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Change In P-plate Laws Again?!


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I was talking to my friend on saturday night and he said that the P-plate laws are going to change again this July.

I didn't know if it was true but he said that the Red P's one passenger law is going to get taken off plus the power to weight ratio is coming back and also bringing turbocharged vehicles back.

Please don't flame me i just want to know if any of this is true. Coz i can believe that the One passenger and power to weight ratio has a chance of coming back but the turbo thing is kinda highly unlikely.

Anyone got any information on this? Cheers

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Come to WA, so you don't have to worry about the P-plater laws changing every week :)

God i wish the victorian government would just make things clear and see things clear like banning high power vehicles isn't always going to save lifes coz theres always idiots trying to drive a low power car harder. Which results in the crashes

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ow serious? ok im sorry you can delete it then. Thats my bad :)

lol jus playin man, but you could have just posted it in your other thread and asked the same question

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mmmm still its my bad

The thread from last week doesnt really cover your question.

I think what your referring too was a proposal to allow p platers to drive turbo cars, so long as they dont exceed 100kw/tonne, as well as some large family cars that were up too 125kw/tonne.

I remember reading an article about it a few months back.

Basically they were saying that the government was going to compile a list of cars which are allowed, but dont get your hopes up about skylines being involved. The main reason for the change (if it does actually happen) is too legalize small turbo'd cars like you see on VW's, Volvo etc. Because they tend to be more fuel efficient and have good safety features.

Cant say i heard anything about the passanger laws for red P's changing though.

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The thread from last week doesnt really cover your question.

I think what your referring too was a proposal to allow p platers to drive turbo cars, so long as they dont exceed 100kw/tonne, as well as some large family cars that were up too 125kw/tonne.

I remember reading an article about it a few months back.

Basically they were saying that the government was going to compile a list of cars which are allowed, but dont get your hopes up about skylines being involved. The main reason for the change (if it does actually happen) is too legalize small turbo'd cars like you see on VW's, Volvo etc. Because they tend to be more fuel efficient and have good safety features.

Cant say i heard anything about the passanger laws for red P's changing though.

Yeh thats what i thought too about small cars being allowed coz they are more fuel efficient. And either way even if the power to weight ratio was to come back the R33 GTST is still illegal anyways XD

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Yeh thats what i thought too about small cars being allowed coz they are more fuel efficient. And either way even if the power to weight ratio was to come back the R33 GTST is still illegal anyways XD

Yeah the plan is to get people into more economical cars. They would have no intention of allowing sports or 'hoon' cars.

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Here I'll save us the customary 8 pages of debate:

They generalise and treat us P platers like we're all irresponsible hoons. F*** the law and f*** insurance, I'm gonna take my chances you old hypocrites rah rah etc. etc.

P platers are irresponsible and inexperienced, they think they are invincible. Obey the law, indicate before changing lanes, I was never young and stupid rah rah etc. etc.

Nuff said.

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Here I'll save us the customary 8 pages of debate:

They generalise and treat us P platers like we're all irresponsible hoons. F*** the law and f*** insurance, I'm gonna take my chances you old hypocrites rah rah etc. etc.

P platers are irresponsible and inexperienced, they think they are invincible. Obey the law, indicate before changing lanes, I was never young and stupid rah rah etc. etc.

Nuff said.

HERHAH you're funny :) (no sarchasm btw)

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I got into a heap of shit with moderators because I defended myself against the P plater lynch squad and won the argument on the Ford Forums, my argument doesn't apply here though because it was on V8s, not turbo cars. I'm guessing things like Saab 9-3s and 9-5s would be allowed, just wind up the boost a little :P Who is going to know?

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No, because the mods locked the thread before they could reply, then threatened to ban me when I argued why it got locked over PM, while doing nothing about the 10 or so people who just outright flamed me before. I haven't been back there since.

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I hate to sound like a grandma on this or something...but while im not in agreeance with a lot of the laws surrounding young drivers (1 passenger from your peer group for example) but those laws are there for your protection (power to weight and such). They were put on place for a reason - being the amount of young drivers killing themselves in cars they had nowhere near enough experience to handle. for example - driving a tricked out V8 clubsport for the first time on the day you get your ps is going to end in nothing but tears and heartache. They want you to learn to drive first before you think about a car thats a lil harder to handle. While its been said before on the forum - yes theyre just going to push a lil 4 cylinder harder than its possibly meant to be driven and kill themselves ANYWAY, this can't be helped. They do what they can, and this is why you lose your licence and your money if youre busted in a car youre not allowed to drive. think about it. Its only 3 years. Yes it sucks that you cant drive what you want straight up. but its for your own safety.

And from experience, its worth the wait.

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I completely understand, and I do agree with the P plate laws except on one tiny little thing, No v8s. That means I can drive anything that comes under 125kw:Tonne power to weight ratio, but not a Ford F250. There is no other way you can effectively do these laws besides power to weight ratio, no need to go banning other variables. Its also 4 years now.

You might have kids killing themselves in "high" powered cars on their P plates, but now give it 4 years and it'd be fully licenced drivers killing themselves from lack of experience in controlling high powered cars, and you know what that means? Restrictions for everyone. I don't really mind having the restrictions to be honest though, I'm a bit pissed off that I can't drive a V8 even though majority of them suck ass anyways, the noise is what does it for me, these laws just give me another 4 years to save up and choose my choice of coffin on wheels :happy:

Edited by Solid Snake
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