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begin rant;

The “Serious & Organized Crime Control Act”, otherwise known as the “Anti-Bikie Law” is in the public’s eyes, targeted at the leather jacket wearing members of the community, yeah......wrong!!

The law clearly states that association with a Bikie of 6 times or more a year can see you facing a minimum of 5 years in jail......lol, some murderers don’t get that!! The new Bill enables Mal Hyde to obtain orders from the Attorney General to declare Bikie groups illegal and anyone who associates with them can have their movements restricted based on Police intelligence, which must remain secret! This new Bill is like placing a walnut on the kitchen table and smashing it with a sledge hammer.....consequence = collateral damage (absolute overkill). We already had sufficient laws to control the illegal activities of Bikies, they just needed better enforcement. Even the Law Society reckons parts of the Bill are not fair and undermine the presumption of innocence, but our mate Rann has his head in the sand when anyone with ½ a brain tells him that!! Here’s a direct quote, “the Bar Association and Law Society say the legislation removes fundamental civil and political rights.” Here’s another quote from a well respected man ‘Mac Hays’ (even Rann likes him) who’s involved in Christian ministry to the Bikie world and others; “there has been a carefully orchestrated plan by those in power to manipulate the media to demonize Bikies in order to create a climate of fear among the public so that when the “Bikie Bill” is introduced, the public would naively accept it in the misguided belief that it would keep them safe from the Bikie menace.” Jon Goldberg (President of the Law Society) wrote an article in the Advertiser just before Christmas called “How the Bikie Legislation fails all of us”, I think it was Nov/Dec 2008, do a search.

Now here’s where James’s post comes into light; Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Did you guys know that the new Bill is modelled on laws against terrorism; laws which are still controversial even when they’re applied to alleged terrorists....lol, ever heard of Guantanamo Bay!! So people who come under this legislation (i.e. all South Aussies & other States to soon follow), who may be in fact quite innocent, will have the following essential liberties either undermined or possibly removed:

Presumption of innocence

Ability to know any detail about the allegations against you

Your right to silence

Ability to challenge or appeal an accusation in court

Freedom of assembly

Right to trial by jury

Need for proof beyond reasonable doubt

Think I’m over dramatising or a conspiracy theorist.......read the whole Bill then!!

Careful who you unknowingly associate with or where you may find yourself cause you may be (in years to come) be committing a criminal offence and any action that you may face can be kept secret from you as it’s classified as “criminal intelligence”.

Here’s the funny thing though, read the Bill and find out who gets to apply this law that can rob you of so many every day liberties.............the Attorney General, a flaming politician LOL, whose main job is to appease those that put him in power, after all he’s only there temporarily for a non-fixed term and who knows what power hungry goon will replace him when he's gone, hahaha!! The bloke’s not a judge who has to be impartial, he’s a suck up to the electorate and the toads in parliament that not only put him there but make up these stupid overkill laws. Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence before being proved guilty......even a serial killer like Ivan Milat got a fair trial at our great expense!!

Getting back to Guantanamo Bay for a sec.......do we torture peeps to get names of their accomplices?? In 2003 the Thai government set up police hit squads (do a search) to slaughter 100’s of peeps suspected of being criminals!! Don’t think for a minute that we can’t go down the same road as other countries that dictate and rule the little people with an iron fist.....these laws take us more than ½ way down that road. I’m all for getting tough with crims, but leave the innocent alone until proven otherwise.

Anyway, sorry about all the dribble (this has plagued me for a long time)......now I’ll go away and memorize the Russian National Anthem.

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It's a scary thought isn't it Pete? Funny how they can slowly erode away at our civil liberties and freedoms and people just hand them over on a silver platter.

The persuasion lies in the hands of the media, My Krann could make you hand over your first born if the media sold it enough. Anyone else counting down to the next state election? I know i am.

Rann or the media can't make me do shit, I have a brain...

Unfortunately it's the others out there who don't that are the dangerous ones. Only way against it, vote for someone other than Labor at the next election. I sure as shit will be. Whether or not the laws will be removed after they are in however is another story all together

<rant snip>

well said pete, i doubt most people have actually considered what the laws really mean, or even looked into them. shame.

It's a scary thought isn't it Pete? Funny how they can slowly erode away at our civil liberties and freedoms and people just hand them over on a silver platter.

scary is somewhat of an understatement. terrifying is getting pretty close i think.

Rann or the media can't make me do shit, I have a brain...

Unfortunately it's the others out there who don't that are the dangerous ones. Only way against it, vote for someone other than Labor at the next election. I sure as shit will be. Whether or not the laws will be removed after they are in however is another story all together

unfortunately the majority of the voting population have undergone voluntary lobotomies it would seem. the ability to think for oneself faded away long ago.

a few years ago when people asked why i wanted to travel, my answer was simple, i wanted to see beyond my own backyard, now its simply because im sick of the direction sa is heading, and mortified by the fact that its residents are buying into a fear campaign and doing nothing to stop it.

and without the ability to make a difference (im sure free speech will come under fire soon), what point is there in me staying and watching the state (and country) i was raised in turn into Nazi Germany v2.0?

Edited by scandyflick
well said pete, i doubt most people have actually considered what the laws really mean, or even looked into them. shame.

and without the ability to make a difference (im sure free speech will come under fire soon), what point is there in me staying and watching the state (and country) i was raised in turn into Nazi Germany v2.0?

Already has bud.....this place is a classic example.

Try slagging a business, like you could a couple of decades ago, in the interest of fore warning others of less than honest practices and you're likely to get served with a subpoena!

......or Andrew banning your ass, lol. :P

We've adopted the US's litigious ways where you can call me a wog on the footy field but risk me taking your house away.......how is that even in proportion......this all started way back with the adoption of political correctness to the extreme......America sneezes and we get the Flu!

shit. didnt even think of that eh? thats even worse. the fact that that has become normal enough for me to not even notice is just f**ked.

too true.....reminds me of a great preacher man that once said (something along these lines) "The devil is very subtle, he won't come at you with horns and a pitch fork otherwise he would be easy to reject".

reading more shit on adelaidenow, bet you this guys running for premier next year.

These highly-modified cars they claim are better than the average new family car on the road. That may be true but in 99.9% of these modified cars they would not pass an inspection.These drivers or their mates including the mechanics that work on these cars are not qualified engineers that conduct years of testing. They just add and bolt bits and pieces of later designs to older bodies with different stresses thus dangerous cars are produced by little know it alls that know nothing except speed and smoke.The end result would be .Once defected the car would never be allowed to be re-registered any way. So you might as well crush the car . So why complain. It will hurt them more not us.

what. the. f**k.

i still struggle to believe that people are actually this stupid.

scratch that, this guys in the running.

Why crush the cars of the so called hoon drivers? This will cause so many headaches and nightmares for the Police and hoons. To crush the cars is inviting a very savvy lawyer with a very lucrative cash cow ie the government and legal aid, to follow in terms of compensation. Why not impound the vehicles of the alleged hoon drivers and charge them storage fees and towing costs for five years which is the average time that a car loan is taken over as I understand from the various financial advertisments. That way no one person is responsible for the destruction of a probably encumbered hoons pride and joy which must be returned to stock standard prior to being released to the alleged hoon. Who must the produce the vehicle for inspection once a week at a cost of $200's to ensure the car has not been tampered with. Now even Teflon Coated Media Mike must see some merit in that.


All you people saying that they will crush stolen cars are being idiots if the car is stolen they will get done for use of motor vehicle without permission or something like that and the car will be returned to owner, if they get caught racing in daddys car or your own then the first time is a warning and daddy will be told, so is the second offence, third time car is crushed, if my kid got caught once for speeding etc. in my car he would never drive it again and would not get to try a second time. This is the law change that was needed now, what we need to change is the stealing cars law, minimum 5 years for stealing a car, race it or get caught doing donuts etc. 10 years, then we will see how smart some of you are by saying we will just steal a car instead of using our own, oh yeah, the law should also be if you steal a car and race it etc. automatic lose of licence for five years and any vehicle you own is crushed. Mike Rann start getting tough on these idiots, yes, we may be starting to live in a communist country like someone on here said but at least we would know that there are no idiots on the road, also if your car is crushed and you have finance on it you loose 10 - 20 percent of your earnings until it is paid for, this is paid for in the same manner as child support, taken straight out of your wage, or as in most of your losers case out of your dole.

im lost for words. when did people become so f**king retarded?

stupid people i have trouble understanding, but hey, they'll learn. people that are actively welcoming the destruction of civil liberties... wow.

Edited by scandyflick
...a few years ago when people asked why i wanted to travel, my answer was simple, i wanted to see beyond my own backyard, now its simply because im sick of the direction sa is heading, and mortified by the fact that its residents are buying into a fear campaign and doing nothing to stop it.

and without the ability to make a difference (im sure free speech will come under fire soon), what point is there in me staying and watching the state (and country) i was raised in turn into Nazi Germany v2.0?

funny you should mention that Labour is trying to introduce the bill of rights, not going into it here but that destroys more civil liberties and cantors to the minority groups

Frustrating is an under statement! Some people must live under rocks! Dave highlighted the points well, guess drink driving is more acceptable now then? Obviously who ever puts this crap together seems to have an incompetence with gathering facts and data. Ban the bikies, crush the cars, whats next?

They are going back to horses and carts i hear

if they sell your car 1st offence how it going to be crushed on the 2nd :P they crush your old car?

futher more isnt that the same net effect anyway :blink: you take there car away n give it to someone else or take their car away and crush it. whats the diff to the offender

you cant argue with narrow minded fools they will never accept their point of view could be the least bit wrong. aslong as the news paper keeps printing hoon stories they going to think its a new thing that sprung up overnight suddenly people started modifying cars and racing

Its all the overnight parts from Japland yo

as i was talking with a mate yesterday about all this... think we are gonna see a skyrocket in dangerous car chases :S << if they know its over i think they will have there 1 and last joy ride and see what shes really got under the hood, i don't really blame them for running(But I'm not supporting this action) im just saying what looks inevitable :blink:

My honest take on all these law changes and restrictions on any thing outside of the norm, is we will end up in some kind of civil war in the not too distant future.

Watch these videos in whole, seems exactly what the government expect to do to us! Will we be the society of Manturian Candidates?

Edited by Jamesrb25

Best post.

Ok lets sit down like sensible adults and go through some possible scenarios and flow on effects. 1. Create a suitable environment for these people to get it out of their system. A motorpsort complex similar to AIR with 1/4 mile, small sized race track and burnout pads. Cheap to utilise (say $40 for 20 mins on the track, $10 a run down the 1/4 and $5 for the burnout pad) 2. This allows a number of things, the people who want to do the right thing have a place to do it that is readily accessible and relatively cheap. 3. The complex can be manned by people creating jobs, why not open a servo on site for food/drinks/fuel, motor workshops can open up for servicing/tuning etc etc. Driver education courses can be run/advanced driving. 4. Money can be made from entry fees, from competitions held, times in vehicle categories/ show 'n' shines etc etc. Dont forget bringing money in from interstate when people come to compete in various events, added t the local economy. Income would also be made from the servo/s on site, as well as annual events at the tracks with entry fees, maybe optional yearly memberships with discounts. 5. As a result of such a fantastic facility being available you can increase and implement punishment for people who care to drive recklessly on the road. Not necessarily crushing, as there's a whole range of legal complications there but severe penalties/fines. In regards to modified vehicles on the road. I applaud annual inspections, why not start another process, for eg MVP - Modified Vehicle Permit. Modified cars approved by engineers can have their car and the modifications listed on a laminated certificate etc etc through a facility similar to Regency. If a police officer pulls you over, get the certificate out of the glovebox and can go around the car, these size wheels, this suspension etc. If any modifications on the car arent on the list then increase fines/defect. Can be a small fee for someone to get their certificate updated when new mods are done. A user pays system. This again gives people the chance to comply and do the right thing, provides jobs, takes the heat of members of the public and still puts back into the state coffers (cos the pollies wouldnt agree to it otherwise). There's just some of the solutions. Sure there will still be idiots on the road but the majority will do the right thing, the government will still get money from both the complex, the modification process and increased fines/penalties from the select few who dont use those facilities and choose to be idiots on the road. Realistically the facilities are all ready there, ie AIR or the old mitsu factory down south, plus a few other areas. We could be the leader in Australia and possibly other areas in the world.

Posted by: Matt of Mount gambier 3:58pm today

i think its more a reality that needs to be faced damo. very few went in that argument with an open mind.

serious question though has hooning really increased or has it just increased in newspaper space? i dont know cause i dont clock as many k's as i used to. i say less if anything.

Edited by Inline 6

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