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Hey try Cannington Auto Whole Sale. http://www.autowholesale.com.au/ or a direct link (if it works) http://www.trading-post.com.au/hotlists/ph...ing=&optLetter= selling about $16999. And its an auto. Theres one also in a manual at the same place. Click here but about more pricey. http://www.trading-post.com.au/hotlists/ph...ing=&optLetter=


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Thanx for all the help guys :D

Bam Bam - I looked at the black one in vic park the other day. it looks like its been in a bingle before with different black on some of the panels. and the guy turned me off by trying to impress me with how he drifts it every day on his way home !!!!

Paul - For sure man i have heard all about these dodgy clocks for sale atm. I also know a guy who wound the clock back on his supra 150,000 kms !!! :D

Rep003 - my freind is looking at about feb next year. just wants to pay enough of his commo first to make a bit of dosh. how much u looking for getting for yours.

kym/fane - I'm also looking for myself for late next year. if u guys are free saturday we can have a piss up on friday and go do some driving the next day

33spec2/Phat - thanx alot guys very helpful :(

GTS-4orced - u have pm :)


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Originally posted by Psiker

oh and they have 2 four door R34s for sale at down under. i dont know the price ill go look now. Oh and they have a supra with head lights i want dad to get


Hey i bought my line from them almost a month and a half now. They sold lines at fairly cheap price to make way for more supras, and i guess they are here now. Their website is www.downunderauto.com.au talk to simon he'll take care of ya. Go for the 4 door R34 dude! :uh-huh:


p.s. YAY MY 100 POST ON THIS FORUM!!!:D :headbang:

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the 4-door from bunbury does a 13.5 i was very impressed with the second half of the quarter...they did

but you gotta remember most people that get 4 doors only get 4 doors because they need the space and would prefer to get a 4 door skyline than some commodore or something...

I say if you have to get an auto or a 4 door or even both its better than no skyline at all... :D

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