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I am amazed at the number of cop-related threads in the SA section.

I've just moved back to Adelaide after living in Brisbane for the past 18 months and the difference couldn't get any more extreme. In Brisbane you'd be lucky (?) to see a cop car on the road - there are so few around. This also includes speed cameras etc. They do have lots of undercover police cars but still nowhere near as many police on the road vs the number of other drivers.

Driving in Adelaide again I've now become aware of just how many cops there are here. You cant drive more than 5km without seeing a police car. Now I dont mean to discriminate or anything, I've been an SA driver for most of my driving life myself, but you'd think with this many police around the traffic would be perfect, but its actually the opposite. There are far less "hoons" (for want of a better word) on Brisbane roads than here. I have no idea why that is...its just an observation.

Maybe people from other states have noticed this too?

Some theories I have are:

* Adelaide has more traffic lights and slower speed limits, creating more frustration in drivers. We become impatient and by the time we reach our destination the frustration can reach very high levels.

* shortage of legal motorsport venues - ie. legal drags, track day venues etc, and also motorsport events where enthusiasts can participate. I understand the hobby, and there are a lot of people who love working on a car project. Wouldn't it be a lot more rewarding if there was a place you could take that car and legally take it round a circuit or set 1/4 mile times etc? Instead the only option for many is to take these cars onto public roads. Yet the SA govt seems unwilling to go down this path - and many people i've spoken to feel that this would just create more "hoons" - even though evidence from other states appears to show the opposite.

What do you guys think? And try to keep it respectful. This isn't about bagging the police - most of whom are just trying to do their jobs (rightly or wrongly).

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Oh look another cop thread :D

Yeah your observations are spot on. Wb also that 18months went quick

You'll find a thread about the motorsport complex have a look and keep an eye on the official website because a peaceful protest is being planned lets show labour we mean business

Oh look another cop thread :banana:

+1 :D

I agree with you on the "frustration" part of driving. With so many slow zones and road works across Adelaide, its little wonder some people are getting angry behind the wheel. But at the end of the day, thats still not an excuse. I'm not aware of Sydney drivers at all to make a comparison with Adelaide, but we've seen some frightful accidents here lately involving imports. Whilst alot of us are sensible drivers, it doesn't change the fact that the media splash these stories across town and joe public demands the hoons are stopped.

It also doesn't help when traffic lights do not work in sequence with each other. How many times have you left a set of lights, only to catch the next lights on a red? ... regularly? Transport SA's job is to ensure the "free flow of traffic through effective traffic management", yet all I see is congestion due to poor traffic light planning.

I'm also of the opinion that the house boom some years ago enticed many people to sell their cars due to purchasing a house (and some people are doing that even now). This of course resulted in car clubs having low numbers, and even some clubs pulling up stumps (SVD was one) and the lower number of car clubs and club members meant less for car enthusiasts to do.

The push is on for a motorsport complex and it is moving forward ... slowly. I'm of the opinion that most people who want the complex, won't use it. Hence the reason why we should have it, to take the "we have nowhere to go" excuse away from the hoons. There will always be drivers hooning thru city streets and the hills, but at least they won't have an excuse for it. I do believe it will make a difference to driver courtesy, patience and the road toll. Give us a motorsport venue, and I'll sure be using it regularly. I miss drag racing :)

(It kinda sucks when you build a turbo/nitros-oxide fed drag bike, and they close AIR during the build) :D

Welcome back, and yep you are right... I was driving around the Gold Coast only a couple of weeks ago and we made exactly the same observation. It is so much more laid back up there!!

BTW you don't happen to drive the blue M35 with gold wheels??

agree, I was just had a cop right front of me and one on my tailpipe. only to see the one behind me flip on his lights come up on me and switch lanes to go after a beat up old pickup in the other lane. thank god..lol

ran the gauntlet and survived again..lol whew!!!

Gold coast or bust roadtrip , why would you move back here ??? lol

cops are just way to influenced apon the media. there is a demand coming from society to stop "hoons" cops have to protect society. no problem with that. but some cops believe they are above the law and go crazy with power - its expected with such a low pay and people who are power hungry. this is really the medias fault. they just nothing to write about so they focus on cars. give it a year or two n it will be about the shortage of duck signs on our roads and how they have no place to cross.

Yeah. I'm a lot more scared of the VN commie doing alittle skid the other night than the 3 masked men breaking into my house.

Just a little skid? these are people going out blind with hoonism to murder and mutilate the poor innocent general public!

gotta love the cops, they love defecting imports and not shit ass rusted cars out there =\


They should pull over more old cars then inports, old cars have wayy more rusted parts which can be harmful on the road . .

Edited by kb-r33

They should pull over more old cars then inports, old cars have wayy more rusted parts which can be harmful on the road . .

lots of imports are reaching the 20yo mark these days too... the difference is majority who drive them dont skimp on services or fixing parts when they have to be... otherwise our wallets get raped in the long run.

but yeh agree with rust buckets... seen a lot of banged up falcodores and smoking rusted sigmas cruise past cops with no consequence.

nah adelaide traffic is not too bad outside of peak hour

and peak hour is from 700 to 900am and 400 to 700pm

otherwise i thought traffic is pretty good

i used to drive from holdfast bay to ttg everyday during peak hour, and it took an hour and a half

but drive out side of these hours and it takes 45 mins

factor in the complete size difference in scale and population to brizzy and yeah you notice the difference

but once you get off the M1 from goldie to brisbane and in general traffic, there is no real difference.

you just have to find the green light corridoors in adelaide after peak times to find the best route

(claims based on north to east adelaide communtng to city on daily basis)

as far as cops, there are more undercover cops in standard cars in qld than you think, seen them in ss utes with "construction tools" bolted in the tray, honda accords, and hilux trd's!

the other day i saw a ford xr6 turbo ute with a for sale sticker on the back - inside were two officers!

Edited by 910trx
Welcome back, and yep you are right... I was driving around the Gold Coast only a couple of weeks ago and we made exactly the same observation. It is so much more laid back up there!!

BTW you don't happen to drive the blue M35 with gold wheels??

nope mine is silver (and 100% stock except the stereo). was at the gold coast a couple times in the last 6 months but thats about it. I tended to head up to the sunshine coast more even though I lived on the south side of the city...weird i know.

I disagree with the amount of hooning in brisbane, very close friend of mine raves on non stop of their meets over there and what they get upto... Far worse then anything I have seen happen here but he does say how fewer cops are about

I disagree with the amount of hooning in brisbane, very close friend of mine raves on non stop of their meets over there and what they get upto... Far worse then anything I have seen happen here but he does say how fewer cops are about

but it cant be.....they dont have ACC, RCK FCK, MCK WESTSIDE CAR CLUB....and other variances lol

they must be doing the whole tokyo dorifto for real

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