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So I changed my spark plugs today not having done it before, all went well no problems there but when I went for a drive afterwards my car is idling at 2000rpm!! seems a little bit high. Before I fiddled with it today, it was idling around 1200rpm which still seems high but is def better than 2000.

I had a few issues getting all the stuff out of the way to get to #6 plug, is there anything up around there at the back of the motor that maybe I have knocked a vacuum line or something? I also changed the screw on the back of my bov (hks ssqv) but I changed this back and it didn't seem to affect the idle speed.

does anyone know what I should do to try and fix this?

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well I pulled off & cleaned the AAC and it actually looked like something was stuck in where the water temp valve thing was and prevented the spring from retracting all the way so I cleaned it all out and that dropped the idle back to around 1200. I then turned in the idle airflow screw on the aac and dropped it down to 1000. Wouldn't go any lower so I suspect my ecu is doing something with the idle but anyway I'm pretty happy with 1000rpm!

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