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a close friend of mine has just become a police officer. Now I have grown up with the guy most of my life, he is an awesome mate. However, he lacks common sense, he is very very un-intelligent and just very un-employable. They must be desperate to enroll as many new officers as possible.

There is a reason why every police occifer in WA sounds like Reg Hollis.... simply put very few locals want to be in general duties and/or trafiic. Largely they come here from the UK because the weather is better and there are fewer stabbings.

But back to the topic:

The almost inevitable result of going on a cruise is that you will be tarred with the same brush used for the spanker ripping skids. :) Fortunately there are enough well organised events (sprints, hillclimbs, even drifiting if you can stomach it etc etc) to allow people to enjoy themselves without those same idiots turning up to ruin the day.

Edited by djr81
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Guy's there is no need to get so worked up, as this is all the cop was trying to do. He knows he can not do what he said, if he beleives he can then his peeka is maller then a fishes, he said it to get a reaction which is exactly what he has now gotten.

I am completely against hoon laws and since they were brought in i have had to deal with all the same shit as you guys and have had comments along the line of "with a car like this you should expect it" to which i reply "without prejudice, this is the reason no one will have respect for the police" things like this will piss them off more and you have done nothing wrong in saying it.

You have rights so stand up for them and dont listen to silly comments like this from the police... you have 2 options say something back or walk away from them, you are allowed to walk away unless they want to hold you for a legal reason.

Dont let them win by getting in your head... just do the same back... i do come on cruises and am more then happy to deal with police on these matters if they arise, as i have done so many times in the past, none of them my fault, i have a PERFECT driving record no fines in over 7 years :)

Fortunately there are enough well organised events (sprints, hillclimbs, even drifiting if you can stomach it etc etc) to allow people to enjoy themselves without those same idiots turning up to ruin the day.

Mandurah cops rolled up to the saturday night stage of 2 day classic challenge , Held up the runs for 15mins and then told officials it was over the curfew n wouldnt allow last few cars to run :)

In the interest of maintaining a somewhat harmonious relationship between SAUWA and the WAPOL, please refrain from making derogatory comments towards police officers.

Why?? The only relationship they want is taking of keys so Fu(k them and fu(k refraining from any comments.

Dan's right. We know the cops read the forums, they told us on Friday night. If they came on here and read a thread dedicated to hating the police, it'd make us look bad, wouldn't it? It'd cause them to hate us even more, and this whole situation will esculate even more. We want the police on our side, but having a go at them on a public forum isn't the best way to do it, is it?

Why?? The only relationship they want is taking of keys so Fu(k them and fu(k refraining from any comments.

that's your opinion. and while a lot of people on here would agree with you.. it's just not the 'clubs' opinion as a whole. and that's the image dans trying to avoid.

ps. dan smells

Edited by SKYRYAN
that's your opinion. and while a lot of people on here would agree with you.. it's just not the 'clubs' opinion as a whole. and that's the image dans trying to avoid.

ps. dan smells

Well until the cops get rid of the attitude why will the law abiding "Hoons" respect them?

Last time i did a burn out on a public road was when i was 17, 10 years ago. I have a perfect driving record no criminal records yet i still managed to get my car searched for drugs and accused of doing burn outs on a major highway. The only way i got off is by ringing my boss and letting him explain to the lovely police officer, that i'm totally in love with, that i was at work at the time and can provide recordings to prove it.

So as far as i'm concerned when they start the attitude with me I will continue it and go to court if need be.

Not to mention they should be mature enough to realize just because one person there did the wrong doesn't mean everyone will

Edited by dan_the_man
Dan's right. We know the cops read the forums, they told us on Friday night. If they came on here and read a thread dedicated to hating the police, it'd make us look bad, wouldn't it? It'd cause them to hate us even more, and this whole situation will esculate even more. We want the police on our side, but having a go at them on a public forum isn't the best way to do it, is it?

Only if they can't handle a bit of constructive criticism.

I think they are just jealous. We are all out cruising with mates and enthusiasts on a Friday or Saturday night and they have to work :P , so they follow us around justifying their existence every know and then, but with good reason. The thin blue line will be crossed by a select few.....


Edited by Topaz

This thread is is Deja vu.

All the other threads that are talking about the same old shieeet like "need my front bar painted" or "can anyone suggest a shop to get my car tuned" get closed and asked to refer to the search tool. I bet if you searched on "cops + cruises" you would get 1millionty++ threads.

Boring *YAWN*


this is the grade A reason y i dont cruise full stop any more... been on 2 many cruises with dickheads who cause shit n then run away n the rest of us poor pricks end up wearing the blame, yer im not innocent when i 1st built my car it was all fun but when the f**k are some people gonna learn that just cause sum f**k stick yells out 'DO A f**kIN BURNOUT' DOSENT mean you have to do one what happened to people having a brain n thinkin for yourself...

some might think im wrong but its just my 2c from hanging around car clubs for the past 5 years...


Say no more, this means they are winning man :(

Just to clarify for anyone confused by what i said im not ranting at the W.A.P.D as my brother is a Detective n i know a hand full of awsome cops... its at the people who cause the shit n then hide behind everyone else in the import scene n 6 months later do the same shit again...

Yer Topaz they are winning becasue lil Irresponsible pricks think they are awesome n untouchable and they will make friends by acting like tools, "What they dont care or realise is its ruining it for everyone else out there" and it seems to be getting worse rather then better with the intro of the 'hoon laws' man everyone i speak to that was origianally "in the scene" when i came up is in the same boat thats why none of them cruise much now days we usually just bring the cars out for special occasions (we mostly still have the same cars some have upgraded to 34's/15's n stuff)...

P.s. I miss the old cruise days where we could go all the way up the coast n back down n not even see a copper look twice :P

I've also been told that a lot of cops are leaving the force due to the court's decisions to hand out extremely light sentences or drop charges altogether for major crimes. Has anyone else heard of this?

This obviously leaves the remainder nothing else to do but to pick on car enthusiasts because they're a sure thing now.

i think we all know that we need police but some of us have had bad experiences with them but we must not make assumptions of all police because of this.

and for the majority of us it is actually the legislation passed by parliament that infuriates us

any police reading this or similar threads should not take offense at peoples comets because they are just letting off some steam and shouldn't be taken seriously

This obviously leaves the remainder nothing else to do but to pick on car enthusiasts because they're a sure thing now.

mmm yea but mainly us. (us being skylines, WRX's, silvias etc.)

If we, as upstanding citizens going to work, decide one day that we would go to work and pick on our poor workmate, day in day out, then eventually he would complain and we would get the sack or a serious reprimand because its workplace discrimination. I personally do not see the differance between that example and the police. Their workplace is out in public and we are the "workmates"

There definately is a direct correlation between police leaving the force and the crime rate being reduced to zero. :laugh:

Yup, the crime rate's at zero.........



Must have skyrocketed in 2 days. :P

Hmm, they must have employed more Police officers. Thats the only thing I can think of

mmm yea but mainly us. (us being skylines, WRX's, silvias etc.)

If we, as upstanding citizens going to work, decide one day that we would go to work and pick on our poor workmate, day in day out, then eventually he would complain and we would get the sack or a serious reprimand because its workplace discrimination. I personally do not see the differance between that example and the police. Their workplace is out in public and we are the "workmates"

would'nt say workmates, more like employers as we pay there wages!

  • 1 month later...

the way i see it, the cop shouldnt be able to do anything unless he seen you, or has proof that you were doing it,

reason being, imagine your on a cruise, you stop off at say hillaries or something, your all sitting around chilling, some idiot decides he wants to look hard spinning his tyres, your just an innocent by stander, watching, you cant exactly tell him not to do it,

and your car gets taken, imagine the feeling of getting your car taken off you for some other idiots wrong doing..

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