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phone + camera = situation avoided

not a lot else i want to say. i just behave on the road and if a cop pulls me over for any wrong doing i admit to it, be nice to them cause they get given shit a lot... but i mean sometimes you do get the occasional jerk.. that's in every single job though

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Tbh, in my opinion it doesn't matter what we post up on here or how much we kiss their ass when they turn up to our cruises. Cops will NEVER be on the side of car enthusists, cops can turn up at our meet points within a few minutes of us getting there, but they still can't manage to turn up to scene of violent crimes? Cops at the moment haven't got their priorities right, with a stupidly high rate of violent crime around perth always on the rise, they would rather put all their time, money and power into stopping people doing...burnouts.

It's mind boggling the Cops can threaten to take the cars of people who just happen to be in proximity or associated with someone driving recklessly.

Is that actually legal?

The whole idea of Cops having these arbitrary and discretionary powers is anti-democratic and just WRONG.

This is how Cops in 3rd world tip-pot dictatorships strut about.

Edited by Battery_backup

shesh look with my experience so far with the 5-0 is, if it gets reported then they get sent out to invesitagate, if the same incedent get reported again they come back out and the pull up and wait around to catch the so'n'so in the act. but long story short if you got sent to same area X amont of times in one day/night you'd eventually crack the shit's and take it out on the 1st potentual "hoon" car you see too. Its not a fair system but our "super organised and overly intelligent government" believe this is how to deal with WA's road toll. probelm is that the idiots out just dont give a f**k, and so in the end "WE" the members of clubs and other social groups get f**ked over for it.

personally if the dick getting done countless times for the burnouts and what not should just get locked up for the time equivalent to thier fine in days e.g $1000 fine = 1000 days jail time, that should give the dicks plenty of time to think. That or just cut thier bloody legs off at the base of the knees then they cant drive lol.

Basically what im saying in my rambblings above is that its not just the cops being c**ts its sometimes a case of they are just pissed off and unfortunatley some of us may have it taken out on us.

Oh hey dude from the fisrt page if you know the car owner can you kick him in the shin for being a tool?

  Nak said:
if it gets reported then they get sent out to invesitagate, if the same incedent get reported again they come back out and the pull up and wait around to catch the so'n'so in the act. but long story short if you got sent to same area X amont of times in one day/night you'd eventually crack the shit's and take it out on the 1st potentual "hoon" car you see too.

You're kidding, right?

Just a quick question...how many people have died doing burnouts? how many 16yo girlfriends have been thrown out the front windscreen from doing a doughnut? and how many friends do you know that held their best friend dying in their arms with parts of their body laid out across the road from doing heli's? Maybe it was the retard trying to drift a round-about at 80km's on a surburban street, maybe it was the drunken driver who didnt inform that certain girlfriend he'd been drinking? and maybe, just maybe it was the guy more than 3 times over the legal limit who smashed into a certain best friend, killed her and got 8 months prison?

Cops are scum, no ifs or buts about it. Dogs.

Gurney, you haven't changed much from high school, but you make a lot more sense now days :P

I work in Mirrabooka, and it takes 40mins+ for a single Police car to come and deal with the many fights we have outside. And yet when my friend bunnyhopped her car due to the new clutch, 5 cop cars turned up in 10 minutes to hoon law her! that's was definately an eye opener!

Cops aren't evil, they aren't dickheads, and they aren't unneccessary. Unfortunately, they aren't spending the time on the right jobs and so shit gets worse.

That's my opinion anyway.

  2LV8ETR said:
Yep, our police officers are definitely built of sturdy character, here's a couple of examples:












And the winner of the biggest travesty of all goes to:


dont forget: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuilHgp-vUc - that occured in WA too

remember, the police are more experienced drivers, and have completed numerous driving courses

and this is my favourite: the news reporter sums it up in the first 2 lines:


and where the hell are the police when you need them??? the place i work at got broken into at night, took 1 hour for police to arrive WHEN IRONICALLY THE CLARKSON POLICE STATION WAS 900M AWAY. and here you find out they're harrassing Performance vehicle owners


Edited by Bmboy
  NA_Goodness said:
Gurney, you haven't changed much from high school, but you make a lot more sense now days :P

I work in Mirrabooka, and it takes 40mins+ for a single Police car to come and deal with the many fights we have outside. And yet when my friend bunnyhopped her car due to the new clutch, 5 cop cars turned up in 10 minutes to hoon law her! that's was definately an eye opener!

Cops aren't evil, they aren't dickheads, and they aren't unneccessary. Unfortunately, they aren't spending the time on the right jobs and so shit gets worse.

That's my opinion anyway.

Thanks Maylo for your personality analysis, unfortnately you didn't know me then and you don't know me now. Seems you've grown a nice healthy ego these days, but you'll still always be Maylo to me lol(thats not a good thing btw). Funny how apparently we can now get down for being in the vicintiy of hoons or people with modified cars, meaning we can get demerit points taken away and hoon lawed for being around someone or a goup of people that might to a burnout.

I swear the wa police force take every power hungry, high school drop out retard, give em a badge and a gun and say go piss some people off and while your there make us some money too.

Edited by Gurney

Why weren't the details of the person responsible for the offense handed to the cops?

This would be the best way I can think of to disassociate yourselves from the blatent stupidity, and engender a more positive relationship between skyline owners and the police. Srsly, cops turn up and accuse you all of being "hoons" the best thing to do would be to say "No, just this idiot" and hand over the details. What is the cop gonna do then? Stand there and threaten the bystanders or go after the moron that caused the problem in the first place? And if he does go for option A, well, we all have camera phones etc these days....

Hey guys settle a little bit, i agree 200% that hoon laws need to be changed and that currectly they are not fair.

however in the police defense they are told what to do by their boss the same as we all are at work, and i know some of the things i do others dont like but it is my job and i have no say. this being said i have been pulled over many times and not once have i been asked to pop the bonnet or had the car looked over, once they see i am not just another young statistic they leave me to enjoy my day (now in my area i get waves cause all the POPO have pulled me over already :D), i have a brother who has a skyline also and he even has a CF bonnet and yet still nothing from the POPO cause we dont draw attention by shooting through intersections or 60km around a bend to test the car...

What i am saying is they are just doing their job as they have been told, and if your polite they will not even keep you for 30 seconds and your on your way.

  NISMOGTT said:
What i am saying is they are just doing their job as they have been told, and if your polite they will not even keep you for 30 seconds and your on your way.

This cockhead was not doing his job. He was being an overbearing egotistical tosser who said:

"We were told by one friendly officer that if it continues to be a problem, everyone on these cruises WILL have their cars seized and towed away regardless of whether they were involved with the hoon behaviour, and all cruises WILL be shut down and banned. These were his exact words, and I was told to let everyone else know."

This is not doing your job, this is threatening law-abiding HPV enthusiasts to seize their cars just for being on a cruise. If the idiot had done his job he would have investigated as to who was responsible and not threatened those who were innocently exercising their rights to enjoy a night out with their cars.

What this prick did was nothing short of criminal harassment and abuse of his position. He should have been reported to the IAB with the statements of all of those within earshot of his threat.

It would be no different if a fight had broken out in a pub between two guys and the cop rocked up and arrested everyone for assault and public disturbance.

Sorry man, this fool went way too far and it's people like him who have turned many HPV owners against police.

2LV8ETR - i understand where your coming from i have come across 1 officer like this and i did report him for abuse, i have no idea if he got a repremand or not but i did report it...

If the officer said exactly what your saying did you report it? also if you really do believe that the POPO will close down cruises and take all the cars then i think your a little nieve to think that 50 cars will get taken, no this is not a stab at you personally as i dont think you really believe this to actually happen, in which case it is water off a ducks back the same as if someone wanted to start a drunken fight with you, you would walk away, be angry for a day but forget it by the next drunken night out, so please dont take the actions of one officer or any other blown-out-of-proportion stories cause people are angry about the way they were treated, cause they think what they did was not wrong.

I know there are tool POPO out there as there is tools in every profession it is just the POPO are in the lime light and our jobs are not, please keep this in mind that we only hear the bad most of the time.

i reckon alot of police are just throwing there weight around thinking that because they are here to enforce the law they are alowed to make up there own rules, i got pulled over a few weeks ago because the officer thought that i didnt have my P plates up, when i showed him where my P plates was his first sentence after that was... pop your bonnet, he then proceeded to ask me what my exhaust manifold was, and where was my permits for the manifold, catch can and fmic, then i told him i had passed the pits with all these mods (which i did) and he didnt believe me, so he told me to rev my car so i did to about 4000rpm he then told me to get out of my car and he revved it to 6000+rpm, i know this because i set the safc2 to record the highest rpm, he then told me that my bov was illegal and that if he pulled me over again and i still had my bov on i would get my car impounded (thats right IMPOUNDED not yellow stickerd) i know fair enough i run the risk of gettin a yellow but getting my car taken off me? thats bullshit if u ask me.

i dont see how police can do this to us, these cars are our pride and joy, some people spend $20,000+ modding there cars to how they want it to be and they are taking that away from us, maybe theyd rather us drive around in shitty old cars spending are money on crack (i know a bit extreme) or binge drinking. the laws are just too strict and how they pick on P platers is the biggest load of bullshit out there

Pretty sure the cops aren't allowed to rev your car (I've always revved it for them when asked), and they won't ask you to rev it to 6k.. if a cop got into my car and revved it to 6k I'd be pretty f**king pissed off.

  bubba said:
Pretty sure the cops aren't allowed to rev your car (I've always revved it for them when asked), and they won't ask you to rev it to 6k.. if a cop got into my car and revved it to 6k I'd be pretty f**king pissed off.

yeh i wa well mad, but what could i do? i got away with no yellow sticker or any fines... i reckon if i would of argued wi him i wudnt of got off so easily

they rev to check for atmo bov right?

i got pulld up n yellowd before coz cops apparantly "heard my bov from 6cars back" as i moved about 50m from a traffic light to a cnr (i wont mention how they somehow 'safely' managed to get behind me from that far back and from that distance to the cnr) they pulled my bonnet and pointed to an air breather on my oil catch can "now that bov there is illegal" etc, no reving of my car.. i was fairly impressed with their hearing as it was raining and i cant even get boost from take off in the rain without bulk wheel spin..

  Stinky Rooster said:
Why weren't the details of the person responsible for the offense handed to the cops?

This would be the best way I can think of to disassociate yourselves from the blatent stupidity, and engender a more positive relationship between skyline owners and the police. Srsly, cops turn up and accuse you all of being "hoons" the best thing to do would be to say "No, just this idiot" and hand over the details. What is the cop gonna do then? Stand there and threaten the bystanders or go after the moron that caused the problem in the first place? And if he does go for option A, well, we all have camera phones etc these days....

snitch much?

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