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Victoria Police Catch Hoon Via Facebook


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A 20-year-old man from Castlemaine in central Victoria has became the first person to lose two cars for good under the state's hoon legislation.

He lost his Ford Falcon sedan valued at $3,000 after being found guilty of careless driving last December.

In May this year, he was found guilty by a magistrate of driving in a manner dangerous when deliberately doing burnouts at a country highway intersection in November, 2008.

He was fined $2,000, had his licence cancelled for 18 months and was ordered to hand over his second vehicle, a 2005 Ford utility valued at $21,000.

Police were notified to the offences after a member of the public handed them photographs and video from social networking website Facebook.

Senior Constable Grant Healy from Castlemaine police said he was pleased with the decision.

"This bloke has had plenty of warnings but we have had enough of this type of dangerous behaviour," he said in a statement.

"It really does send a clear message to would-be hoon drivers that not only do we have the support of the public, we also have the support of the magistrates when it comes to getting these menaces off the road."

Police have impounded more than 8,000 vehicles from dangerous drivers since anti-hoon legislation was introduced on July 1, 2006, including more than 1,500 this year.

Sen Const Healy said the power to immediately remove dangerous drivers from the roads was another way to reduce road trauma.

Police are removing around 50 dangerous drivers from our roads every week which can only make it safer for other drivers, he said.

Around 80 per cent of drivers caught are aged 18-30 and 63 per cent are 25 and under.

The Facebook-Video is here: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=834597

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Hahaha what a dumbass...who posts shit like that up on Facebook? Just more reason for me to hate that website...too many stalkers.

Serves him right. This is why, if you are going to do stupid shit like this (not that you should), do it in $500 POS. They'll do you a favour repossessing/crushing it!

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ahh nice job!

im all for removing the dickheads from our roads..

also as stupid as it may sound, whats stopping wanker police impounding cars for false reasons? im sure its happened, I have no doubt there has been an impounding just due to 'they can'.

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WAIT... WAT???

Around 80 per cent of drivers caught are aged 18-30 and 63 per cent are 25 and under.

whoever is the statistician at MSN should be shot...

80 percent of the people are between 18 and 30

and 63 percent of the people are between 18 and 25?

soooo the point of this stat is that 17 percent of them were between 25 and 30?

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lol what's wrong with that? he's just giving the age brackets that are highly represented... as if we didn't know

i think the point = it's mostly young idiots

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lol what's wrong with that? he's just giving the age brackets that are highly represented... as if we didn't know

i think the point = it's mostly young idiots

yeah but the age brackets like totally overlap each other... if he had left it at one age bracket I'd have got the point he was making, but the second overlapping one has me all confused.

Also being in the 25-30 age bracket, I'm frankly offended that I'm not more legibly represented in that article, and had to work out the figure using maths.

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lol what is it with everyone around here and their aversion to maths?

yes the age ranges overlap.. it's like... "MOST people caught are under 30; ... and within THAT subset, most of THEM are under 25"

makes sense to me... :(

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Nothing wrong with quoting a range within a range IMO...it's frequently done in stats. They are just conveying with the first range that it's young people in general...and with the second range, mostly P platers / freshly full licenced drivers. The overall effect says the curve of distribution is somewhat positively skewed towards the youngins :)

Woah, all my statistics lectures are coming back to me...what's a Z test? Does anyone know the value of R?

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Nothing wrong with quoting a range within a range IMO...it's frequently done in stats. They are just conveying with the first range that it's young people in general...and with the second range, mostly P platers / freshly full licenced drivers. The overall effect says the curve of distribution is somewhat positively skewed towards the youngins :)

Woah, all my statistics lectures are coming back to me...what's a Z test? Does anyone know the value of R?

i remember that stuff... only took 1 unit of stats.. not much of a fan.

applied maths ftw :)

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First unit was the worst cause it formed the basis of other stats units. It got harder but easier to comprehend in later units of it if that makes sense. Had it not been part of the Psychology major I'd have dumped it after the first lesson lol.

Piece of shit subject!

Applied maths doesn't sound any more fun lol.

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