. And put a time limit on gathering opinions, cos I've seen good committee ideas not come to fruition because too many pundits had varying opinions on how something should be done.

The whole secrecy behind the design might be what has startled a few members. You can't really say "I don't like the big GTR logo on the hoodie", after the hoodies have been made, especially given the time and effort that goes into getting them organised. That sentiment might have been better received before the hoodies were made, but as no one knew what they were gonna look like other than the committee, then the only time you're gonna hear that sentiment is after they're made.

Exactly Mat, something about the anticipation to see them, which was obvious by the massive amount of members there last night. I think it was also a great way to get more members or potential members to come along, making the club bigger and more successful.

I always knew, before they were unveiled, that if I didn't like them, I wouldn't buy one.

But in the end... it was just a simple idea, and what is really the problem with someone else picking it up and running it again?

I don't really see the problem with that myself...

The big picture is that by re-using the same event, you are not creating more events overall because Kris, AP and I are replaced with sauvic.

If both the general forum members and sauvic committee create own events that means double the events for everyone...

Hope that makes sense? haha

agreed on the most part...

I'm not sure, but i guess it was seen as a bit exciting to have the whole unveiling...

rather than everyone knowing what they are getting first

Exactly Mat, something about the anticipation to see them, which was obvious by the massive amount of members there last night. I think it was also a great way to get more members or potential members to come along, making the club bigger and more successful.

I always knew, before they were unveiled, that if I didn't like them, I wouldn't buy one.

This can be easily solved, just have a vote for one of three proposed designs. Results of poll arent released and hence there is still the anticipation to see the final design chosen by majority of members.

The issue here is the undefined meaning to 'unofficial sauvic event'. From my understanding the committee which have sauvic event organiser status plans cruises open to public and sauvic members (eg; Bez's pizza cruise) now this I would define an unnofficial sauvic event as it has been organised by one of the committees as a public cruise/event.

By calling any other cruise/event which is posted in victorian section an unofficial sauvic event, I dont see how its different from one created by the event organisers? (public cruise/event)

This is where it gets messy.

Your understanding is wrong.

Look, im not critizing the amount of work the committee has put into this club and how many hours they have put into the hoodie etc
I dont understand why there needs to be some form of hierarchical structure between executives and members. Afterall we are all members, and we are blessed with a select few who are motivated and happy to make the club successful (known as the executives)

Why should we be one of the executives to be able to raise issue or change the current status? We should move away from this mentality of president etc and treat it as a uniform group of members. I've already got enough stress with my boss at work :)

Look I admit i may have come off a bit aggresive and perhaps should have raised it during the meeting. Ive learnt know and hopefully we will be able to talk in the future ;)

Your posts are filled with criticism.

Well sorry - legally to be a registered organisation, with financial incomings/outgoings - we need hierarchy as dictated by law so that someone is held accountable should legal issues arise. In this instance its Ross and Myself, this is no idle matter and something i take very seriously.

We are registered, have an ABN and so on. So your idea will not be looked into unfortunately as Committee is not interested in breaking the law.

If it was just a 'bunch of people', nothing would get done anyway. Just look how long it takes for the public events section to get events going - often the date changes half a dozen times :P

The big picture is that by re-using the same event, you are not creating more events overall because Kris, AP and I are replaced with sauvic.

If both the general forum members and sauvic committee create own events that means double the events for everyone...

Hope that makes sense? haha

So just by calling it a "beach to burger" your getting upset... right.

Its not even the same route as far as i know, hell, we might even decide to totally change it.

In fact - thats what im going to get my events guys to do - just to make you happy.

Then it can't impact on anything you've done and it'll be the work of SAU-Vic committee so you can not be upset anymore.

lol if it makes any difference the SAU VIC club in 2003 organised a "Beach to Burgers" cruise from Edithvale to BBNT.

I'm not sure, but i guess it was seen as a bit exciting to have the whole unveiling...

rather than everyone knowing what they are getting first

agreed... the turnout was mostly due to the anticipation.. hell i was gonna stab a fork in ash if he kept stalling the unveiling :) for a second when he pulled it out I thought it had the team wang R on it and got my hopes up for more wang goodness ;)

Your understanding is wrong.

Your posts are filled with criticism.

Well sorry - legally to be a registered organisation, with financial incomings/outgoings - we need hierarchy as dictated by law so that someone is held accountable should legal issues arise. In this instance its Ross and Myself, this is no idle matter and something i take very seriously.

We are registered, have an ABN and so on. So your idea will not be looked into unfortunately as Committee is not interested in breaking the law.

If it was just a 'bunch of people', nothing would get done anyway. Just look how long it takes for the public events section to get events going - often the date changes half a dozen times :)

So just by calling it a "beach to burger" your getting upset... right.

Its not even the same route as far as i know, hell, we might even decide to totally change it.

In fact - thats what im going to get my events guys to do - just to make you happy.

Then it can't impact on anything you've done and it'll be the work of SAU-Vic committee so you can not be upset anymore.

sheesh with a response like that its not a suprise why you get no feedback and issues raised...

Ive apologised numerous times and tried to redefine the current issue but it seems that all you have done is skim over them to throw some cheap shots at me and at public event organisers who are not involved in this discussion...

This previous issue noted that if i want to change the club then i should become part of the executive community, my suggestion was to act more as a group where everyone can freely discuss any issues, not to strip you of your president title and defending it with legal mumbo-jumbo, obviously there has to be the defined structure but doesnt hurt to be more open...

The meeting mentioned that the cruise will be 'beach to burgers' at st.kilda for grill'd, not a naming problem as you have mentioned above...

Myself and others have raised plenty of discussion and topics in this thread only to be disregarded by yourself. I hope at least some of the issues raised have given you some ideas which will hopefully benefit the club...

you seem to be very confident ash, which is nice for you, a good personal attribute to have.

however its easy to say "voice your thoughts" at a meeting with lots of others around, it can be quite intimidating, some people feel more confident voicing thier opinions over an internet forum instead.

and i see nothing wrong with that.

i agree with Shan, instead of just having a secret unveiling for things like merchandise, a vote on several designs would have been better... or even better yet, a competition for the members to post their own designs and a club vote.

just my 2c

Your understanding is wrong.

Your posts are filled with criticism.

Then it can't impact on anything you've done and it'll be the work of SAU-Vic committee so you can not be upset anymore.

Just because pat may be wrong/and is voicing an opinion that comes across as critical doesn't warrant you patronising him mate. I have a lot of respect for the club, and the comittee does a great job. obviously, there have been issues raised, and these need discussion. which is fine - as long as we are all adults about this and accord each other the courtesy of avoiding the not so subtle insults ;)

i dont agree with pat in his implication that the execs aren't representing the members. this would be true (and unacceptable) if the committee was making decisions without consultin their member base (10 comittee representing 250ish members?). However, alot of the paid members aren't very involved in the club at all, and if it was left up to us, like you said, most shit would never get done. the execs do a good job, but you guys shouldnt be immune to criticism. how else can the club grow?

you can't please everyone true, but in the case of the hoodies atleast, i'd have liked the chance to have some input into their design. now i havent seen them personally (cos of Ash's little trick of waiting till the end of the meeting to unveil - you bastard :)) but the mentions of a GTR logo dominating does dissapoint.

re: cruises, i've personally rerun many of the official cruises myself, using wayne's or mav's cruise notes. I dont see it as theft (ridiculous really). however kris and pat do have a point. these events aren't SAUvic sanctioned, or oganised. as such i object to them being used as "past events" in SAUVic meetings. the way i see it, there can be no "unofficial" SAUVic events. there are either events organised by the events guys on the committee, acting in their comittee role, or there are events organised on the forum by users. the latter aren't associated with the club even if the member organising it, just so happens to be an exec.

dont know if all that makes sense. please keep in mind, that this is my opinion. take on board waht you want to, and keep it mature

cheers yo

sheesh with a response like that its not a suprise why you get no feedback and issues raised...

Ive apologised numerous times and tried to redefine the current issue but it seems that all you have done is skim over them to throw some cheap shots at me and at public event organisers who are not involved in this discussion...

This previous issue noted that if i want to change the club then i should become part of the executive community, my suggestion was to act more as a group where everyone can freely discuss any issues, not to strip you of your president title and defending it with legal mumbo-jumbo, obviously there has to be the defined structure but doesnt hurt to be more open...

The meeting mentioned that the cruise will be 'beach to burgers' at st.kilda for grill'd, not a naming problem as you have mentioned above...

Myself and others have raised plenty of discussion and topics in this thread only to be disregarded by yourself. I hope at least some of the issues raised have given you some ideas which will hopefully benefit the club...

I have not had a go at you anywhere mate, again you are being negative so you are taking my comments in such a way. This is all over a keyboard remember so if you are confusing my meaning that is something i cannot control.

You (and others) have raised the following issues/problems:

1. Hoodies design - You don't like the design, and same with some others, fair enough - SAU-Vic committee cannot please everyone as numerous people understand.

Committee have noted the comments, and will continue to do so with any further disscusion. We will take it away and discuss for next time in relation to how we go about merchandise design so as not to upset people as best we can.

2. Beach to Burger - Will be altered so it does not offend you any longer for your hard work (which i commended @ the relevant meeting by the way, it doesn't have to be a club sanctioned event to get a mention as its something in the community).

Regarding your claim about an undefined meaning for events... Im not sure where you are coming from to be honest mate. I clearly defined what was/was not official back in 2007 for everyone to see.

This link: READ ME will take you to the thread i created. FYI - its a sticky in the Public Events section.

3. Club structure - null point I'm afraid, as I've stated. Its not legal mumbo at all. You look into registering a club and see what's required for yourself if you don't believe me. 'a bunch of people' will lead to nothing being done. In the interest of efficient club running i can't support a bunch of people due to this reason.

The issues above - are the points/comments/resolutions acceptable by yourself?

Are there any others issues are left that i have missed?

I don't believe there are any other issues as I've gone through all the posts twice now and nothing is jumping out at me.

But then i am tired as i haven't had a day off work for 25 days now so please excuse me if i have missed anything.


however kris and pat do have a point. these events aren't SAUvic sanctioned, or oganised. as such i object to them being used as "past events" in SAUVic meetings. the way i see it, there can be no "unofficial" SAUVic events. there are either events organised by the events guys on the committee, acting in their comittee role, or there are events organised on the forum by users. the latter aren't associated with the club even if the member organising it, just so happens to be an exec.

cheers yo

I believe I've covered the rest (lemme know if i have now) - in relation to the above however i just wanna say thing

Its a part of the community, the forums and so on.

Often SAU-Vic Members attend unofficial events, so i make mention of them @ meetings being members are attending and so on.

This is just to highlight that there are indeed other events going on outside of the club, events that are going on in the forum community.

Not everyone is on the forums, i know a some members that come to meetings aren't necessarily on the forums a lot. They might appreciate the run-downs of the community/unofficial meetings.

Look I bsaically see it as helping the community as a whole grow, members, forum otherwise.

Remember I also help run this website so i have another interest there in the forum community growing as well as the club because at times they both benefit each other.

If people do not wish me to help out in that manner, I'm happy to stop mentioning them if it is not what the people want.

Let me know what you think

hmm...talk about putting a bad spin on a what i thought to be a good meeting...

GTR, brand!

Billabong, brand!

Oneil, brand!

Nismo, brand!

i dont surf, im an indoorsy person...

i dont have a spare $20k to pick myself up a R32 GTR

i dont even have any nismo parts on my car (yet)

but i still own billabong shirts/jeans,

i still have a nismo sticker on my car (somewhere) and my computer

and i still own my SAUvic GTR hoodie, which im proud to display :P

i think the thing is, with all the media attention the GTR is getting at the moment, a GTR hoodie will get noticed, moreso than say a GTST one, or even an SAU one, so obviosuly that decision was made. the SAU logo is on the hoodie aswell incase you didnt notice, and the URL...hell i only drive a GTS25, the babiest of baby skylines.

maybe a bit more member input in the "Members Only" section of the forums would have helped a few more people be more accepting of the hoodie, but whats done is done...at the end of the day this hoodie saved me from freezing to death in the city this morning while i had breakfast!


I believe I've covered the rest (lemme know if i have now) - in relation to the above however i just wanna say thing

Its a part of the community, the forums and so on.

Often SAU-Vic Members attend unofficial events, so i make mention of them @ meetings being members are attending and so on.

This is just to highlight that there are indeed other events going on outside of the club, events that are going on in the forum community.

Not everyone is on the forums, i know a some members that come to meetings aren't necessarily on the forums a lot. They might appreciate the run-downs of the community/unofficial meetings.

Look I bsaically see it as helping the community as a whole grow, members, forum otherwise.

Remember I also help run this website so i have another interest there in the forum community growing as well as the club because at times they both benefit each other.

If people do not wish me to help out in that manner, I'm happy to stop mentioning them if it is not what the people want.

Let me know what you think

ahh i get it now. yeah look like i said, they aren't official events, but i understand what you were trying to do. in that context, i withdraw my objection, on the understanding that credit will be given where its due. will keep they guys happy.

slightly related: next time gimme a bit of warning yeah, so i dont just start umming and "ahh"ing and "what was it that happened again?" before i give you a run down. I didn't mind doing it, just wasn't prepared

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