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Need Cams License And Sau Vic Membership!

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Hey guyz, Im a little stuck here, just came to know that there is a drift day on the 5th of september which i would like to participate in and for that i need a Cams license[ Not sure which one L2S or L2NS], i want the cams license that i can use for track days also like circuits, Where can i download the Cams form from??

And how many days does it take to get the membership.. And i even need to take SAU Vic membership as it is affiliated with cams and i know that it can take upto 15 days to get my SAU Vic membership, but can i like pay for the SAU membership and get my cams license in few days??

Any help would be appreciated... Thnx Guyz!!

Why do you ask if you get them in a few days - You have a few weeks, you have time to get both before September 5.

I recommend sending both applications off ASAFP though to make sure you have them :D

Go here and download a CAMS Level 2 Speed (L2S) form and send it off right away - http://cams.com.au/en/Development/Get%20In...ce%20Types.aspx

SAU Vic Membership Thread is a sticky at the top of the Victorian section - do this right away as well.

Hope this helps

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