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My poor baby


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Well I got my powerFC + boost controller installed and tuned the other day... made a nice 40rwkw gain from the pfc and extra boost (up to 1bar).

I unfortunately had to get 3 new coil packs at the same time cause mine were r00ted. Also had to get new spark plugs in at the same time..... which kinda blew out the "budget" of what I was expecting to pay....

Anyway I was happy with that cause of the great power gain.... and then... stuck it on a dyno the next day and had lost 30kw in 24 hours.

Not really sure what the problem is yet... could have something to do with a boost leak or more faulty coil packs or maybe something totally different (car is doing a few funny things)...

The moral of the story.... plan for things to go wrong. If I have to fork out more money tomorrow I will be screwed!! so whenever you are doing something big like that, have a backup....

end rant.

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Murhpy's law always applies to cars!

Can you feel the 30kw loss or is this just what the dyno is telling you? Try to find out if any settings were changed between runs (I presume this was all done on the same dyno).

A boost leak should show up on your boost gauge so that should be pretty easy to eliminate.

How did you know that your coil packs were stuffed? I'm just wondering how you got +40kw if they weren't working properly. Maybe the replacements are even worse than the ones you replaced? Try the old ones again and see if it goes back to how it was.

Also what plugs did you use and at what gap? At 1 bar they should be 0.7 or 0.8mm.

If it's an early series 1, check the igniter as well.

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Hey Talej,

I feel for you mate - I know exactly what you are feeling. But hey we got to realise that when you start modifying cars - shit happens.

For Example:

I spent $XX,000 upgrading the top end and ancillaries of my car to take it from 150rwkw to 240rwkw - then the engine went bang/pop/splutter/poof.

Now I am spending nearly 2 x ($XX,000) to fix it properly. The further down the track I get, the more $$ it is costing me, because the more things I find out are busted or weakened.

The reason for all this is - when you modify one bit it puts stress on another , which you have to modify , then this puts stress on another part, etc, etc.

But hell, I have learnt some very valuable lessons about modifying cars along the way.

The fundamental and most basic rule is (if you don't know exactly what you are doing) - find a shop/mechanic that you can trust and that tells you the truth - no bullshit. (this is the MOST IMPORTANT decision you need to make before making ANY other decisions on technical shit like what ECU, what turbo , which injectors, etc, etc)

Get them to listen to your goals - give them your input - get them to make recomendations to achieve your desired objectives.

If you trust them and they tell the truth, all the rest will fall into place - even if there are fu(kups along the way - you will always know where you stand.

And yes - always budget on spending 1.5 to 2 times as much as than you originally think when you start modifying a car !

Hope it all goes well for you mate !

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