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Regency Experiences


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Interesting thread! I'm hoping to get a BNR32 '89 in under the 15 year rule and would like to see what the outcome of this investigation would bring out.

I would also like to know if I would need to return my car to stock or not? Mod details below:


Coilovers (unsure of brand at the moment)

Exhaust (looks smallish, close to stock)

18inc Blitz Rims (Not sure of tyres at the moment)

Car will not come in till January but would like to find all relevant information or else I wont be able to drive it ASAP =)

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Bringing it back to stock would be hard to do because I wont have any stock parts. I'm bringing it in though UPImports in Victoria.

BTW: anyone know if I get it registered in Victoria for a year, wether or not I'd need to take it through Regency when I get it registered in SA?

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Please explain - recently read that police are out there to crack down on vehicles with >90DB sound. But why is it that there are still sooo many noisy (even I jump at the sound) Harley's out there? You can hear those two wheelies from a mile away!!

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I agree SA has nazi cops. Coppers wont generally pull you over for the fun of it - i said generally. You need to be either boosting hard, screeching wheels, dragging etc to get pulled over. Then you may just get a ticket, or if your a smart ass, you'd get defected for something. Either way, if a cop wants to, he can defect a brand new car if he wanted to.

I totally agree that cops are there to do a job, but nazi cops who defect imports for fun piss me off. Really, why not defect old datsun 180's virtually rusted to pieces or diesel cars blowing more spoke than a 9-second drag car doing a huge burnout!!!

Just to prove a point about cop intelligence, when my car was complied, it was passed with Intercooler, HKS pod filter, and Factory BOV. All turbo timers, boost controllers, dash mounted gauges, suspension and exhaust were removed. SO at least I know my I/c is legal. Anyway, my uncle is going with this cop chick, and she likes cars. So I went round to their house in my R33 GTS-t. She loved it, really, as a normal person would. I started talking about cars and I said to her..."What makes you cops pull someone over?" Here is her reply....."Well, if your doing something stupid, we will pull you over. If you have a car loaded with stickers, you look young and suspicous, we will pull you over. If you have a hat on, and its turned backwards, we will pull you over. If we hear a BOV go off, we will pull you over" She then asked me if I had a BOV, I said no. She for a laugh asked me to rev it up, and she heard the Pschhhhh noise! She said thats a BOV. I then said to her where is it? She said she didn't know and didn't need to know and all she needs to do is defect me on that.

We then had a cup of coffee and I actually explained what a BOV is. I said it vents excess turbine pressure when the throttle is closed, to prevent butterfly and turbo damage. Once she understood that I then explained where they are located. I also explained that my blow of valve is actually a factory standard valve (passed by ADR) and it vents the gas back into the intake, and thus not to atmosphere (Thus falling under ADR rules). She then asked how do I tell a Aftermarket valve. To answer her, I showed her pics of a/market valves and mentioned they come in all funky colors etc. She is now educated on BOV's, but unfortunately, you will still get a Defect notice and will have to sort it out with regency anyway.

But apparantly once your car goes to regency for a BOV, even if its cleared, whilst they are there they will go over it completely with a tootchcomb, so you may never see your car again!

It sucks I know.

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Has anyone looked at the Road Traffic Regulations here?

I can understand wheel/rim diameters but what does "track" must not exceed 25mm mean? I understand that your car must pass ADR's as well as conform to the Road Regulations as well.

The thing is this document is missing the diagrams relating ride height and I dont know if my car will pass Regency due to ride height.

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Boost king is right..

We have all been defected.. you just have to look suspicious to get pulled over.. the boys in blue dont even have to know what type of car you have, but as soon as the defect book comes out and you get marked for "full regency inspection" its all over boys and girls...

A while ago Missnismo started a petition about modified cars not being a crime etc etc


Im not sure how far it actually went, but its along the same lines as what you guys are trying to achieve. Im sure the 270 signatures gathered may help in some way, just make sure it doesn't fall on deaf ears...

I sort of feel like the only way you are going to get the system of regulations and ADR's properly looked at is if there is a full investigation conducted... there has to be a problem with road safety for it to be initiated.. but im sure raising revenue for our poxy Government is far more important to some..

Just a thought...

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ecenshu i think i know who u are :) ...

anyways law is a crock of shit ... my gf is a lawyer so i know LOL ... but its just how it works ... i dont' be so sure about anything dotars says either ... there are many laws that differ state and national ... eg window tint i know is definitely different.

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ecenshu, I THINK "track" is the distance from the center of the left tyre to the center of the right tyre.

[_] [_]


The reason for limiting changes in track are to do with the loads on the stub axles. ie if you go much wider in track, the forces it exertas on the stub axle under load will be greater.

[____] [____]


This dosnt mean you cant increase the width of tyres though, just that they need to increase both in towards the center of the car and out towards the gards in the same proportions (think pro stock style with tubs) which may involve modifying the inner guard.

[___] [___]


PS hope my artwork helps explain my poor description

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ecenshu, the track is I believe, the with between the centre line of the rear wheels, so it means you cant put on wheels that are so dished (with an offset) that they will move the width out greater than 25mm. Hope that makes sense.

EDIT: What 4 door said:)

Those road traffic regs are way too basic, has anybody seen anything on there about bovs or turbo timers or boost controllers or turbos? This is the whole crux of the issue, without current accurate regulations being freely available, how can anybody comply with the policy.

I found out more interesting things today:

Any change in regulations, or policy regarding enforcement of those policies, it would appear need to be passed through parliament - this tells me that either regency have a 'cart blanc' from the govt, or they are very, very naughty.

Also, under the freedom of information act, all govt regulations and acts MUST be made freely available to the public - govt depts are not allowed to refuse access to these documents (as regency have done)

AG office news:

it would appear that with signed declarations or statements signed - the responsible departments MUST conduct an enquiry.

But I was told, the more statements, and especially if people are willing to sign a declaration or sign a statement and say that it is the truth and they are willing to make such a statement in a court of law. That this would make it very difficult to be brushed under the carpet.

I am actually thinking of hitting the premiers office at the same time now too.

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Defecting cars is one topic that really sh%ts me. The reason i'm told by those in charge for defecting cars is to stop unroadworthy or dangerous cars being on the road. What a load of crap, how many accidents are caused by having better brakes than standard. I know people that clapped out dungas who's brakes are suspect at the best of times. People that drive modified cars spend way more money maintaining their cars than the average person. A perfect example of cops and regency abusing their power is what happened to a friend of mine.

He drives a 77 MK 2 Escort. Its a very nice car 16 inch mags, nice paint job, mild motor etc etc. Anyway he gets pulled over by a cop because he thinks the exhuast looks to big and must be to loud. The cop goes all over his car. Pulling out the measuring tape and busting him for being 5mm too low. The best one though was defected for having no Tacho. I'm not kidding, he showed me the defect notice. It's a 77 Escort it never had a tacho even from new.

But wait it gets better. While at regency he got done for all sorts of little things, oil leaks, horn does not work, crap like that. The best one your going to love. He was issued a defect for his indicators flashing too quickly. How is that possibly a safty hazard? So he had to get a different flasher can. All the repairs cost about $2000. Another friend had a Corona with adjustable suspension,big wheels, exhaust and a few other things. Anyway he got defected and in the end had to take EVERY thing off.

I would like to see how many accidents are caused directly by modifications. I bet its very, very low. Much lower than accidents caused by morons who dont pay attention while they drive and yet they don't get hassled by cops.

I really hope you get somewhere with this Steve, Good luck.

Ban low performance drivers not high performance cars.

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  • 4 weeks later...

And then I will move to Queensland, where you can fit any size turbo to a car that came with one from the manufacturer, and it is legal to have a PowerFC as long as you can pass a 2 gas analyser test - and you dont even need a permit or engineers report.

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