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Hey guys, Im having problems with my R32 GTR.

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All started with a missfire, then popped a cooler hose off and havent been able to fix it since. Im over and want it fixed.

Currently its miss firing and fouling up the plugs, stuggles to idle. Compression test had already been done, no problems there. Its something simple but I need a new set of eyes as I just cant find the problem.

Being SAU there are alot of guys who know their cars inside out, back to front. Anybody interested in giving me a hand? Willing to pay if the solution if found.

Thanks guys

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Ok, well my thoughts are also an air leak. Seems that all evidence points to that fact. Have you had it looked at by a professional? Rob (Mr500) has helped me out on my car and knows his stuff, perhaps PM him and see if he can come out for a looksie. Another idea that just popped into my head, perhaps the coilpack loom may have a crack in it and is shorting out somewhere causing dramas, not likely, but possible or a leaky/stuck injector. It's sadly a case of deduction, one solution by another till you find the right one

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first things first.... disconnect and remove all coils and anything else that make ignite fuel....pull your plugs out.... and crank it over.... and see how much fuel sprays out..... there should be a fine mist but thats it.... if your getting solid droplets then theres an injector problem... also note if one cylinder if spraying more fuel then others..... also wen u have stopped cranking, leave the ignition on and look into the cylinder with a touch *CAREFUL AROUND FUEL* and listen/look to see if an injector is stuck open and still spraying....

other things to look for is a CAS problem and inspect your AFM....get a multimeter and check the signal wire out off the AFM as u blow thru it (with ign on) and see if ur getting a consistant voltage, and not one that jumps from 1v to 0.1v then to 4volts....

anyway check those and let us know :(

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Hey guys, Im having problems with my R32 GTR.

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All started with a missfire, then popped a cooler hose off and havent been able to fix it since. Im over and want it fixed.

Currently its miss firing and fouling up the plugs, stuggles to idle. Compression test had already been done, no problems there. Its something simple but I need a new set of eyes as I just cant find the problem.

Being SAU there are alot of guys who know their cars inside out, back to front. Anybody interested in giving me a hand? Willing to pay if the solution if found.

Thanks guys

what BOV's are you running? my thoughts are ether when stripped of cooler and pipes, the BOV's where played with and are now leaking or the more likley one IMO is the AFM and/or AFM wiring are no good. when you say missfired and blew a cooler hose off, do you mean backfireed or missed?


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errr my response to all people who ask detailed problem analysis on the forums - TAKE IT TO A REPUTABLE SKYLINE MECHANIC. Why muck around with something you clearly don't understand/can't solve yourself?

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errr my response to all people who ask detailed problem analysis on the forums - TAKE IT TO A REPUTABLE SKYLINE MECHANIC. Why muck around with something you clearly don't understand/can't solve yourself?

I don't see a problem with using a forum board to save a couple dollars by fixing it yourself with some help from fellow skyline lovers.

He seems to be a little mechanically minded so some help from someone that knows quite a fair bit could potentially save him hundreds from a workshop trouble shooting and over priced parts.

Cheers, Wayne.

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When I first got my 32 GTR it had a bad misfiree which turned out to be the airflow meters. I took the cover off them and resoldered the 4 little connections and it's been perfect since. Other common misfire cause is the coilpacks arcing due to tiny cracks. Using a silicone type sealant and some electrical tape fixes them.

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sounds very much like a AFM issue.....get that checked out mate or if you can borrwo a pair then plug them in and see what happens.....my mate spent hours on his GTST finding a similar problem and ended up being an AFM

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* change fuel filter, drop all fuel from tank and replace

* change fuel pump and direct feed it from battery

* change both 02 sensors

* go over every single intercooler pipe, clamp

* change both AFM

* change sparkplugs and coilpacks

* replace all gaskets, every single one.

* replace exhaust studs

* perform full 100,000km service incl. belts pumps etc.

that'll fix it :D

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hey bud,

Did you try swapping in a stk ECU? if not ive got 1 you can try.

also have you tried swapping in a PowerFC + Commander to look at your voltages?

This will help you find the source of your problem almost instantly :P

i wish i borrowed 1 from some1 to find my problems instead of buying 1 lol, woulda saved alot of money!

PM me if ya wanna lend the stk ecu, i could maybe even swap in my powerFC if ya need :P

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Well good news, Thanks to some help turns out it was the intercooler pipe under the factory airbox.

All sorted now, but still have a small miss, been diagnosed as o2 sensors or AFM's, but its 90% good again and I can finally drive it too and from workshops if I need.

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i find when ive tried everything i can think of, Shaun at boostworx is the guy to see. best diagnoser in SA when it comes to these cars, its almost painful to take ur car in after trying a million things uve been reccomended, then he calls u up within half an hour with the issue and how to fix it.

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