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Hi all,

Well a few of you may have read a few of my bitches about the inconsistancy at regency, the uncooperative nature of those I have phoned and apparent differences between ADR interpretation in this and other states.

I intend to put together a submission requesting detailed repsonses to questions posed about these inconsistencies, such as

not being able to get a copy of ADRs prior to commencing mods,

a lack of guidance on the legality of mods,

people being able to get a certain mod passed no quesitons asked, whilst others dont,

why regency dont issue certificates to say specific mods have been inspected and correct,

why fittment of a different turbo requires a full emissions test,

when an AFM measures the air with total disregard for the turbo

why different people at regency give different answers as to legality of modifications

why a turbo timer is illegal (i was told you cant leave a car running and walk away, well you can do that with the ignition, and just because it is fitted doesnt mean you will, esp as it serves a purpose and I thought we were innocent until proven guilty.)

I could go on forever, I found the people at regency very uncooperative, esp when I asked what specific ADRs apply to certain mods and why they are illegal - I got a respoonse of 'it just is, we interperate the ADRs not you, we wont give you a copy because they are too complex and you wouldnt understand them.

What I would like is if anybody out there has come up against apparently inconsistant application of ADRs, for example whatsisname being told to remove a Momo steering wheel, whilst being able to keep a pillar pod.

If you have any crazy stories, or have been treaded poorly, please post up, but be very specific. It would be even more beneficial if you are willing to put in a Statutory Declaration, and have dates, times and names.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I intend putting this submission in to the Attorney General's Office - and hopefully get SA out of the dark ages, and off our backs.



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Is farting in the car defectable? only j/k :P

I do have a few burning questions though:

Is adjustable coilover defectable? Why?

Why is BOV defectable? Noise or emission? If emission then is using a filter to "catch the emission" make it legal?

Just be careful about this tactic Steve. It may backfire at us. I know 1-2 pple who work there. They are generally nice but they don't have much tolerance for embarassment. We better not stir them too much otherwise they will give us more sh*t.

We better take that NSW cruise before this lobby Steve :P Please don't turn up the heat too soon.

Atmo vent BOV is illegal, because it allows the crank case gasses to vent to atmo. ADRs clearly state that all vehicle emissions must exit via the exhaust system.

I understand that this is treading a fine line, but what else can you do? I am sick of it. the people I have spoken to have been very unco-operative, and condescending. When I asked what mods I could get passed they told me to just do them and then birng the car in - then they will tell me if it complies or not, or if I need to go to an engineer - I mean WTF is that all about.

they also told me that if an approved engineer certifies a mod, that doesnt mean they will pass it - what I would like to know is how in hell they can say that a member of SAE-A and IE Aust who has a degree in mechanical engineering, and is a certified engineer, know less than them? A mechanic who didnt want to work on cars anymore?????

They are totally out of control, and it just rubs me the wrong way that because they hold the cards they arent accountable.

It rubs me the wrong way when people are law unto themselves. I dont like just sitting back bitching about it and doing nothing. All it would take is one person to be wrongfully failed, and it leaves the gates open for legal action. And why not. If I do the wrong thing at work, I can be fined, or even imprisoned as I am a public servent and I have a duty to perform all my tasks legally.

If someone at Regency does their work properly, why would they be worried, all they are supposed to do is ensure that cars are roadworthy. The only people that have anything to worry about are those that dont enforce the law correctly - and just like anybody who is a part of officialdome, they have an obligation and a legal duty to do so - otherwise they can be taken to task by the law.

All I am saying, is that for too long it appears to me that too many people have been making up the rules as they go along - they are paid by our taxes and the fees that people pay to have cars inspected. WE are the customers, shouldnt we demand customer service? And if the state law wants to try and overrule ADRs, then they MUST have a good reason for doing so. If they dont, then a federal court can certainly bring them into line.

Its just not good enough - this is a democracy, lets exercise the rights that come with a democracy. Until people stand up and say enough, it will continue.

You yourself asked why you have to prove the legality of your car, when they cant prove its illegality, so why the big about face?

Its the little things that really shit me, an example is the turbo timer.

What the hell is so wrong with having a device to protect your engine? FFS even the manufacturer recommends you idle a turbo car for the specified period before shutting it down. BUT here, oh no, if you have a turbo timer you may leave your car running and walk away - next thing they will be putting 60kph speed limiters on cars because you may speed, but they will only do that to performance cars because if you owned a bog stock commodore you would never dream of speeding.

If someone leaves their car running and gets caught, sure give them a fine, just like if you speed, or dont use your indicator, but to regulate what can be fitted on the off chance that you may break the law - its just not right anyway you look at it.

It just shits me.

And to reiterate, if they are doing their job correctly, what have they to fear - nothing at all. A good shake up of the regulations will benefit everyone, and this is just that, obviously the regulations are not clearly defined in ADRs, because everyone interperates them differently.

Another example, I asked a guy if the fact that I had a bigger turbo was a problem, he told me to forget it, may as well take the car back interstate and sell it cos it will cost more than the car is worth.

I asked why, he told me cos emissions testing and engineers cert is so expensive. I asked why it needed a full engineer certificate and to be emissions tested - he got angry and told me that it is the law and dont be smart. I genuinely wanted to know why it made it necessary to have those things done, all he said is if it isnt OEM, they cant pass it? And he either didnt know or wouldnt tell me why? I asked where I could get a copy of the ADRs - he told me that they werent available, they were too technical and I wouldnt understand them, that was his job to interperate them (not the engineer HE had the final say). This is from someone who gave me he had the IQ of a rock ape. This is totally unacceptable.

Like I posted up before, I understand that some people wouldnt want their name brandished before anyone, so if you wouldnt be willing to write a stat dec, just say so.

Cheeky, I think that system is in place in NSW. BUT in NSW it costs bugger all to get something engineered.

This is another aspect I want to use, the fact that the govt is missing out on revenue, as in other states you pay to have mods engineered (at a reasonable cost) then take it to get the RTA to rubber stamp it. Costs nothing (to them), takes no time and raises money in the form of 'Stamp Duty'

It also means that people will have mods properly checked, this is a service to the public, instead of making the cost so exorbitant that now one will get mods certified, just stock out a car and then remod it after inspection. It makes a farce of the whole vehicle inspection process, and a mockery of the law, it also means that people are more likely to unknowingly have mods incorrectly done.

If you had to pay a 'certified' mechanic to perform mod (a mechanic who has been approved for standards compliance), then you could take the certificate from that mechanic to Transport SA, pay your $30 to have a piece of paper that tells the cops they can put their defect pad back in the glove box and go and chase some criminals - I dont think there are too many people here that wouldnt do it.

Most people that I know dont mind getting pulled over if they do something wrong, but when you get pulled over because you have modified a car by putting better suspension on, then get defected for having suspension that is beyond anything that is used by all but the best vehicle manufacturers in the world, and is light years ahead of locally produced OEM suspension, then have to remove it (why, is making a car perform better a crime - should get rewarded with reduced insurance, not penalised) it makes a car safer.

Vehicle mods are something that has been done since cars were first invented, it will never stop and you cant stop it, but you can make it reasonable, and serve the community by making sure mods are correctly carried out. By putting the cost of certification beyond the reach of the average person, they just wont get their mods certified - who does that serve?

People just thumb their noses at unreasonable rules, always have always will - they serve no one especially the law.

Bottom line is, all public servants, and all laws are there to serve the community, the laws that surround vehicle modifications serve no one. The police would be better off taking the time to serve a defect to patrol for criminal behaviour, the guy at regency would be better off if all he had to do was check what is written on the cert is infact what has been done, and the public would be better off if they had correctly modified cars on the road.

Hey the coppers might even find more time to defect the rust buckets out there.

Im in the worst ****en mood tonite so thought i could add to this discussion!

FIRSTLY, atmo BOVs are illegal on our cars according to regency, yet Trucks and busess all have ****n BOV's!

SECONDLY, according to regency, anythin above the dash, like gauges safc etc are illegal, yet taxis have all ****en shit all over there dashes and that is fine with the govt.

Man this is such a crock of shit. When i was at regency, the wanker was all like, hmm adjustable suspension, well we are gonna make that illegal soon. I was like wtf, why it improves handling and such. He was like we just are. They think they are ****en above the law or somethin it shits me so much.

Also i got defected for having front blocks (spacers) on my wheels. I was told at regency it is illegal cos it increase the distance from wheel to wheel that the manufacuter specifies. Yet interstate, block type spacers are not illegal.

Whats with the Nazi **** wankers in SA.

as far as I know trucks still have bov that vent back to the exhaust, where the Apexi ones and the like go to the atmosphere are a fire risk??? one cop even told me the bov was about legal dba limits and can be done for that. coil over shocks are fine, ANY guage that sits above the instument cluster that is not factory IS defectable. hope this helps. I had a list that a cop gave to me that they were defecting people on(bit it was in my car at the time of burning) cant remember everything sorry

Fully agree with you Steve... its definately not right that it is so inconsistent. It certainly appears that they just create new guildelines willy nilly as they see fit yet won't actually share with people what they are! Its one thing to have these rediculous restrictions in place, but its completely unacceptable that you aren't able to obtain a copy! And if you ring them up to find out something and can't/won't tell you, as far as i'm concerned they aren't doing their job.

The ONLY thing i can pick you on is the fact that if you get issued some sort of certificate stating your mods are legal and all pass regulations, what's to stop you re-modifying your car after to suit you and then flashing the certificate to cops etc?

There definately needs to be some standards put in place that are obtainable by the general public - jesus, we're the ones paying them!

That's a good point about the taxis and their instruments on the dash. How the hell can that be allowed yet gauges tucked away on the on the a pillar not be?

I think its excellent that you have the dedication to do something about it. I think any of us here would be happy to support you and offer assistance should it be required.

Sigh :(


Thanks for the support.

A certificate provides a detailed description of the modification, and states that it has been inspected and complies with ADRs.

Of course people can change things, but if it is changed it would be apparent. And that is another thing that doesnt sit well with me. If a copper 'thinks' a mod is not roadworthy, he will send you to regency. That, to me, is on par with sending someone to court because they think you may have commited a crime - where is the burden of proof? If you get charged, there must be sufficient evidence that you have commited the crime, not just suspicion that you may have done something wrong - its just not bloody cricket.

MattR, that is an interesting point about the cop and dba limits. The only tests conducted to measure noise limits are done from the exhaust of a vehicle under revs, compare the noise of an exhuast brake or air brakes on trucks.

Half the problem is that cops go out without facts and slap defects on cars without knowing whether what they are defecting the car for is right or not. They need to be accountable IMHO.

Originally posted by GFXman

That's a good point about the taxis and their instruments on the dash.  How the hell can that be allowed yet gauges tucked away on the on the a pillar not be?


I'm going to use that point if I ever get pulled over once I've installed my pillar mount!!

I had a taxi driver behind me this morning almost run up my behind about three times because he was too busy playing around with his computer mounted on the dash right in front of him!! Don't know how he can say that is not in his line of vision!!!! :(

Good to hear that someone is willing to make a bit of a stand on this, as its becoming a bit of a joke

Did you konw that cops have a book about defectable stuff for cars, and it has a whole scection on imported cars, what to look for, stock ride heights etc. It even tells the cops to look in the ashtray and on the strut tower area for boost controllers and turbo timers, what a bov is and looks like, stock front and rear track widths - everything!!!

Also, me and a few mates were having a chat with Martin Donnon at this years Autosalon, it was just after James from D1 had his car defected by mail after appearing in HPI, he told us that there is a traffic cop that has recentley moved from WA to here, and used to be into Skylines, and being a traffic cop he was pulling people over and lifting the bonnet stuff and defecting the really detailed stuff - like he'd see a Z32 AFM, and then pull out the kick panel to find your PowerFC, defect you for that, then look for boost controllers, adjustable suspension parts, adjustable castor rods - everything he could he'd defect people for - a real defect Nazi!!

But it would be great if we could get some real action about this, I hope you stick with it Steve

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