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My S13-rb26 Burnt To The Ground...


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tman the motor is alive.....and i will be workng all week with my mechanic close to my house ill let u know..come check it out............thinking of buyn a 33 shell as then it can be licenced properly...and there cheap as f*k...lataz...

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again thanx to everyones replys getting this off my chest has made me feel alot better....i can see light now and cant wait to get back on the road with or with out that motor,,,...so many friends have come to support me and ive had a mechanic offer to help strip every usable part off for free.....peoples must think im a evil person to have a chick do this to me but as anyone that knows me its quite the oppisite...i just wanted to help the girl cause i could see the good in her and thought i could save her from drugs and that whole life style......but ive learnt a massive lesson you cant help someone who dusnt wana be helpd......

Sometimes people walk all over others too so don't go blaming yourself...

Really sorry about your car.. look forward to reading about your next project :blink:

Take care

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very sad story mate.. i got a sinking feeling in my stomach when i saw that.

take care, hope it all works itself out justice-wise. glad to hear the motor is still alive.

good luck with the new shell.


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Hey man soz to heer about this aye mayb sau can organize a car cruise to get the mmebers to mayb put in a few bucks here and tehre for a map ... just an idea and get 3rd party fire and theft with jsut cars its not to $$ once again sorry to heer and goodluck making such a nice car again!! take care.

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thanks dudes f*kn spewin yeh i had every other car ive eva had with just cars..its just that this neva got drivn and it wasnt regod with 26 and didnt wana lie about it..plus was gona let rego run out...strip the inside..and up the boost...it wasnt pleasant to drive on the street anyways plus the hoon law shit is harsh and just thought this would neva happen................

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i have a feeling there is more to cum which is why im up................cruise would be kool but im not askn for hand outs i got help coming from fam and friends...thanx........

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stripped the shell today.........2way is ok...tailshaft...exaust....and the motor and everything attached is ok...motor cums out tomorro...gearbox is warped tho..get gear set out tomoro.....might put motor up for 4 sale if there is any interest.....

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Could be a chance for a sneaky project car.

can see the no. plate now...RSRCTD

Still, its a shame people out there have to ruin other people prides and joys

What goes around comes around

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I know what its like to try and help someone really badly and they f**k your life up at the end of it, happened to me, but not quiet to that extreme.

The fire was hot enough to warp the gearbox (thick metal), but not the engine (thick) and exhaust (thin)??

So the fire fighters got it under control just in time.

On a good note, if it (engine) reached such high temperatures without warping, it re-forged itself f**king awesomely, it'll be well and truely capable of more boost.

If she's a crack addict, taking her to court for $50'000+ dollars is kind of pointless, and like Keets and Dirty 3 said, she's already in a f**ked up place.

Edited by Nic_A31
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actually the box has suived just the shifter melted down the box and i always think yhe worst..the whole motor and everthing on it survived ive stripped the whole lot through out the week...the fire wall didint burn f*k all,,its was just coverd in sooty black shit every where...plus the bonnet wasnt opended during the fire so no oxygen got in there to catch a light...the fire stared from the back...basicly just lost the shell seats and the ecu.......luckily the whole fuel system was braided and that goes to show how good braided lines are......the wholr lot will beup for sale soonish.....

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actually my dad is to thank for the front of the car being saved found out after it happend he was out there in his jocks with a garden hose risking his life to save my motor...mum reckons the fireies where trying to shove him outa the way cause they thort it might explode but he was like get f**ked thats my boys motor under there...i hate to think what could have cum of that.....my dad is a hard flamin mongrel...

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he was out there in his jocks with a garden hose risking his life to save my motor

Hahaha! Good job Dad, I would love to have seen him on the job.

Good to hear that the expensive stuff has survived.

I still think a c$#t punt is in order.

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LOL thats kind of raunchy, a dude in his jocks, a garden hose and a Nissan quiet literally ON FIRE....ahem, sorry.

Good thing your fuel lines didnt go, the explosion would have finished the car and anything within 20 metres, including your Dad.

Stop talking about selling shit, you gotta keep it and make it all bad-ass again.

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i know it would feel great to get the 26 bak in sumthing different...confused on selling just yet tho.............i really feel like taking a nice long fishing trip in the top end....

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