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you can import JZZ30, JZZ31, UZZ30, UZZ31, UZZ32.

why not actually call the people who comply them and ask them for a price. it's no use asking internet forum users. I can tell you I reckon compliance costs $38 but when you ring a shop and say I want my $38 compliance they will most likely tell you that you're about $3000 short....


and the only ones I'd bother with would be a late 90s model single turbo 1JZ manual version, or a really neat UZZ32 if you can find one (I'd say near impossible now).

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Hi Mate

Beer Baron is spot on - only the late model cars or the UZZ32 are worth worrying about importing now. The early model ones cost more in compliance as any Soarer pre 94 needs new seatbelts, something about the early ones not being UV stable. Costs a small fortune and you'd probably find the same car here $2-3k cheaper than you can import one for. Also the V8 models cost extra because they need a very expensive cat converter for compliance.

Shop hard locally and you'll get a very nice car at a ridiculously good price - the Soarer has to be one of the bargain cars around now as you get so much for your money and not much really goes wrong with them. The dashes get blinky and the door and window trims crack. The LCD aircon controls often fade and the control arm bushes last til around 120k before the front end starts to feel sloppy. The majority of these issues were fixed in the post 96 models which is another tick in the late model box :thumbsup:

A friend recently asked me to import a Soarer for his wife, I hopped on carsales and found a clean 97 model JZZ31 (2JZ non turbo) for $7900. Leather, sunroof and in great shape. The best I could find to import him one of similar spec would have been around $8500-9000 landed and complied - so it was more expensive and he'd have had to wait 2 months to get it here, get it through compliance etc :)

Importing isn't always the best way to get a good car, particularly on the models that are quite prolific in Oz now, like Silvias, R33 GTS-T and Soarers.

Hope this helps :blush:

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i hardly see them ever, i've been looking on the net lately at the 99/2000 soarer because ...it's in my budget of what i actually do wanna spend.. sooo.. how much does compliance cost for these? surely it's not around the 3 grand mark these days...


is the 99/2000 models eligable for import? i remember hearing once that they aren't :S

also what seperates the 2000 model from say a 1992 model?


my mum has a soarer and i've fallen in love with hers!

how much is compliance? (generally)

i remember when i was looking at an F50 / V35 i was going on the basis of "car cost + 10K / 12K"

anyone want to assist?

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I have a very rare black-on-black factory manual and torsen LSD Soarer for sale. Also comes with a warranty. Link below.


There is a group buy happening for the Auto Couture bodykits (same as on the car you posted), limited run will be available and then the mould destroyed to maintain exclusitivty in Oz.

My car + that kit would look like this... :happy:




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  • 4 months later...

Kristian - hi

Me still want Soarer. i have decided not to get a jzx110 cos they're just too dicey with electric repairs and - flatly ... they're out of my budget...

i took everyone's advice and shopped around locally, and have been stuffed around a bit too much.. i forgot how annoying it is shopping locally - "rare 1991 soarer twin turbo" =| and have come to the conclusion.. that there are no good soarers in australia. well maybe two - but i missed out on them cos they sold the day they were posted...

don't get me wrong - you guys are right ..soarers are in abundance here. but i don't want some glitter house ov kandy flip pearl baby blue with green kustom leather interior and altezza headlights with tv screens in the mag wheels.

"what i want"... is - late model, 1998 - 2000 build 1J vvti. auto or manual doesn't matter - i reiterate - i do not care if it's auto or manual. i want kilometres below 100k. what that denotes i don't care and even the 100K km limit is lenient.

i want black or white. no crazy colours! and a nice interior..

that's all

Just a nice late model soarer black or white under 100km. transmission is not an issue

i go to bali on the 22nd until the 9th jan so it's upto you if you think it's a good idea to search around during this time, but im going to get a soarer and i'm seriously considering importing because i'm simply tired of pulling teeth and chasing up sellers who are not really wanting to sell their cars...

i DO have one lead but he's proving to be more of a headache than it's worth - good bloke just stuffing me around


ballpark figure landed n complied - how much am i looking at - let me know and we'll take it from there

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lol yes I'm reading, and the other guys are correct about the prices of the earlier local ones :) If you want a nice late model one, then it probably still makes sense to look overseas.

Send me an email if you want to talk about it :down:

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your FACE is popular in japan.

hmm - that i did not know... i would've thoguht there were more soarers sateside or aus than there was in japan! i don't see how japan could have any left with the amount WE seem to have...


i seem to have a very mixed up view of japan - i thoguht that japan was "done" with muscular cars and coupe's and had shifted their main attention over to box vans =/

i ehard that food n bev is cheaper than it is in perth... then i hear that brekky can cost over 90 bucks

guess one day i'll have to visit and se what all fuss is about

EDIT: DAMMIT WILLIE this thread is SUPPOSED to be about me importing a soarer from japan don't come into my thread and start talking about japanese breakfast GOD im trying to have a mature discussion here.

Edited by Mr Eps
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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree when my bro was car shopping we drove everywhere looking at mid 90's soarers which looked good in the pictures, to get there and they had all the signs of wear soarers are known for, cracked door trims sagging doors climate control not working, leather all f***d.....test drove a few and they are heavy barges! id stay away from them haha, he ended up spending abit more and getting a jzx100 chaser.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah nah im not going to be a sad soarer owner :woot: im looking forward to it, currently though im in bali :D

will be purchsing upon returning to aus... pending a trip to singapore

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Soarers are such a timeless and great all round car, there's just no better value IMO; you won't regret it Eps. Never met an unhappy Soarer owner.

Obviously haven't met any who've had TEMS fail on them then :P

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You're a smart man Mr Eps, do what I didn't and import a late model, low km, 1J Soarer. They seem to be awesome cruisers and that engine is tuff. Great choice and good luck!

I know when I was looking at Soarers it is very hard to find one you like.

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Obviously haven't met any who've had TEMS fail on them then :(

Word. replacing 2 or 3 or 4 f**ked airbag assembleys is $$$$$ cha ching! hence why I bought an active which not only has 100X better hydraulic suspension but it's also cheap and easy to rebuild. :P either that or get one with conventional coil-over suspension, sure it's not exactly awesome but at least it's cheap to change/fix/replace.

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ok so - realistically hate to sound rude but nobody's really answered my question! most 97+ soarers in aus are asking about 17-20K

am i going to save money off this price by importing? if so approximately how much?

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