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So my old lady was sitting at home last night when she heard a lound bang near the rail crossing down the road from her house and went down the road to have a look. A Skyline, travelling at high speed on straight stretch of road, clipped the median strip before the rail crossing, flipped and hit a tree whilst airborne. Emergency services had to use the jaws of life to get the people out. 2 are in hospital in a critical condition. Hope it's no-one off here.



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Damn, hope they're ok. The media is going to go crazy with the whole "Import hoon" shit again.

I'm dead against the harassment police dish out regarding performance car drivers, but when you get people who can't restrain themselves whilst owning a vehicle like this, what do you expect.

The roads aren't your personal race track, and the sooner HPV owners realise this, the sooner the media, police, and the public will get off our backs.

I hope the occupants are okay and make a full recovery, but it's people like this who ruin the day for enthusiasts who treat the roads and their vehicles with respect.

I don't know the full story of what happened or why, but it appears the driver was cutting sick due to the damage and injuries sustained. Even still, if this wasn't the case, events like this are all too frequent.

If an innocent motorist or pedestrian had been killed during this incident, then the whiplash from the event would be devastating for HPV owners. even still, what if there had been an innocent victim and it was your brother, sister, mother, or father?

i just went and had a look at the crash scene. you can see the rubber and subsequent chalk marks by the coppers on the median strip. Then, skid marks across the road, then nothing, then about 15 meters away, there are three impact points about ranging from a metre to 3 metres above the ground in three pine trees. that car must have literally been flying.

Allen, I agree totally. There's a time and place for that sort of driving. We HPV owners cop a lot of shit because fellow HPV owners drive excessively and crash, bringing themselves into the spot light. Unfortunately, people don't realize you can get into these situations in any car.

I've been driving my mum's 2000 model Mazda 323 Protege around fornthe past week while she's in England and it's a real eye opener! You tap the brakes you lock up, you turn a corner and you understeer, you accelorate and the 1.6L engine does sweet fa... But then youndobt realise that youre speeding. My point is, this car is MUCH easier to crash then my Skyline, however if I crashed both and ended up in hospital both times, I know exactly which event will make the news!

People who drive HPV and crash ruin it for the rest of us. Most crashes are unavoidable, most are innocent, but its these incidents that give us all a bad name. And it's these incidents that make me glad I'm driving the 323 at the moment, so I dont cop the backlash the police are handing out.

By the sound of that damage, that car must have been doing stupid speeds when it hit the barrier!!!

Good old Harill Rd ay................... I used to love/hate that road. I'm shocked this is the 1st time on that rd. 1 night i was tired not paying attention and hit the rail crossing at 80-90 in my honda and it sent me air born how i didn't roll i'll never know.

I hope these ppl learn somthing from this.

Hi Guys,

The driver of the car involved is a member ( some of you would know him, he is an active member, he drives a very clean 32 gtr). He is a great guy, always up for a laugh, and very friendly.

I work with him and received the news this morning from his brother who i also work with. He isnt doing so well and is in an induced coma and still listed as critical. I'm not sure who the passenger is so i cannot comment on his condition but i hope he is doing well.

I dont have any details of the incident, but i hope he pulls through because he is a great guy and a good mate.

Edited by Nooblah
So my old lady was sitting at home last night when she heard a lound bang near the rail crossing down the road from her house and went down the road to have a look. A Skyline, travelling at high speed on straight stretch of road, clipped the median strip before the rail crossing, flipped and hit a tree whilst airborne. Emergency services had to use the jaws of life to get the people out. 2 are in hospital in a critical condition. Hope it's no-one off here.



neither high speed or hooning was mentioned in those articles.

am i the only one who noticed that? seems like cops arent the only ones to quickly assume sh#t when "crash" and "skyline" are used in the same sentence.

+1 Above.

They didnt mention the vehicle was possibly stolen,

so why ask anyone who witnessed it to contact Crime Stoppers?

If it was a regular accident, they'd ask the public to contact a local police station, but obviously since its a Skyline, its quiet clear he/she did a huge 7500rpm neutral drop from 2nd into the corner and held a nice long drift, almost killing 80 pedestrians aswell as him/her self and the passenger.

neither high speed or hooning was mentioned in those articles.

am i the only one who noticed that? seems like cops arent the only ones to quickly assume sh#t when "crash" and "skyline" are used in the same sentence.

whilst i'm no crash scene expert, the only way that car couldve:

a) left that much rubber on the median strip;

b) lost control from hitting that median strip;

c) hit those trees so far above the ground:

is if it was speeding. Its not an issue of "hey, it was skyline, it must have been traveling fast", anyone looking at that scene would say it was traveling fast.

the driver is likely to be charged with reckless driving and dangerous driving occ bodily harm or even death if things don't improve.

it's a reminder to drive carefully on the wet roads and keep hero driving on the track.

There's a time and place for that sort of driving.

In which case, their is no such time, nor such place on a public road. Period.

I don't agree with either government policy regarding roads, some road laws (hoon laws) nor do I support the restrictive speed limits on some of our main roads that are in place, but given our crappy infrastructure and the shoddy weather in recent weeks, this should not have happened. True, to this minute we can only assume and speculate, but facts and circumstances point to this bloke driving like a tool. No one deserves what this bloke has and will continue to go through (death of people, court procedure ect), but you make your bed, you damn well sleep in it. I support the concept that police should show discretion under certain circumstances, but there is no place for people to be doing double the speed limit anywhere, let alone in the metro area, doing 140+ in a 60, 80 zone or even on the freeway is just not on, at all. There is no place and no time for it at all on our roads. Whilst young (well, mostly young) people continue to flout this concept, and consider themselves untouchable, invincible and above the law, things will only get worse for us as a community! If this prevelent behaviour of driving in a very unwise, reckless and irresponsible manner continues, one that is contrary to both logic and safety is not stoped NOW, motoring enthusiasts as a collective will continue to be rubbished in the media, and our rights continually curbed in the name of counter-car culture and this media/govt fueled anti-hoon jihad..

I certainly hope I've made myself abundantly clear. Driving at those said speeds, in just a populated area, considering current weather conditions, your car is no longer a car, it becomes a weapon, a deadly one, in which you cna loose your own life or kill other people, who for the most part, are usually totally innocent and mearly struck my a wheeled and motorised missile.. Death is not trivial, it is painful, and I feel for this guy if he looses his life, or someone else dies in the process. However, I said it before, he made a choice, a silly and foolish one at that, it is his bed he made, his turn to sleep in it.


Edited by Marco-R34GTT
That was well said and i do agree wholeheartedly, although i feel we need more facilities to access "A time and a place".

Agreed, very much agreed. We are in dire need of places like that in order to facilitate and accomodate that said "place and time", it would also be good for it to be suprvised by thepolice as well. Whilst there is angst and suspicion, car enthusiasts and car communities has a whole will only experience a worstening relationship with our respective law-enforcement bodies. Break down the barriers, open up some dialogue, and we can at least try.

Chucking a burnout in front of government house giving them pollies the finger would be like walking up to Hitler and telling him you like jews (not that that is a bad thing), but you know what I'm saying, it would not give you the desired effect, but the opposite. It is something that troubles not only SAUWA (or even SAU for that matter), it is a matter of concern for all car/motoring clubs/communities and bodies country wide, we all are in desperate need of an adequate conduit of communication to get our message across (to the media/government ectect). In the mean time, all of us, young and old, need to pull our heads in and keep them there. It is a point I will raise at a club meeting when it comes around.

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