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I was driving around today (in traffic) for about an hour ..went to the shops to buy some new coolant and got on my way ..then I noticed my factory oil pressure gauge (inside the dash cluster under the speedo) dropped to 1.4 or so .. and as I was watching it the needle kept dropping even further and settled at 1.

The engine at this point was fully warmed up and IDLE.

I was worried about what's happening so took it easy and didn't go over 3000 rpm (at which point the oil pressure needle was sitting at 2)

For the next 10 minutes or so whenever I had to stop due to traffic as soon as the car was idle, the pressure would drop down to 1. So I pulled over and opened the bonnet .. check the oil level and it seemed fine. Check to see if I'm leaking oil and nope ..nothing under the car. I did notice the oil on the dip stick looked light brown, I'm not sure if that's normal for this oild (Chrono 300V) So I let it sit for 10 mins or so and got in the car again and drove off.

At first the pressure now was around 1.2-1.4 (at idle) and few minutes later I look down again and now it's sitting at the usual 2 on idle.

What could this be a sign of ?? I've never seen the oil pressure drop below 2 in the 2 years that I've owned it. It's only a daily so only mild mods etc. Last oil change was about 2 months ago and Motul Chrono 300V was put it. Now I'm worried about driving it hard (ie. above 3000 rpm) or listening to the radio for fear of missing some engine noise that could be a precussor to a bigger bang.. and I'm constantly staring at the bloody oil pressure needle like a hawk which is not the safest thing to be doing either.

Any ideas?

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Mine did that once.

Don't trust the stock gauge. Nissan oil senders are notoriously bad for it. Also the connectors get crap in em and give ramdomly low readings to.

If you are worried fit an aftermarket oil pressure sender and gauge, or test oil pressure at workshop.

I have and aftermarket oil temp and oil pressure gauge.


lol dennis, i had the same problem man.

i just thought it was just the gay stock sender as the car still drives fine, does it with fresh oil even just 1 day or 20 days old.

im putting in aftermarket oil press gauge in a few wks time so see if it reads differently.

yeah could be just the stock sender ... but who knows, it could be a sign of more serious trouble coming my way. I just recently installed new gauges replacing the stockies but didn't get an oul pressure one as it seemed like too much of a hassle at the time. So yeah, I've got nowhere to put an aftermarket one now unless I get one of those A pillar holders ..but those things are massive cop bait so yeah, not sure what to do :down:

And for all the whingers above I DID search and read for an hour or 2 .. it's usually always the same rah-rah-rah "your factory sendor is probably broken" rah rah rah (see above ;D ) I don't know, it could be ..but I don't like leaving things to chance... but I suppose there's not much else I can do.

Besides it's now back to normal (sits at 2 when warmed up and idle) so not to sure what to make of that drop today ..

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