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I have been following your build Ben from day one as we are also building a R32 and I have been impressed by your engineering.

I am a bit concerned that your data logger identified that the oil starvation happened under a braking situation.

We were of the opinion that the problem was more prevalent under cornering G forces and we designed and built our oil pan (RB25 in a R32) with hinges to control the sideways movement of the oil. We also included the return drain from the back of the head to the side of the sump.

Here are a few pictures:





What options are there to control the forward movement of the oil away from the pickup?

Usualy with any of the gated sumps i know of there is always 4 gates and they are layed in a dimond patern rather than square to the sump.

also i cant quite see but the oil fitting for the return from the head has to be on the passenger side of the engine. we have seen recently 2 race engines with fittings on the drivers sides presureising the head and not allowing the oil to return.

There would be twice as much force under braking than cornering in this car. if it was a circuit car with stiffer suspension and bigger grippier wheels than the corner Gs mite be grater but definatly not for tarmac.

Ben and i both know that this is not a common problem but we have also studdied the data that we have at hand and experiances we have had and have worked out that all the race rb20 we work with suffer from "extreemly low" oil pressure under heavy braking. its somthing that can easily be fixed with a combination of things that in total will be less than 1k.

Remember that theres only one reason engines spin bearings. you can chose to risk it and see how long the wrecker motor will go, or add preventitive measures to stop it happening half way through targa or at the end of a championship searies.

in the first page of SKs oil in rb's thread he says if your doing any kind of motorsport you should have a winged and baffeled sump.

As damo said, a dimond around the pickup is the go. This is a subie sump , but you get the idea.


I think 1/2 the issue with the std sump, is the front is at 45deg. so under braking it acts like a ramp, and not a wall.

Your never going to know without sticking a camera in there. But one of the circuit r32's down here has a greddy oil pressure gauge, and the warning light alwyas comes on under brakes. The other R32 down here that is quicker doesn't have a gauge, and that ran a bearing at the v8 supercar round last year, it was suspected it was under brakes. But we really don't know

haha, thanks Benji :)

So, you planning on doing Classic Adelaide? I'd like to opportunity to kick your arse, using my awesome Apexi N1 suspension. :P haha

I'd do all the rallies if I had the cash, so it's looking pretty doubtfull at this stage. I compared your 09 times to our times, so you already have kicked my arse.

Meh, 2009 is an age ago. Let's put it down to road degradation! :P

Come on, Adelaide will be good value. Stop cornering the market in Tenga Eggs and you'll afford it easy!

I spoke to Benson last week, he reckons she's good GTS-t country, not too many hairpins. And with Closey running Perry's thing, it'll be a good buzz :)

Here is my last corner weight. With approx 1/3 fuel and wearing R34 GTR wheels with Advan 265's.. AND 20kg of ballast in the driver's seat to allow for the difference between Timmy and I.


20kg in the drivers side! I thought it would be 20kg on the passenger's side :P

Whats the weight difference in the rear sides come down to you think?

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