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dont know if there is any truth to it but the guy at eb games seems to think that it might be a 3D game. anyone else heard this?????

I've heard Gt5 gonna have a special headset that scans your brain into the game. This allows you to actually be the driver inside the car.

Apparently GTA5 is going to have similar technology.

If only this stuff was real haha. Maybe when the Playstation 20 comes out. :cheers:

that wouldn't actually suprise me at all if that was the reason. they probably thought "alright lads, we've made a real cockup here taking so long and a hell of a lot of people who were waiting for it have gotten sick of waiting and bought forza and an xbox. and as they say, if you can't beat them, join them."

oh wait, they are japanese aren't they, so they would've said "arright rads, we've made a rearr cockup here taking so rong and a herr of a rot of peopre who were waiting for it have gotten sick of waiting and bought forza and an xbox. and as they say, if you can't beat them, join them."

to quash a couple things - no this is not happening - polyphony digital have a total of something like ... here we go..

Entity Name: Polyphony Digital Inc.

Established: April 2nd 1998

Location: Tobu Toyosu Bldg 2F., 1-10-19 Edagawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0051 Japan

Capital: 10 Million Yen

Employees: Approx. 110

Business Description: Planning and development of game software, and operation of surrounding services

Representative: President Kazunori Yamauchi

that's 110 people working on this game

that is including the following

president, exec staff, their PA's, admin staff, testers, developers, marketing, public relations, telemetry advisers, drivers and car testers, track designers, engineers, Occ health safety officer, first aid staff on the track, - EVERYTHING from receptionist to president yamauchi.

all in 110 people. let's be realistic, of that 110, let's discredit 15-20 staff as being exec, pa, reception, marketing, PR, and any other job title that isn't going to actually HELP the development of the game.

that leaves... let's say 90 staff that are actually hands on developing the game. divide that into the following categories

software engineers

graphics specialists




handling advisers

track designers

let's dedicate 10 staff total to the last three categories

now u have 80 staff (that is way amibitious - probably not that much) but let's say 80 staff in those first four major staffing areas.

let's say 20 per category. that essentially means there's 20 people at every core of this game.

the game is ready to go - and has been for some time, sony has pushed it back for their own reasoning. its scheduled release of march1 obviously isn't the case - yamauchi has taken it back to do fine tuning on the game.

reason being - the game wasn't good enough, forza2 came out and everyone went bananas.GT has big shoes to fill other than it's own now.

so little things had to be done, as little as they are, they TAKE TIME


GT prologue^^^ doesn't have textured grass - this sort of thing is what they've added. also a few extra cars are coming.

so - yes - the game's taken ages. it's taken 5 years. however this is not "making another installment in the series"

this is making an entire new game - with it's own graphics engines. new lighting effects. everything they had to start from scratch. with a whole heap of new technology, it would have been very buggy to sort out. in addition to this. online play. and a social networking basis to back it up. as well as damage, flying debris, destructible environments.

YES you just want to drive. but PD don't want to give you that product, they want to give you something that you will love.

now i've finished this rant. i do get it how frustrating it is - i'm kinda done with games that simply are not gran turismo. and i get the frustration too. but... it's gonna be worth it. if you don't think it's gonna be worth it - don't buy it! - as for this xbox port - no. xbox cannot handle the graphics required for such a big game.. i dunno if that rumour is actually a rumour or a joke.

seriously - it will be work it.


that said - you'll all be pleased to know, yamauchi said in a recent interview that GT6 will not take anywhere near as long to make - because the ground work is all there, all that will need to be done is new tracks and new cars. and improve the work they've already acheived. but this is their hardest task - getting the ground work finished.

see now i understand all that rowan, but my main gripe with PD is that they came out saying "the game is 90% complete" and "the game is ready to be released any time now" then a month later they turn around and say "the game is only 65% complete". had they not kept feeding us lies about how the game was nearly done and ready to come out then i wouldn't be so annoyed. and considering that it apparently took them 3 or 4 years to get to 65%, if you do the maths then we still have a few years wait until that last 35% done. and someone said earlier in this thread some shit about it taken them a few months to do up each new car. well frankly i don't give a shit if the game comes out and doesn't have some extra concept car in it. at the rate they are going they will never get the game out because each time they finish 1 concept car there will have been another car show with a new concept car that they decide should be in the game from standard rather than be downloadable.

i'm almost ready to concede defeat and go over to the darkside and buy a secondhand xbox and forza 3

i were so disappointed sorny :thumbsup:

ditto. i cbf waiting any longer im gonna get an xbox. purely cos i love the engine swap thing on forza.

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