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Hmmm, seeing as I think it was 3 days we actually lost, and who knows how many posts went up into the ether.. i decree that henceforce we need to decide upon a name to celebrate the loss of SAU time and data that just "disappeared" in such a tragic loss.. just like 9/11, the titanic...and that time when I dropped a whole 700ml bottle of Vodka, and other great tragedies of our time.

How about "The Big Post Holocaust" or TBPH for short?

Other Suggestions?? :)

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I am putting together an international terrorist taskforce to uncover the goings on over the last few days...

We have credible information something extrememly geeky went wrong and many of us were affected...

As a courtesy to the posts lost and their families I ask that respect is shown when talking about this malicious loss...

Should you have any information relating to this unforgivable terrorist act, please call the taskforce.

Well a month called Mercedonius was invented by the romans when they found out that they were loosing time. Mercedonius was about 22 days long and as a result of this they ended up with one year that had 445 days. Later on in medieval times this was reversed as they didn't like the Julian Calendar system, causing many people around the world (bak then) to miss out on 22 days of their lives. farken mercidonius...

Funnily enough the greeks were adament they din wanna change back and they held on to this calendar system till 1923...

I'm now a dribbling mess.

My medical bills are going straight to the SAU admins.

Thats 15 hours of therapy @ 55 p/h inc. gst= $825

Prescriptions for:

Lithium = $85

Zanax = $67

Percodan = $78

Temazapam = $43

Nurofen = $10.45

Not to mention all the calls I made to phone sex lines because I was stressed.

135 calls = $1549.35

5 visits to The Boardroom

5 x 2 hours at $350 p/h = $3500. Hang on, I do that each week anyway so I won't bill SAU for that

Lets see, that all comes to:

$2657.78 in Therapy. anti-depressant phamaceuticals and phone relief.

I'll happily take a cheque.:D

Due to the loss of SAU over the last few days, I (like James) got so much more work done.

I actually left the office on time the last couple days.

I think we should call this time of loss "Productivity" :D

Dammit the thread bout my car is gone :)

So very glad that the short run of 'productivity' is over. I was talking to people, reading the paper - and even leaving the building at lunchtime!

I swear It'll never happen again.

Oh - Leewah, the unfortunate loss of your thread has beed remedied :D

Originally posted by Jamezilla

My productivity increased by about 400% while the site was down :)

Yeah for sure! I mean I actually had to look at our suppliers web sites and WORK instead or trawling these forums, it was hideous. I mean now I have customers who's jobs were completed over 3 times faster than usual and now I'm going to have them expecting this ALL the time, it's just not on! ROFL!!! :D

while sau was down i had an excuse to waste a few seconds at any time when i was at home, the excuse would simply be, 'ill pop to the comp and see if SAU is back up and running, because they might need help setting it up again'.... hmm, im such an idiot :ZAP::zap::zap::zap:

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