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I always give credit mate, regulars @ meetings will know this. I support any endeavors of members and the forum community as its all for the greater good.

Ye i know - sorry about the late notice there... i forgot about it (but it was in my notes) :P

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Ye i know - sorry about the late notice there... i forgot about it (but it was in my notes) :P

poor form mate haha :P

top job on the hoodie, the way the GTR is displayed is different, but worked out.

didnt have enough spare cash last night to grab one, but never mind next time their out i'll be sure to pick one up, maybe 2

Was I credited when beza held an east meets west meet? After all, the original was my idea... The answer is no.

Did I piss and moan like a little bitch? The answer is no.

Next time you decide to go down the GOR, make sure you credit SAU-Vic, as they went there before you, so they OWN it.

I have not had a go at you anywhere mate, again you are being negative so you are taking my comments in such a way. This is all over a keyboard remember so if you are confusing my meaning that is something i cannot control.

Think what you wish, but its clearly evident that you responded in a derogatory way and anyone can see by reading the above.

You (and others) have raised the following issues/problems:

1. Hoodies design - You don't like the design, and same with some others, fair enough - SAU-Vic committee cannot please everyone as numerous people understand.

Committee have noted the comments, and will continue to do so with any further disscusion. We will take it away and discuss for next time in relation to how we go about merchandise design so as not to upset people as best we can.

The issue again was not the fact it did not please everyone, its the fact that the majority of members in the car club (gtst owners) were not represented by the chosen design... Good to hear that you have taken onboard some ideas presented and eventually mentioned it because it feels like its going through one ear and coming out the other..

2. Beach to Burger - Will be altered so it does not offend you any longer for your hard work (which i commended @ the relevant meeting by the way, it doesn't have to be a club sanctioned event to get a mention as its something in the community).

Regarding your claim about an undefined meaning for events... Im not sure where you are coming from to be honest mate. I clearly defined what was/was not official back in 2007 for everyone to see.

This link: READ ME will take you to the thread i created. FYI - its a sticky in the Public Events section.

The issue is the re-hosting of a public event as a sauvic official event without mentioning it to any of the creators of the cruise. Kris and I were actually planning to re-host the public event but was suprised when sauvic were making plans to run it themselves. It doesnt need to be altered, it would have just been nice to know what is going on, which brings me onto my next point..

3. Club structure - null point I'm afraid, as I've stated. Its not legal mumbo at all. You look into registering a club and see what's required for yourself if you don't believe me. 'a bunch of people' will lead to nothing being done. In the interest of efficient club running i can't support a bunch of people due to this reason.

You keep mentioning 'bunch of people' as if i had mentioned it somewhere...my point is if you are having issues with time constraints in running the club, open up decisions to votes and suggestions for members. Why does the committee seem so isolated from all the members? It shouldnt be and thats all im trying to say...

I believe I've covered the rest (lemme know if i have now) - in relation to the above however i just wanna say thing

Its a part of the community, the forums and so on.

Often SAU-Vic Members attend unofficial events, so i make mention of them @ meetings being members are attending and so on.

This is just to highlight that there are indeed other events going on outside of the club, events that are going on in the forum community.

Not everyone is on the forums, i know a some members that come to meetings aren't necessarily on the forums a lot. They might appreciate the run-downs of the community/unofficial meetings.

Look I bsaically see it as helping the community as a whole grow, members, forum otherwise.

Remember I also help run this website so i have another interest there in the forum community growing as well as the club because at times they both benefit each other.

If people do not wish me to help out in that manner, I'm happy to stop mentioning them if it is not what the people want.

Let me know what you think

By telling sauvic members to attend events/cruises setup outside the club, cant the club be held responsible for the suggestion if something occurs to the member attending?

I thought the whole reason of official sauvic events is to avoid this from happening to the club?

Dont treat this as an attack, its just an honest question and last thing i want to see is the club ending up in trouble...


G0DZLR...SAU, club! Merchandise for a club is more than branding, it's representation. And false representation at that if it implies we are all GTR nuts.

I think committee members here have taken criticism personally and completely the wrong way. I did not read or write the criticism as an attack wholely on the efforts of the committee, at everything they do. The complaints/comments were context specific...and in other comments you guys have been commended for your other efforts. But as leaders you need to be able to address these issues instead of just telling people not to be critical, or telling them how hard you work and that they should show respect for it. Well criticism doesn't negate respect. And yes, no hierarchy in the club would be somewhat akin to Communism...but at the same time, unquestionable or uncriticisable leadership isn't Democracy...it's Autocracy. You guys need to be able to take complaints against your work on a constructive note...address them without hostility, even if they were made with it. That's what makes a great democratic leader.

I don't believe the statement "we did everything we can to please members" (re: hoodie) carries validity, when to my knowledge members weren't consulted on what pleases them. Yes the GTR hoodie works and it sells...but I'm willing to bet an SAU logo hoodie would outsell it. Because who in SAU would complain about not being able to affiliate themselves with the logo on the hoodie?

Ash, the bottom line is you chose your role. Whatever is required for it, legal responsibility or not, you chose to be who you are. Like I said before, it does not exempt you from criticism. I too know first-hand the feeling you get after putting in many hours only to receive negative commentary. It sucks, but dealing with that goes hand in hand with being a good leader. Perhaps you need to learn to focus on the positive and instead of taking the negative to heart, try to convert it. There is plenty of positive thought floating around, it's just that, people mostly talk about the bad. Ash, if you need someone to help out with some of that hard work, feel free to contact me as I'm always happy to lend a helping hand.

Tell you what, I would be more than happy to serve in some unofficial role as a member representative...whereby people who wish to address an issue, but do not want to bring it up at a meeting, can contact me and I will proxy for them at the monthly meeting so that the committee can take criticism on board and have it presented to them in a constructive manner.

Edited by Birds
Tell you what, I would be more than happy to serve in some unofficial role as a member representative...whereby people who wish to address an issue, but do not want to bring it up at a meeting, can contact me and I will proxy for them at the monthly meeting so that the committee can take criticism on board and have it presented to them in a constructive manner.


Ash stated above, that you can contact him in many ways if you have an issue, be it via PM, phone call or email etc.

Knowing Ash too, he will not brush it off, and WILL take it on board, same with the other members of the committee. Your suggestion I believe is going to create more problems, rather than help minimise them.

SAU hoodie has GTR written on it ..... Big f**king deal .... dont like it don't buy it.

they don't have guns to your head to cough up money ?

i think it may be just a case of ungrateful jealousy.

Everyone was going to that meet hoping to pick up a hoodie, some didn't like it and now feel left out, the ones who did buy them were happy with the item and had smiles and wearing them, while others sitting

there, still got there money didn't loose anything, you came to the meeting to grab a hoodie, you don't like it, simple. get over it. Go buy a jumper or something

maybe on the next meeting would be good so see that turnout again, socialize, make new friends, be there to support the club, find out whats been happening, HAVE A BLOODY SAY when asked for feedback.

I've only been twice because of just pure lazyness and city traffic, but I'll do my best to make another appearance next month.

don't bother replying to that with an argument, because you wont get one.

The issue again was not the fact it did not please everyone, its the fact that the majority of members in the car club (gtst owners) were not represented by the chosen design... Good to hear that you have taken onboard some ideas presented and eventually mentioned it because it feels like its going through one ear and coming out the other..

Well quite a number of them have posted so far, and say they don't care and love the design ... So rock + hard place here in some respects.

Again i stress, you cannot please everybody. If you feel unrepresented in some way I'm sorry, that it not what we set out to do i can assure you.

You keep mentioning 'bunch of people' as if i had mentioned it somewhere...my point is if you are having issues with time constraints in running the club, open up decisions to votes and suggestions for members. Why does the committee seem so isolated from all the members? It shouldnt be and thats all im trying to say...

Look - in theory that is a great idea. I'm not arguing at all there.

Over the past 5 years however its very clear that letting people decide/vote and so on doesn't necessarily get things done, events organised and so on. People either are complacent and not worried, or there is still someone at the end of the day that isn't happy.

We have EOI's before events (eg, paintball, karting), MANY people say they will come - we organise it and then 3 people pay up and we are forced to cancel the event.

We ask for merchandise ideas all the time, no one comes up with any in most instances

This has happened on a number of occasions and isn't always the best option to go with to actually see a productive result, that is where the time constraint lies as it becomes wasted time and there is no-one to blame, that's just how it is.

With merch - we will look into 'pre ideas' for feedback in the future so as to upset as little people as possible

By telling sauvic members to attend events/cruises setup outside the club, cant the club be held responsible for the suggestion if something occurs to the member attending?

I thought the whole reason of official sauvic events is to avoid this from happening to the club?

Dont treat this as an attack, its just an honest question and last thing i want to see is the club ending up in trouble...


I'm not actually telling people to go - I'm simply saying there was something on in the greater community and would anyone like to have some words about it.

Sometimes people do speak, sometimes they don't, odd occasions they get put on the spot if i forget :P

As i also linked - there is a clear disclaimer on the forum about open events. I also don't tell people to go (if im highlighting something coming up), i just say there is an event, check forums etc etc.

They decide themselves and again, as per the forum note i stuck up, its nothing to do with the club itself

Birds - If people want to go to someone else to voice their issues through, there is nothing stopping them. Im not particularly fussed how a comment/suggestion/constructive feedback is presented.

Of course I would much prefer people come to me personally out of respect so i can see for myself and ensure i fully understand (without back and forth stuff going on)... but look, if people feel the need to go via someone else for anonymity's sake, then they can do that. Always could, always can.

:P Has any one ever heard the saying, "Making Mountains out of Molehills"???

The hoodies were an exciting new mechandise products which has been on the most part well accepted.

They are one form of merchandise that the club offers.

I'm not up on the full list, but there are polo shirts, stickers, stubbie holders, lanyards, bottle openers.

As Ash pointed out also their are other things on the way like Hats and Gararge Shirts.

I think the hoodie haters are getting way to worked up over it... it is very simple... if its not for you, then its not for you.

Yes the committee are aware that a large majority of members drive GTST's,

there is also other people like me who have never owned a skyline, and probably never will.

I just see it as a Nissan SKYLINE car club.... the flagship of the SKYLINE range being the GTR..

As someone metioned before, people buy HSV jackets and wear them around...

I'm sure people wouldn't be as interested in buying an Executive commodore jacket... (some people might :P)

As for the whole cruise thing... i will be honest and say that i cannot work out the whole deal with this at all...

Obviously i am missing something...

You seem to be talking about SAUVic taking on a cruise without first speaking to its creators....

Um.... its a bunch of blokes/chicks driving their cars from as carpark/meetspot to a burger joint.

That's all it is... The small details about where these places are is irrelevant...

I can't really see that a simple idea like that has 'creators'

and i gotta tell ya... its probably been done a few times since cars and burger joints were around invented...

Not sure... but i'm pretty sure i'm pretty on the money with that...

As for the committee being isolated from the members...

I've been a member for 5 odd years now... and only just started to get involved with the committee this year...

I honestly can say that i have neva even seen a hint of this isolation you mention...

I would be interested to know if many other people feel the same way as this...

Then we can work towards making a better solution for everyone.

Heh Heh.. We need a suggestion box?!?!

like in most workplaces ;)

And in the end... I'm sure no one is really attempting to offend anyone else...

As Ash commented on..... it is very easy to take a line of text on a page way out of its intended context...

I think we all need to remember that....

Look what we have accomplished in a span of four pages!

- Possible methods of pre-selection of merch

- An idea of what would like to be included in future merch

- Clearer understanding of official/unofficial events

- Members outside of sau exec and even sauvic (Birds) who are willing to help

- and possibility of suggestion box!! (can either be at meeting or just an anon form on the website?)

As I mentioned before I was voicing an opinion on behalf of a couple of people (in regards to the jumper) and may have come off a bit aggresive/undermining and im sure sauvic execs are sharpening their knives as I speak :P, but i believe this discussion/argument/bitching/jealousy, whatever you like to call it, allowed people to truly express their opinions which can only improve the future for the club.

(Try to cover all of this in a general meeting :P)

Looking back at it now, it wasn't the best way to begin it, but the lessons learnt will help me discuss any future issues i find ;)

Saying congrats again to all the members involved in the hoodie, did a good job :)

P.S; volvo drivers smell, lets argue :P

im sure sauvic execs are sharpening their knives as I speak :P

P.S; volvo drivers smell, lets argue ;)

im not an exec but im ready to rock and roll. :P

P.S no more arguing, you've had 2-3 pages of bullshit, that's enough out of you for a while.


Ash stated above, that you can contact him in many ways if you have an issue, be it via PM, phone call or email etc.

Knowing Ash too, he will not brush it off, and WILL take it on board, same with the other members of the committee. Your suggestion I believe is going to create more problems, rather than help minimise them.

Ash also stated that there were people who never PM'd, called or emailed him and that issues were not raised at the meeting...only on the keyboard 2 hours after the meet. And from what I've seen in this thread, the issues were brushed off as non-constructive criticism. Giving people a voice when they are afraid to talk? How is that supposed to create more problems? It's obvious from the past few pages in this thread that something at the meeting should have been said...in hindsight, if I could go back and say it I would.

TJ man I don't want to start a new argument, but I didn't rock up to the meet for the hoodie...I did it for the people! I couldn't care less about the hoodie until I saw the "we want a GTR" / "we own a GTR" logo splashed across it. Actually my first thought was a Wu-Tang clan piece of clothing because that's what it looked like at first glance, but that's beside the point. Regardless, the only criticism it received from me was a constructive opinion that the logo did not accurately represent us all, unlike an SAU logo would. I posted that at the start and did not expect much to arise from it other than the merchandise fellows taking said suggestion into consideration for next time. People decided to argue with our opinions for some reason...

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