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Recent Spate Of Break And Enters Into Homes In North Shore Area


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I just wanted to let people know what happened last night with us. Being the weekend, we generally stay with my in-laws who lives just 4-5 minute drive from us in Wahroonga. Quite often, people are coming in and out of the house and between 6 and 7pm last night, there was no one in the house. When my mum in law returned, she realised the house had been burgled. Thankfully, not much was taken and only a few pieces of jewelery were missing. All electronic goods were untouched, something which I found surprising as there is a nice lcd tv in the house. I called the police to file a report, they arrived about 3 hours later. Obviously they couldn't do much. They just asked some questions and knocked on neighbouring properties to ask if anyone saw anything. I also asked them a few questions, to which they were happy to discuss with us.

What they told me was quite alarming. Between North Sydney and Hornsby, the police have attended an average of 10 break and enters into private dwellings per day. The hotspots for these crimes are in Killara, St Ives, and Wahroonga. A house in Killara was broken into last night while the residents were away for an hour. The thieves managed to crack into a safe as well, suggesting these criminals are professionals and not just short term amateurs. In some cases, the affected homes have experienced unusual calls during the night when the caller would just hang up, perhaps suggesting they are checking whether anyone is at home. The general force of entry is through a rear window, either breaking the glass or prying the window open.

Last thing they told me was that burglars have been caught in the past, and in one instance, the thief had a note written with all the addresses he was intending to target. This suggested the criminal had done some research on their targets

Today we found out that a friend of ours who also lives in Wahroonga, their next door neighbour was broken into last Friday.

So has anyone experienced these crimes lately, or know of anyone who does? Obviously I'm particularly interested in our area, but I guess burglars can break and enter into any suburb they wish.

I urge everyone to be more aware of suspicious activity with cars or people on your street. I believe it's also good to speak to your neighbours as well so they can be aware of what's happening.

It shits me having to realise these farking low life scums can break into our homes and violate our properties and lives. We all need to be aware of what's happening around us in this day and age and protect our families and what is rightfully ours.

Edited by mxfly
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If you leave the house after dark, you might be wise to go around the block.

Bit of a bummer, 500X around the block can mean a full tank of juice!

Not to mention the waste of time!

...till they're caught that is! :)

Sorry to hear Eugene!!!

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Sorry to hear it Eugene that sucks big time i been robbed too about 4 years ago when i was renting they got me jus after i went to work the pricks cleaned my house out then came back for my dirt bike and moutain bike, this off duty cop was walking his dog caught them wheeling my bikes out and they just droped them and bolted,

then get this

the cops dog sniffed the trial to these pricks house( known crims) the cops ask to sherch the house they said no prob come in the cops didnt even bother going in the house because obv they dont have the goods there, they also found the gloves left behind i ask will they get the DNA off them they said it only happens in the movies WTF!!!,and they found a moblie phone there too no luck with a name coz it was a pre paid phone in a dodgy name but what do u know they called my next door nieghbour numerous time in the past and on the day and the off duty cop couldnt 100% identify them either.......NO ONE WAS EVER ARRESTED

i had home and contents insurance which was a great for replacing items but personal stuff cant be replaced obv so now i got the pimp home alarm system now in the home we bought,

it sucks but i think its a problem which is only going to get worst as these pricks get more and more desperate and they relise it takes them to get caught red handed and on camera to bust em

feel for u bro


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I have a few opinions on this but due to popular demand will keep it to myself

You could say that the good ol' G.F.C can cause al lot of people to resort to these kinds of ways....

Meh anywho my 2c

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Just to clarify i live in the same area Eug and have had first hand experience with these fckers and have a strong opinion on who and why it is happening to our area. But as stated above, will keep it off a public forum!

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Thats fcuked Eugene.

Like S13Deviat I also have first hand experience in dealing with these pricks as I had my house on the North Shore broken into while I was home (Theif smashed the front door glass and reached in to unlock the door) however this one got a very very rude shock when they discovered me waiting on the other side of the door ready to knock them out. To make matters more interesting though, the intruder was female and off her face and bolted when I confronted her.

Had I not been home, the little shit would have had full access to the house so it was a close call.

Police told me it was very very common, so judging by what you have said, it is still just as bad and worse.

Glad to hear that your mother in law's loss was minimal - Time to upgrade security

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That sucks.

I've lived in the North Shore my entire life, and am lucky to never have been burgled.

I'm living in Hornsby right now and just hope I don't get burgled, I've never been one to be tight on security. Most of the time the door to the house is open anyway cause me or one of my room mates has friends coming and going all the time... that being the case, the house is hardly ever empty, which is lucky.

Hopefully it all works out for you mate...

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Technically I live on the Northern Beaches, but North Shore is just one suburb over... little concerning lol

Last Thursday night on the way home from Gosford I turned off Mona Vale Rd like I always do and noticed that the car following me came around the corner without it's headlights on. It might have been my initial onset of paranoia but I'm sure he was following me, so I was turning down random streets until I was comfortable with parking my car at home. Probably unrelated, but it has me thinking!

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whats a decent house alarm worth anyway if anyone knows, my house is a pain big glass windows so an alarm should be on the cards

Approx $1500, depends if you have friends in the industry who can do mates rates.

Also depends on what kind of setup you run. Wireless, hard wired, back to base, door/window sensors, motion sensors etc etc....

My 3 bedroom town house runs 4 motion sensors (including garage) plus usual window & door sensors.... my old 1 bedroom apartment ran 1 motion sensor and door/window sensors... obvisouly apartment was a lot cheaper (less than $900) to setup.

Worth every cent IMO

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You'll see a thread I created a few months ago. I live in Turramurra and had virtually the same thing happen. They broke in and took loose electronic stuff. They took my spare keys to the GTR since I had them in the open next to my cigar box and the NISMO key with a car alarm dongle prob gave it away. Since then I've replaced the alarm and had the entire car re-keyed. I've also added some other measures I'd rather not mention.

What is odd is that our house is on a corner in a neighborhood full of stay at home pensioners and there is major construction going on across the street. It was the one day when none of the work crews were working.

I think our house was done by some kids as they took my son's mountain bike from under the house and had brought the BBQ grill plate to the back door - obviously going to bash it in if they couldn't jimmy the locks. Not very professional.

We've had a full alarm put on the house - and I have them add the garage to the house alarm so if anyone tries to get my pride and joy out at least the alarm will sound too.

Too bad to hear their targeting the north shore.

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Yeah, our alarm was like $2k but with lots of motion sensors and magnetic switches on the doors. They recommend that you just put motion sensors and not bother with all the windows. Ours is monitored and they did do financing so it was easy to pay down, actually all up with NRMA and our home insurance we got savings due to having it so it does pay back over time and the peace of mind is good.

Our service calls when the alarm is triggered and well - since we still forget from time to time it's amazing they call in like under 2 minutes after the alarm is triggered. Pretty good.

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