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hey gus, taken this off NS.com, think its something we should all get behind, everyones favourite drift commentator racin jason has come up with a very well written letter to pass onto our wonderful politicians to try and open their eyes. There is 3 email addresses to forward this too, please take the time to forward to at least one of the addresses or do as i did and forward it to all 3!

Here are the email addresses to send to,

[email protected]

Isobel Redmond - Leader of the Opposition (Liberal)

Contact details;

10/14 Druids Avenue

Stirling SA 5152

email: [email protected]

Steven Griffiths Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Liberal)

Shadow Minister for:

Shadow Treasurer

Shadow Minister for Federal/State Relations

Shadow Minister for Government Enterprises


51 Robert Street


email: [email protected]

And here is a copy of the letter to send, just add your name at the bottom,

Dear Isobel and Steven,

I watched with pleasure at the A Current Affair segment covering 'Hoon Driving' compiled by Kelly Klappis which aired on Channel 9 6:30pm Tuesday 4/8/09. This story adequately represented the REAL problem on our street, and highlighted the immense omission the current Rann Government is overlooking when tackling the problem of street racing and related deaths on our streets.

You may not know, but Adelaide is desperately needing a legal, readily accessible off street racing facility. We celebrate Clipsal 500, we applaude the Classic Adelaide....but for nearly 10 years the nearest tangible facility to legally drive in a spirited manner is some 1 hour north of the city at Mallala. Adelaide International Raceway has ceased mainstream public opportunities for 10 years, and the nearest CAMS sanctioned drag strip is over 7 hours away in Victoria.

An independent Adelaide consortium has 25 million dollars waiting to construct a new multi-motorsport facility, but talks with the Rann Government over land allocation have stalled/ceased. The Rann Government has openly stated it will not support the construction of a new facility, denying the consortium the ability to offer an alternative avenue to street racers....denying the opportunity to assist in reducing the South Australian road toll. The Rann Government would rather fine, crush and penalise modified vehicle owners. If a new venue saved one life.......this would be worth more than 1000 crushed cars, or millions of dollars in speed camera revenue.

As the Opposition, please investigate these claims, please action the public’s desire for a new venue. The automotive industry in SA is massive, and like a big River Gum tree, it's roots and branches spread far and wide. You can be assured a public show of support from the Liberal Party on this matter will generate not only support for your party....but a huge voter swing come election time in 2010.

As much as the Rann Government deny it, the hoon problem on our streets is a POLITICAL ISSUE, and a new venue is a viable way to help reduce the problem. Support us......and we will support you.

Yours truly,

And for those who missed the a current affair report, here is the link to it below, still havnt figured out how to embed on here so if someone knows feel free to do so.


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Dont get me wrong the petition is an awesome idea but why not sign one that has already been started!!!!

They are out there!



I think emailing that letter to your local member would also be a fantastic idea and would be nice if it really happened! It's only 5 minutes of everyones time to try and make a difference!

  • 2 weeks later...

Just got a reply from Isobel Redmonds office:

Dear Damien Hill,

Thank you for your email regarding the A Current Affair segment covering road safety and in particular 'hoon driving'.

This is an area in which Isobel Redmond MP has had considerable involvement having served as the local government representative on the State’s Road Safety Advisory Council for some 10 years.

The recent spike in our road toll is of concern to everyone, particularly when we see the tragic loss of young lives as a consequence of momentary inattention or a foolish lapse of judgement.

Whilst 'hoon driving' legislation enables SAPOL to clamp or seize vehicles, that obviously cannot provide the whole answer: better driver education, skills courses, a new multi-motorsport facility and further restrictions on inexperienced drivers have all been proposed.

The Liberal Opposition is considering all options.

Yours faithfully

The Heysen Electorate Office Team

Ph: 8339 5077

Fax: 8339 6817

^^ Awesome! At least they are considering this possibility....... which is more than can be said by the current group of politicians whom all have their head up their ass!

I guess we don't know what they are 'actually' planning on doing, i mean they could tell us anything really, all we can do is hope they get into office next election as they are our best hope in obtaining a grant for this motorsport complex!

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