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first of all, have you played prologue yet? if not then you should as this will give you a bit of an idea as to what the general physics are like, but they have been improved a lot since then.

1: cars will handle reasonably realistically

2:yes you will have damage that will affect performance

3: don't think so

4: possibly

5: i doubt it

6: well considering that prologue has 16 cars in each race, i'd say, definately yes

7: supposed to be much better. they will try and go round you and over take you rather than just punching into you. i know from playing prologue that it is much harder to get faster cars to give you a punt to speed you up when you have a penalty.

I did play prologue a while ago, but it was just using a controller, so admittedly it didn't give me a true indication of the physics (I use a G25 and cockpit at home - legacy of thousands of wasted hours playing GPL over the last 10 years :P )

I guess I'm comparing it to GT4 (which I might add I still enjoy for a fun thrash when I'm not in sim mode). All of the things I mentioned above do definitely get under my skin as far as realism goes. 16 cars will be better, but if they could organise big fields in some races (30-40 or even more) then that would be fantastic. Not being able to DNF is a big oversight in anything that tries to call itself realistic IMO. In real racing, consistent finishes will do far more for you than being the fastest hotlapper out there. I guess with track days such a booming business these days, the focus has shifted to punching out that one fast lap in the day, rather than stringing together a day's worth of good laps.

Don't worry - I'll still buy a PS3 and GT5 when it comes out - I am looking forward to it. Might have to drop some subtle hints to the Mrs for Xmas pressies.

wanting the DNF stuff i sort of understand, but i think they have to draw the line somewhere. i know that i would epicly rage quit if i was doing one of the 24 hour races and with only a few laps left to go one of the AI cars ran into me and i couldn't finish the race. also you'd get online races where someone might just get in a big yank tank and just ram everyone off the road and win because they are the only car still able to drive. or in a race against f1 cars you'd simple race in a normal car and just sit on the inside of a corner making the AI cars swerve around you and get stuck in the sand or clip wheels and they would all be out. so you could win races against f1 cars in a suzuki swift.

you have to remember that it is just a simulator and not real life racing on a computer, otherwise they'd need to strap you into some machine where if you have a high speed crash it breaks some of your bones or kills you.

what will be interesting to see is whether damage costs money to fix, and whether when fixing you can chose what bits to fix, so if you only have panel damge which doesn't affect performance, if you can simply leave it and not fix it until you have more money.

you have to remember that it is just a game and not a racing simulator


If you get a chance, grab a copy of GPL and have a play. It's probably still the most realistic racing sim available today (12 years after it was released). It had various realism settings, and in full GP mode, DNF's were a part of daily life. No rev limiters to bounce off all day, so easy to blow an engine if you drive too hard or miss a gear change (hell, failure to lift the throttle at a gear change would usually be enough to blow an engine). Bump a wall and your steering alignment goes out, causing the car to pull to one side, or uneven tyre heating causing the tyre to go off. There were some random failures too, just like in real life. From memory, on all settings except the gull GP setting, you could reset the car after breaking it, but you started with a full tank of fuel again, and cold tures (and you could only reset when the car had stopped moving, and there were no other cars around).

Hey, don't you think that real 24 hr racers get upset if they break the car in the 23rd hour? Why whouldn't we have that option as well (not that I actually do 24 hr races).

If you purposely drive other cars off the track, then there's this thing called a black flag - GPL has it. It wouldn't be too hard to build that in to a game for gross rule breaches. If you're the sort of driver who likes to cheat to win, then having damage or not will make no difference, as you can easily drive the opposition off the track anyway. If you drive erratically and risk getting run into, then you will probably be the one who loses out when another car runs into you and damages your car.

Like I said, have a go at GPL. It has all these features, and has had some of the most hotly contested racing leagues in the world. As for the "wreckers" who purposely crash into everyone else, well those guys do exist, but funnily enough were a tiny minority, and the whole community pretty quickly sussed out who they were and banned them from races.

I know that GT5 will never be a proper sim, and I don't expect it to be (GPL was enough of a headf**k for me). However, I personally think that some of the features I described above, specially a simple thing like selectable damage that CAN cause you to DNF would greatly enhance the realism of the game. Although you might not see any benefit of having this option, believe me, there are plenty of people out there who would want it.

Don't start on the "broken bones / injury" arguments either. Those have been done to death over the last decade.

Edited by warps
Not being able to DNF is a big oversight in anything that tries to call itself realistic IMO.

This is sad but it was not a developer's choice, this was forced upon by the car's manufacturers since they don't want to show their cars "breaking down", I think is quite stupid, since if you hit a wall at 100km + your car should not simply keep on going.

This was addressed in one of the interviews with the developers, and you could see that they were not happy with it.

If your car was able to be totalled, it would add a whole extra layer of "self preservation" when you are racing that sims generally skip, since you can't die or hurt yourself anyways.


If you get a chance, grab a copy of GPL and have a play. It's probably still the most realistic racing sim available today (12 years after it was released). It had various realism settings, and in full GP mode, DNF's were a part of daily life. No rev limiters to bounce off all day, so easy to blow an engine if you drive too hard or miss a gear change (hell, failure to lift the throttle at a gear change would usually be enough to blow an engine). Bump a wall and your steering alignment goes out, causing the car to pull to one side, or uneven tyre heating causing the tyre to go off. There were some random failures too, just like in real life. From memory, on all settings except the gull GP setting, you could reset the car after breaking it, but you started with a full tank of fuel again, and cold tures (and you could only reset when the car had stopped moving, and there were no other cars around).

ok, firstly, GT5 has a penalty system. ram cars too hard and you get a penalty. sure it isn't a drive through, but there is still a penalty.

as for no rev limiters, well pretty much all the cars in GT5 do have rev limiters in real life, so taking them away would be making it less realistic. also a lot of cars will take a suprising amount of bashing on the rev limiter without blowing up.

pretty sure GT5 damage will have things like altering wheel alignment from what i'm told.

I wasn't suggesting they take away rev limiters - I was trying to use it as an example of ONE way you could DNF a race in GPL - the example i'm using here (rev limiters weren't a big thing in 1967). My point was that DNF is very possible, and didn't turn any serious sim racers away from the game. Of course arcaders won't be into that sort of thing, which is why you need to have the option to turn it off - again very simple coding.

Yes, damage will be a good thing and I don't argue that. I hope the penalty thing is better than the stupid infuriating 5 sec penalty they give you in GT4 even if the opposition crashes into you.

Not to worry - I'm sure I'll get great enjoyment from playing GT5. When I feel like a real challenge though, (and there are no real races to attend) then I'll just fire up GPL on the PC and get totally immersed in the racing experience belting around lakeside, bathurst, sandown or any of over 100 real life race tracks.

Oh, and Mr Ping - good call on the manufacturers getting nervous about their cars breaking down. Would be good to have real life reliability too - the french cars would be flat out making it to the finish in any race haha

Jokes people - please no flame wars because I offended the citroen / renault owners out there. I was making a funny.

Edited by warps

haha.. dude maybe just gt5 isn't the game for you? sounds like you're very jaded already.. good point about the real life reliability idea ie say you buy r32 gtr lol

ps your civic looks very tough. I am selling some wheels n tyres that would look great on it and an selling for a nice price but you have to have 5 stud on civic to put them on.. other than that they're japanese made 2 piece and good width and offset contact if interested

haha.. dude maybe just gt5 isn't the game for you? sounds like you're very jaded already.. good point about the real life reliability idea ie say you buy r32 gtr lol

ps your civic looks very tough. I am selling some wheels n tyres that would look great on it and an selling for a nice price but you have to have 5 stud on civic to put them on.. other than that they're japanese made 2 piece and good width and offset contact if interested

Yeh my civic is da bomb! Vtec yo!! I'm interested in the wheels but only if they're 20" or bigger. Ive converted mine to 5 stud so I can fit the big brakes an wheels. I'm running AMG ML63 front brakes (350mm rotors, 8 piston calipers) - they look awesome under the 20" rims. Only problem is I have to run brake heaters because the pads never get enough heat in them otherwise. The brake balance is a bit off too with the stock rear drums but I'm looking to fix that with an adjustable pedal box.

I assume you were taking the pi$$ about the rims. If you were serious, then I'm probably not interested. I already have 14 rims for it and they're all 15's (since you can't get gravel tyres any bigger than 15")

Back on topic - like I said before I still have fun with GT4, and probably will with GT5 as well. Despite falling short in some of these areas, I'm sure it will still be a fun game.

haha.. dude maybe just gt5 isn't the game for you? sounds like you're very jaded already.. good point about the real life reliability idea ie say you buy r32 gtr lol

ps your civic looks very tough. I am selling some wheels n tyres that would look great on it and an selling for a nice price but you have to have 5 stud on civic to put them on.. other than that they're japanese made 2 piece and good width and offset contact if interested

ahahaha, yeah, seeing a heap or r32 gtr's on the side of the track from oil starvation would be funny.

or driving behind gts-t/gtt's and seeing a buff of dust as the stock turbo lets go would also be amusing.

marc - hahaha or seeing like 20 zz30 soarers parked on the side of the road - just.. cos.. - -- they've broken down again.

- - and the owner has NO idea what the problem is.


and warps - i wasn't taking the p1ss about the rims..

i literally do have a set of 17x8 / 17x9 +47 gold faced work VSXX with tyres for sale.. they'd go great on a civic but with THOSE offsets - not really much else would suit.. haha

and good write up about the civic, you actually had me going there at first i was like ummmm whut

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