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some good responses, and how uncommon to see a thread where most people are agreeing with each other.

tougher penalties? yes. with such light penalties and the govt pushing the 'rehabilitation' agenda, these idiots know they can get away with just about anything. not exactly rocket science. agreed with Ash that many of these people are incurable - they're just plain morons.

more police? yes. turning a corner in the city and coming face to face with 6 burly blokes loaded with guns, batons and statutory powers - i know i'd think twice before trying anything stupid. but perhaps that's just how i've been brought up (pretty strict parents lol)

with greater deterrents, and greater consequences, hopefully the message will sink in.

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I work some weekends as a bouncer at a popular club. I don't have the answers to these problems but in my opinion, i think we should have 0 alcohol tolerance on streets in the city, meaning, if you are intoxicated, you are locked up over night. This would only work if we have more strict police on streets which is another problem that we have.

Eh? I fail to see how this would work. I go out to a club in the city, start drinking and get intoxicated. Now how do I get home? Stay in the club till I sober up?

I'm not a big drinker, but I won't deny I don't get "intoxicated" from time to time.

How many people that did well in school, eg go to the end of year 12 or went to uni, are the people that you see bashing/knifing people in the city. Not many i think. To me its the people that dropped out in year 10 cos they were bored with school, tried to get a job n couldnt hold that cos they were bored/couldnt be bothered. They jump on centrelink or get money from there parents to survive. These to me, are the people that are the ones being dumb and f**king things up for everyone else. I think if people were forced to stay in school, and get an education to create a better life for themselves, people would change. Alot of the people doing wrong are the uneducated people. People that dont have a degree or there VCE. Educated people seem to settle down have a family and stop going out every thur, fri sat nite whilst uneductaed are the ones that have no wife or kids, so no reason to stay at home to get up in the morning to support there family. Instead they blow there parents/centrlink money on drugs and drink n go in the city to cause trouble. I dont go into the city anymore to have a drink or let loose cos i have a family and mortgage due to the fact that i need to to support my family that im trying to build as do most of my friends.

Maybe if people grew up and were more responsible in what direction in life they want to go, there would be less violance cos they would be at home relaxing with a beer watching the tv and unwinding and being fresh for the next day at work.

Education means work

Work means no time to play up

Whats the point of locking them up? Seriosuly, that adds to their cool badge in their Scouts Club :down: Unless they get raped by some lifer...then they will realise what a joke their lifes are.

With a tone of seriousness, if they are total and absolute wastes of space then sterilise the bastards. Imagine these idiots becoming parents? They respect very little so 8 times out of 10 dont respect the magnitude of responsibility of being a parent and fark that up as well....and whammo. In another generation we will have an even bigger problem because said tool has now had tool children x Y times.

So not to say that every idot has waste of space parents... they could be very nice people but even that doesnt make them good parents. So the problem is two fold. Some people should never have children, others need help with how to raise their children. LOL, i know if i am lucky enough to become a parent my children are going to walk all over me...i am too soft and will be one of the people i am talking about needing a bit of help how not to fark up my kids :)

Anyway, grog on and punch on...if you are as messed up as them odds are you wont feel or remember a thing

In singapore, if you f**k around, no questions asked, you get locked up, 24 hours minimum.

And if you try to hit a policeman, you get that baton in your stomach.

I think the police here need that taser. I fear the city at night, i'm not caucasian, i'm new here, and i dont speak like the rest of you guys. Maybe i'm paranoid but looking at all these reports, its unnerving.

I didn't want to say it but Justin has hit the nail on the head in relation the the backgrounds of 90% of these offenders. It's something our culture is not used to and the more multi cultural we become the more gang/group assaults and especially assaults with weapons we will have.

I don't believe in rehabilitation of offenders but know that if you lock someone up for 10 years they can't commit any further assaults or offences for that time. Almost everyone involved in these violent assaults generally have history of violent offences and have not received any punishment at court and as such continue to offend. This is a huge issue we have at present and not just with assaults there is a major increase in repeat offenders due to this lack of punishment.

I and many others I know, blame the weak pussy b*tches of society, commonly known as judges.

magistrates first up. limp as fruk punishments.

CBO's are a weak sentence for sending someone to hospital. its a joke, the only way its going to change it to remove those

who influence and appoint. simple this needs to change.

Eh? I fail to see how this would work. I go out to a club in the city, start drinking and get intoxicated. Now how do I get home? Stay in the club till I sober up?

I'm not a big drinker, but I won't deny I don't get "intoxicated" from time to time.

Ye good point but, if there was a chance you might be locked up if founf intoxicated in the city, you are likely not to drink as much, and 2, if you are intoxicated, you will go straight home, you wont hang around city streets and possibly cause trouble ...

Maybe the police need to stop focusing their attention on revenue raising related activities.

Funny how easy it is to get caught speeding compared to how easy these thugs get away after they bash some1. With the way the police force is being run atm and for the last 5 years its not surprising that we have this problem now. I like many others saw this coming - what else do u expect when u have a police force run like a second tax man.

In relation to "foreign" offenders, i have to agree with this. However from what i have extensively seen at the nite spots recently is usually the "non-foreigners" that start shit and the "foreigners" that finish it.

Whats the point of locking them up? Seriosuly, that adds to their cool badge in their Scouts Club :down: Unless they get raped by some lifer...then they will realise what a joke their lifes are.

With a tone of seriousness, if they are total and absolute wastes of space then sterilise the bastards. Imagine these idiots becoming parents? They respect very little so 8 times out of 10 dont respect the magnitude of responsibility of being a parent and fark that up as well....and whammo. In another generation we will have an even bigger problem because said tool has now had tool children x Y times.

So not to say that every idot has waste of space parents... they could be very nice people but even that doesnt make them good parents. So the problem is two fold. Some people should never have children, others need help with how to raise their children. LOL, i know if i am lucky enough to become a parent my children are going to walk all over me...i am too soft and will be one of the people i am talking about needing a bit of help how not to fark up my kids :)

Anyway, grog on and punch on...if you are as messed up as them odds are you wont feel or remember a thing

Whats the point of locking em up?

Well in my opinion, it could do some good...We probably need something like anti hoon laws. 3 strikes and you have criminal record plus heavy fine and maybe longer time to be served.

1st pick up- 24 hour jail

2nd- 24 hour plus 300 dollar fine

3rd- one week, 1 thousand dollar fine and ban from city for a year.

Seriously, tougher penalties and zero tolerance are the go.

Sure it's easy to say it's the parent's problem, they need re-education, or the perps need rehabilitation.

No, f**k that. Screw fining people hundreds of bucks for having 1 click too many on your handbrake FFS - VicPol and The State Govt need to have a good long look at themselves and put the bleeding hearts brigade into perspective. They will always try to find avenues for revenue - why not use it for public good for a change?

Hit someone or somehow involved in street violence)?

$10,000 fine (can't pay up? - go to prison and work it off - see below)

Hit someone and hospitalized them?

Prison for 5 years. (20 if permanent damage)

Killed someone?

Prison for life.

Zero-tolerance worked in NY (was the most dangerous place to live and now the crime rate is much less than Melbourne's).

I'm not sure about now, but years ago in Germany and some South American countries the zero-tolerance and heavy fines (eg., automatic thousands of dollars for being INVOLVED in a street fight, irrespective of who started it) make people EXTREMELY polite to each other, even when pissed. No-one wants to get into a fight and lose their life savings on the spot. The cops/courts don't even ask. It's an automatic fine, regardless of details.

Another points is here every douchebag in prison has a warm place to stay at night and no need to worry about adequate food and water, and don't have to lift a finger to get it. That's more than what a lot of homeless people and kids can say. I remember a news report a few years ago saying each prisoner costs the taxpayers about $70k/year. That's more than most people earn, for Christ' sakes.

Everyone in jail should friggen have to work their ass off to get their ration of food for the day. Just give them the jobs like some assembly line work that doesn't require sharp objects. They won't get paid except with gruel. Don't want to work, f**ker? Starve, mofo. They don't become a drain on society, but can safely contribute back something. For most it will be the first time in their lives they have ever worked, and that may bring its own benefits to the prisoners. The satisfaction of working hard for something in return may just change some of them a little for the better. For those in the community that are just lazy bums, it may deter them from doing crime and having to work in prison. Win-Win.

How many people that did well in school, eg go to the end of year 12 or went to uni, are the people that you see bashing/knifing people in the city. Not many i think. To me its the people that dropped out in year 10 cos they were bored with school, tried to get a job n couldnt hold that cos they were bored/couldnt be bothered. They jump on centrelink or get money from there parents to survive. These to me, are the people that are the ones being dumb and f**king things up for everyone else. I think if people were forced to stay in school, and get an education to create a better life for themselves, people would change. Alot of the people doing wrong are the uneducated people. People that dont have a degree or there VCE. Educated people seem to settle down have a family and stop going out every thur, fri sat nite whilst uneductaed are the ones that have no wife or kids, so no reason to stay at home to get up in the morning to support there family. Instead they blow there parents/centrlink money on drugs and drink n go in the city to cause trouble. I dont go into the city anymore to have a drink or let loose cos i have a family and mortgage due to the fact that i need to to support my family that im trying to build as do most of my friends.

Maybe if people grew up and were more responsible in what direction in life they want to go, there would be less violance cos they would be at home relaxing with a beer watching the tv and unwinding and being fresh for the next day at work.

Education means work

Work means no time to play up

Sorry i totally disagree.

Some of them are like the guys i went to school with out west when the "west" was a bi rougher, now those suburbs are much softer 15years on and its moved further 'out'.

They went to school, did VCE, they are even @ uni - its once they get a few drinks into them with "their boys" that this shit starts.

Most of our problems are here: KING ST and CHAPEL ST. How hard is that to manage... 20 fit police MEN, sorry to be sexist, fit men, to patrol and lock up trouble makers/ and intoxicated people, lock em up over night. That would solve half of your problem IMO.

I wouldn't say particular streets - its very widespread. Yeah some places are more of a "hotspot" but i regularly see 30-40 cops out the front of Amber Lounge and so on due to stabbings and shit inside the club.

Being i work in the city, live not even 2km's from it i see a fair bit of it all.

I'm talking about education of parents Ash, not kids. I know what you mean about hero's all too well.

But yeah at the end of the day, the filth need to get tuff.

Problem is the parents don't care. They expect the local law to be doing that.

I reckon footy is largely to blame too.

I never watch football, but my mate is over and watching the Essendon v WB game. Watching it, I never realised how much pointless violence there is. The players are constantly shoving, punching and hitting each other. There was one point where about 10 players were smacking each other in the chest and arms, and what was the ref saying "Keep it below the neck, keep it below the neck!".

It appears that if you get hit, and don't retaliate its like you lose face, and hitting in the other guy first gives you tough guy points.

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