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Hey guys having trouble finding some instructions on there.

I'm in the process of throwing a few into my car water temp/oil temp/boost.

The biggest issue im having is I got them off a mate with no instructions. I have them all working insofar as lighting up, I have the temp senders hooked up, however the two temp gauges arent reading anything.

I have the gauges hooked up with just the bottom 3 wires, and just have the top power/ground wires unhooked as when I was wiring them in they seemed to light up regardless of whether I had the key turned to ACC or not (wired to stereo power wire).

I'm assuming that its the top power/ground that needs to be hooked up for them to work? If so Ill just wire them up to the ciggarette lighter wires. Could you provide any confirmation on this? (Cbf ripping dash out until I get some sort of confirmation that this is what the problem is.)

Cheers guys,


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cigarette lighter is a good tap in point if ur a novice dealing with electronics . basically there's three wires to the cigarette lighter ones ur ground normally black then u have ignition power that's connected to the lighter too. then theirs a separate wire going to a globe that lights up ur lighter in the dark. use that wire so u can illuminate your gauges.

personally in my opinion. i would make a central junction under the steering wheel then only send two wires (lighting) to the lighter. that should solve ur " I was wiring them in they seemed to light up regardless of whether I had the key turned to ACC or not (wired to stereo power wire)." problem.

You could always splice into the ACC (blue/white wire) of your stereo so the gauge or gauge lights arent constantly on. Seems like you've spliced into the CONSTANT +ve. I suggest not to tap into the cigarette lighter as you'll keep blowing fuses once you put like a phone charger or radar detector in. Other wise if you dont use your cigaretter lighter at all by all means use it then, easy option.

this is a wiring diagram for my saber gauges. might come in handy for you. not sure if the wire colours are the same, but majority of aftermarket gauges are the same.

oil press

red - to ignition switch 12v(+)

black - battery(-)

orange - to oil press sensor

purple - dimmer/+12v to dim/connect to headlights to activate

oil temp

red, purple and black - same as above

blue - temp sensor

Hope this helps you out and doesnt confuse you. =)

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